Random Thoughts Thursday 51

By , October 10, 2013 6:45 am
  • This is my eighth day off of work because of the government shutdown. Back pay has been approved for federal employees, which is great. And it’s not like I am going to go back to hundreds of emails or anything*. But the not knowing when I will go back is getting to me. I hate not knowing. I am not sleeping well and am constantly checking my news feed. 
  • So I have been trying to keep a regular schedule while I am off work, meaning I still get up early to go on runs. The only difference is that I come home, clean up, and take a nap right away (instead of later in the day). I could get used to this. 
  • My early morning running buddy, Adam, is training for a 50 miler on 10/19. My marathon isn’t until 11/10! Who is going to run with me after his race? Ha ha ha. He said he still would. It’s just funny, that after people run their fall marathons, they seem to drop off from the early morning runs. That is probably one of the things people look forward to the most to be “done with training”!


  • Steven and I went to Patterson Glass (my second time!) and made “large swirl” paperweights this Saturday, and picked up the finished product last night! It was fun to go together, and of course, Steven was naturally good at it! 


  • This article (pdf here) about how cheating makes people feel is really interesting. Basically, when they don’t get caught, they get a rush/high from it! I thought the percentage of people who cheated in the tests they gave was kind of disturbing. 
  • Ha ha ha. I didn’t know a “fog bow” was a thing! But I actually saw one last week. Um, the one in this link is much cooler though. 


Of course, this pic is from this day

  • It seemed like there was something else, but darn, what was it? Hopefully, for your sake, it won’t turn in to post #2 for the day!

*But I will have to figure out what to do with all the projects that are way off schedule. 

Other Random Thoughts Thursday Posts: 50, 49484746, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, XXXVII, XXXVI, XXXV, XXXIV, XXXIII, XXXII, XXXI, XXX, XXIX, XVIII, XXVII, XXVI, XXV, XXIV, XXIII, XXII, XXI, XX, XIX, XVIII, XVII, XVI, XV, XIV, XIII, XII, XI, X, IX, VIII, VII, VI, V, IV, III, II, I.

25 Responses to “Random Thoughts Thursday 51”

  1. kelsey says:

    omg you glass blow things are beautiful! you guys are both naturals!

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we could take a little nap everyday at work? I know I personally would be more productive if they allowed that…

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! 🙂

      Ha ha ha. At my last job, one guy would go in to the library and take a nap each day! Instead of being awesome though… it was weird 😉

  2. J says:

    A fog bow is so cool, I don’t think I have ever seen one though. I would run with your through the winter. i have no one to run with at 5am! unless i go to the gym 🙂

  3. Amy says:

    I am signing up for a Dec half marathon precisely so I do *not* stop running after my marathon. Then I can take a short winter running break.
    Take advantage of your time off work! I know it is disconcerting, but use it as an opportunity to get projects done you need to finish but have been putting off for a while.

    • kilax says:

      Good idea!!! I love always being in at least “half” shape! Makes me feel good. 🙂

      Sigh. I should be cleaning my house or something, but, meh. Instead, I am just working out a ton and reading.

  4. I really like your paperweights! Do you follow a specific plan when you are marathon training or do you do your own thing?

  5. In the city it feels like a lot of people have stopped waking up early to run. The path is pretty empty during the week. My guess is it’s taper-related for the Chicago marathon and it’ll be interesting to see what happens post-race.

    The cheating article is really interesting. I was just reading about a study done in the 1920’s with children about cheating and they found that most kids cheat but that it wasn’t necessarily related to the kids’ characteristics but it depended on the situation. Almost all kids cheated but they cheated differently on different tests.

    • kilax says:

      Yes! You will have to tell us how it all changes post race! I wonder if it will turn in to a ghost town.

      That is interesting! I wonder then how they analyzed which tests they decided to cheat on. Hmmm.

  6. Rachel says:

    I’m so sorry you are not sleeping well because of the shut down! That is so frustrating! Or are you worried about Data eating your face because of the salmon cutbacks? Is that the real problem?

    But seriously, I hope you can get some good sleep soon!

    Let me guess…the orange paperweight is yours? They both look awesome!

  7. Kristina says:

    As a teacher, getting the summer off is great at times but then there are those moments when I think “I need structure!”. I realize that these are completely different situations, so I don’t mean to be insensitive, but the lack of structure, while it sounds so appealing, is not! Hope that you hear something definitive soon.

    • kilax says:

      You are definitely NOT being insensitive, and that seems to be exactly it. I love the free time, yes, but I like to structure things and I feel like there are so many unknowns, that I can’t!

  8. Michele says:

    I love those paper weight thingys!!!

    I came home from my Tuesday running buddy run and took a 3 hour nap!!! THAT WAS AWESOME!! I keep thinking, “man if I was a pro, I’d get to do this ALL THE TIME!!!”

  9. Erin says:

    Your paperweight (I’m guessing the one on the right) is BEAUTIFUL! I love the colors!!!

    I’ve also never seen a fog bow. Too cool that you got a picture of one.

    I really hope they figure out when you guys can go back to work soon! I know it’s driving you crazy. It would do the same to me as well.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! 🙂 It was fun to go back!

      Me too. Ugh. There was an optimistic article about it today. They thought early or mid next week, the shutdown would be over.

  10. Declan says:

    We need a remake of double rainbow for double fog-bow!

    I’m looking forward to easy runs for awhile after the marathon in the morning and just heal up!

    Hang tight out there! Just keep calling our reps and say
    F U Pay me! I am!

  11. Heather says:

    Good for you for still keeping a schedule during this hard time – it’s not easy!!

  12. Marcia says:

    Ooooh the paperweights came out so pretty! The shutdown is insane. Maddening. Glad you’re making the most of it.
    Yes the early morning training is the first to go when a marathon is over for me too. Haha! It felt sort of decadent not ‘having’ to get out there at 5am this summer since there was no marathon. But I still did just cuz it gets so darn hot.

  13. Anne says:

    The cheating thing is weird – I’d feel so bad and be constantly worried that I’d somehow get caught. But then I guess I’d never cheat in the first place?

    I didn’t know you were having trouble sleeping and generally feeling bad about the shutdown. I think it’d be cool for a couple days, but I know I’d be going stir crazy after a while, and definitely be worried about all the work that needed to be done when I got back. I hope Congress gets it together soon.

  14. Kandi says:

    I thought they hadn’t officially approved back pay. The last I heard it was likely but the Senate is stalling on passing it since they want to work on the other issues first.
    I’ve been trying to make the most of this unexpected time off but I do wish I could go back to work. I haven’t been waking up early most days though (only to say goodbye to my husband as he leaves for work). I’m a natural morning person so it shouldn’t take me long to get back into the 5am club.

  15. martymankins says:

    Those paperweights look a lot like the tops of bike helmets.

  16. Mica says:

    Those paperweights are SO beautiful! Ah, I keep staring at the picture! I want to make one!!

    I read an article (like, in Seventeen, when I was, uh, seventeen) about girls who got addicted to shoplifting because of the rush/thrill they felt when they weren’t caught. Surprise, they got caught.

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