The numbers

By , October 17, 2013 6:06 am

You guys heard the good news, right?! A temporary agreement has been made, and the government is back open… for awhile, hee hee. So! I am back at work and feeling useful again! Woo hoo!

I thought it would be funny* to share my personal government shutdown numbers. You know, basically, what I was up to, while I was off work** for just over two weeks.

Overall theme of the shutdown? Good for the waistline, bad for the spirit. Also, I learned that I despise sitting by my computer, when I am not working. And I was surprised how many people didn’t realize I work for the federal government.

Do you feel like the shutdown affected you?

The numbers:

Marathons spectated: 1


Races run: 2


Races registered for: 1


Miles run: 145.6

Runs with friends: at least 14

Doubles (2+ workouts of any type in one day): 8

Real rest days: 1

Walks with Steven: 3

Bike rides: 3


New trails explored: 1


Number of times worked at Essential Fitness: 7

Houseguests: 1


Random visit from favorite second cousins: 2 (well, the first was random, the second was planned)

Ate at El Famous: 2

Ate at Red Robin: 2


Ate out: probably more than I should have, but…


Weight lost: 2.59%

Glass paperweights made: 2


Movies seen in the theater: 2


TV series watched on Netflix: 1

Books started to read: 1

Photos taken of Data: 107


Halloween Costumes decided on: 0

Amount of house cleaned: 15% (that’s being generous)

New recipes made: 2


Snake pictures text to Erin: 2


Whiny texts sent to Bobbi: can’t count that high

Naps taken: not enough

Helped at warehouse: not enough


*that part of the post is not meant to be serious
**Not on vacation

27 Responses to “The numbers”

  1. Michel says:

    Is that a tofu chinese meal? I know you don’t eat meat unless…you’ve converted? I’m glad the furlough is finally over. I’ve read to many stories of to many people suffering because of what was going on.

  2. LOVE this list! Especially photos of Data – ha ha ha. That is a lot of miles and workouts. Also love that you do weight loss in % – that is pretty great! Work is going to seem pretty easy after those 16 days!

    • kilax says:

      Can you believe the Data photo # was so low? Ha ha ha 🙂

      I think % works a lot better for still sharing but not so much comparing 🙂

      I was nervous I wouldn’t remember what I was working on and silly things, like how to turn on VPN. LOL! All good though. 😉

      You racing this weekend? DPRT 50 miler?! 😛

      • 50 miler?! maybe next year 😉 I am in taper mode. I am doing the Title 9K though b/c a) it will be a PR (new distance) and b) TONS OF LOOT! 🙂

        How to turn on VPN? I worked in my office a few days this week – more like – how to get ready and out the door in a reasonable amount of time!

  3. Count me among the people who did not know you worked for the Feds. It was probably better I didn’t know … j/k. It goes back to that post or posts you’ve did/done about talking to someone but not getting into things like work. If you want to know where I work, it’s … google it. Not hard. Ha!

    Way to beat the furlough and not let it beat you. And glad you are back to work. Maybe I can have a chance now to catch up to your mileage!

  4. Marcia says:

    Looks like you’ve been very productive! And a nap AT the warehouse. That counts for a ton! Yay for Soldier Field 10-miler!

  5. That is cool it had a good effect on your waistline! I am one of those people who had no idea you work for the government. It didn’t affect me personally except to make me angry. I have political opinions (which I will keep to myself) and this whole thing irritated me.

    • kilax says:

      I didn’t expect most blogger friends to know! But my family and close friends? LOL.

      I would be surprised if there was someone it did not irritate!

  6. Anne says:

    Wow, you’ve been busy! I feel like we’ve barely talked during the shutdown – apparently you don’t want to sit at your computer sending endless emails all day when you’re not working? 🙂

    Your Red Robin & El Famous numbers seem lower than I would have expected. Are you planning to review that obviously awesome series you watched on Netflix???

    And you’re doing SF10? Cool! I really enjoyed that one last year (and every race Fleet Feet puts on, really), so I’ll probably do it again.

    • kilax says:

      How strange, right? What is wrong with me? I did miss my long email chains with friends 🙂

      Ha ha ha. I have no idea what I would say about the series. I didn’t pay as close attn as I should have!

      Yeah! I am excited to do SF! I have heard such great things! AND! Gina is coming to do it!

  7. Heather says:

    Ha, you sure took advantage of the shutdown! I give you credit – I probably would have slept for the majority of the time. 🙂

  8. Rachel says:

    DARTH VADER CAME TO VISIT???????? So jealous. 😉

    I’m sad for Data that you ran more miles than there were pictures taken of him. Kind of unacceptable as a cat mom.

    Annnnd now I’m hungry and all I can think about is Red Robin. Yum!!!

    • kilax says:

      Dude, isn’t that hoodie F*CKING awesome?! I should have had Andrew wear the hood with it. I mean, Vader.

      I knew there was a reason the # was too low. I just couldn’t figure it out 🙁 Wah.

      Let’s go to RR! ToNIGHT!

  9. Linda says:

    You missed the “naps taken while working in the warehouse” . . . or at least it looks like you were napping while working on boxes!!!
    It sounds like you were very productive during the furlough! But in my opinion you always seem pretty productive!!!

    • kilax says:

      I was sad when Steven threw away my box “nap pile.” Ha ha. That pic is actually from when we moved in in September 🙂

      Aww, thanks 😉

  10. Erin says:

    You ran 145.6 miles in 16 days??? I think my legs just fell off reading that. I am impressed!

    At least you don’t have 8 million emails to return to, right? Or did you?

    • kilax says:

      Yeah! Well, 14 days, since I took the last two Wednesdays off from running. Thanks!

      Nope! That was the nice thing – no emails! No emails allowed.

  11. Wow, I am seriously impressed by how much you got done in the past 2 weeks! I would be the same way. But you knew that. 😉

  12. Kayla says:

    Looks like you’ve been busy the last couple weeks, but glad for you that the shutdown is over and you can go back to work! :)SF is a great race! You’ll have fun

  13. Kandi says:

    Wow! You sure did a lot while you were off. I managed to do a decent amount but I’m not sure I can remember it all to put it in a format like this. Oh, and the shutdown definitely affected me since I was off too. I did manage a long bike ride, several runs, a 15k race, 2 hikes, 5(ish) kayak trips, some house cleaning, read a book, walked dogs, etc. Glad to be back to work though.

  14. kapgar says:

    So you actually work for the federal government or you’re contracted out to them by the company you really work for? I work in municipal government.

  15. Mica says:

    Ha those are great numbers! (I want snake texts, aha!!!) Reading about your trips to El Famous and Red Robin made me want a burrito and fries right now! (AND You managed to lose weight?? Awesome!)

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! I will start sending you my random wildlife texts too!

      AHHH! COME BACK! Let’s go to El Famous!!!! Ha ha ha. Now that I am back to sitting on my arse most of the day… not as much weight loss. I should really work standing up!

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