Training Week 207

By , October 6, 2013 5:35 pm

Highlight of the Week: All the doubles! Apparently, when presented with unexpected free time, I just do more workouts. 


Monday | September 30, 2013: teaching strength class
Strength: Kettlebell + step & boxing, Difficulty: medium, Felt: decent, until I bonked for the last set
Tuesday | October 1, 2013: 8.3 m run (w/Adam) + 5.7 m run
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 58°/58°, Time: 1:17:28, Pace: 9:20 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: good
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 72°/75°, Time: 57:08, Pace: 10:02 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: hot
Wednesday | October 2, 2013: 6 m run + 16.47 m ride (8.32 + 8.15)
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 52°/52°, Time: 1:00:40, Pace: 10:07 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: like stopping to take photos
Loc: To warehouse and back, Temp: 69°/72°, Pace: 12.6/12.9 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: exhilarated
Thursday | October 3, 2013: 6 m run (w/Terry, Pete & Adam) + 7.5 m run (w/Bobbi)
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 60°/62°, Time: 59:28, Pace: 9:54 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good/annoyed by bathroom issues
Loc: McDonald Woods FP + Millennium Trail, Temp: 68°/68°, Time: 1:14:22, Pace: 9:55 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good

Friday | October 4, 2013: teaching strength class + 19 m run
Strength: Kettlbell + step & boxing, Difficulty: easy, Felt: peppy
Loc: Around town, Temp: 66°/69°, Time: 3:19:17, Pace: 10:29, Difficulty: medium, Felt: okay, but SO ready for cold weather!
Saturday | October 5, 2013: 7.6 m run (w/Emily)
Loc: Nippersink FP, Temp: 62°/65°, Time: 1:19:11, Pace: 10:25 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good (still sick of the humidity, tho!)
Sunday | October 6, 2013: spectating MKE Marathon (w/Bobbi and Chris) + 6 m run (middle 3.1 w/Jen2)
Loc: hood, Temp: 59°/57°, Time: 1:11:33, Pace: 11:55 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great, loved the cool temps!


  • After rolling my ankle so badly last Sunday, I thought for sure I would have some issues with it this week. Nope! It did swell, and feel a bit tender to the touch the day I hurt it, but other than feeling funky if I twist it a wrong way… it feels fine. No pain AT ALL. Which is good because I was off work all week and would have lost my mind if I couldn’t work out. 
  • And workout I did. Lots of runs. Lots of runs with friends! And! I have a new weekly high mileage – 66.1 (too bad I don’t count Sunday – Saturday, then it would be 78.6!). For my own records, I am going to note that is my third 60 mile week of the year (#1 was 60, #2 was 61.2).
  • I was going to take a rest day on Sunday, but I had some unplanned free solo time in the afternoon and the weather was so nice and Jen2 said she could run… so, yeah. Maybe I will take a rest day when the government shutdown is over. 
  • I did rest from running on Monday, which turned out to be a good thing. I had planned to run before class, but the class ended up being so intense… I bonked it. Like, ran out of electrolytes. Got dizzy. Light-headed. In my own class. Sigh. Luckily it was during the last set. I had a GU and immediately felt better. 
  • I spectated the Milwaukee Marathon this morning with Bobbi and Chris. We knew a lot of people running it, and it’s just fun to get out there and support our fellow runners! We handed out twizzlers and pretzels. We got some really funny responses! Well, lots of thank yous (which was nice), but then “I love you!,” “You’re my hero!,” “You’re a life saver!” Ha ha. One guy said “I thought you were handing out condoms.” Um… sorry to disappoint? I said back, “What do you expect to do in the next 6 miles?”
  • Lots of fun plans for next week! I have two races on Saturday, I get to run a 10 miler with my brother-in-law, Andrew, on Sunday, and depending on how long the government shutdown lasts, I may have another new weekly high mileage!

21 Responses to “Training Week 207”

  1. Michelle says:

    TWO races on Saturday? Which ones? I am doing the Prairie state half, which I know is closer to you I believe?

  2. I wish I knew you were going to the race this morning! I was there too! It definitely reignited my desire to do another marathon. I got to the finish in time to see the first place guy come in before running to mile 22 to cheer on some peeps. I then had to hightail it back to the finish before they crossed the line. Fun morning! Also, you have some serious guns in your Monday photo. Nice!

    • kilax says:

      Ahh, man! I should have said something! It would have been nice to see you! Isn’t it a great race? I ran it in 2011 and love the course.

      Thanks! 😀

  3. Michel says:

    At least you had better comments today then you did at Fox Valley!!

  4. Xaarlin says:

    Did you have a sign for MKE? Or did you just have food? Seemed like the runners responded better 🙂
    (They just don’t know the importance of CB)

    Nice mileage! I’m going to try to break 60 this week too for a mileage PR. You’ve inspired me to run all the miles this week. Especially since I’ve run like 25 miles total the past 2 weeks. I’m getting fluffy 🙁

    • kilax says:

      No sign! Well, Bobbi had a cute twizzlers sign! But, just food. LOL. I should’ve brought CB to eff with them.

      Thanks! You can do it! Just leave some in the tank for Chi! LOL. You. Fluffy?! Riiiight 😉

  5. Your love of running is enviable. I’m so impressed not only with how much you run, but also how much you love to run. Many days I’m forcing myself out the door. How do you do it?

    • kilax says:

      Aww, thanks! LOL. Well, since I am never following a plan, that just makes me want to run more. Once I am trying to do certain things on certain days I get turned off. Isn’t that weird? But, I also have a ton of running friends and it’s a great way to catch up! 🙂

  6. Pete B says:

    I love doubles too! I used to workout in the morning and was happy with that. Now, I feel the need to workout a second time at lunch. What’s next triples? 🙂

  7. Erin says:

    When I handed out Red Vines at the Allstate half last year people said similar things! Runners must really love their red licorice (I personally hate it so I don’t get the appeal).

  8. And I thought I was a bit off the hook this week with Run for the Hills half on Saturday and Run10Feed10 10K on Sunday. I am doing Prairie State at marathon pace as part of my last long run for NYC, so I will see you there! My highest mileage week this year is 51.4. I usually have one in the high 50s.

  9. You are an animal. I hope the feds are saving up to buy you some new shoes! I hope you are doing well during the shutdown. I’d probably running half as much and eating double as you. Oh, and have fun this weekend!

    • kilax says:

      Buah ha ha! Sigh. I better look for a deal on shoes soon. Last time I stocked up they were $55 a pair. Should have bought more than three.

      Do you have a second 20 three weeks out then a three week taper?

      Excited for Thursday?!

  10. Declan says:

    Holy cow! Almost 80 miles in a fun week? You go girl
    I saw that now everyone will get back pay, once they approve stuff. Man, I want to go home now.

  11. Kristina says:

    Wow – amazing mileage! I get summers off, and I can promise you that I’m not doing anything like you are! Glad that your ankle recovered so quickly. Great retort on your part to the guy who asked about condoms! Too funny.

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