Random Thoughts Thursday 167

By , February 8, 2018 6:20 am
  • I’ve been writing a lot more weekend recaps than I used to. I like it! Thanks to Mica, with her “Last week, briefly” series, for the inspiration. We both recently discussed how we love having our blogs to document what we were up to at certain points in time (despite how cringe-worthy some of our earlier writing is!).
  • Christina gave me this decorative box (what do you call these?!?) for Christmas, and of course, I had to cheese it up with some snister pics!

  • I’m a fast talker, and am aware of it. I gave training twice this week and wanted to make sure I talked slow enough for people to understand, so I practiced at home (awkward) and brought this post it for my co-presenter to show me if I needed to slow down, ha! (He didn’t have to!) Also, I am so glad to have those done. I was dreading them (but we practiced a lot so they went well and we received compliments).

  • On January 30th and 31st, I got an offer to review RunLites (from a different person/company each day) and responded to both immediately that I’d like to try them cause I’d use them! Then… crickets. Ha, I suppose that is what I get for writing this!
  • I caught these two cuddling together again! Aww!

  • Thank you all for continuing to be kind, supportive, and understanding, as I’ve been a bit mopey lately. It means a lot to me.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 166

14 Responses to “Random Thoughts Thursday 167”

  1. Shelley B says:

    I’d read your review of Runlites, for real – I run in the dark for nearly all of my runs and keep thinking I need something like that, or Knucklelights…but I’m too cheap to invest in some without hearing from trusted sources that they actually help. So if you’re listening, Runlites, Kim is my trusted source!

    • kilax says:

      Hee hee, thanks, Shelley!

      I’ve been wearing flashing LED wristbands, but I already wear gloves, so I thought the 2-in-1 would be a nice option to try!!! (and less to remember to put on!)

  2. kathy says:

    Well done on the training. It is hard to not get caught up and talk too fast espec. if you are nervous.

    I’ve had people follow me on instagram and then try to sell me products straight away eugh so silly. I also hate blogs/instagrams that review (for money) every second post. It gets annoying. I’m so glad that you only review stuff you think you’d actually use and when you do its a review not just and ad.

    The cats are being extra cute!!

    • kilax says:


      Yeah, I don’t really care for those blogs and instagram posts, especially when they are ALL the time! It makes it seem like they will review ANYTHING! That is why I hardly ever review stuff, ha.

      I also had someone follow me on insta to try to sell me coaching services. Ha ha ha. Nope. Hard pass.

  3. Chaitali says:

    The cats are so cute! Though it looks like you’re getting the evil eye for disturbing their sleep 🙂

  4. I think one of the biggest things I like about blogging is having a fairly easy-to-access record of things that were going on at various points in my life. I keep a daily journal, so I have that, too, but it those don’t come with search functions 😛 Plus, I document different stuff on the blog than I do in my journal(like training recaps, for example), so it’s nice to have that at my fingertips.

    • kilax says:

      Exactly – it’s great for that. No Ctrl + F or search on a written journal, ha! That’s cool you still doing a daily journal!

  5. Courtney says:

    I miss reading your blog and am going to have to do so again!! I don’t know what you call the box but I love the pics of you and your “sinister”! I am loving your bamboo plant too!! Data and Khali are too cute! 😻😻

  6. Mica says:

    What are RunLites? I hope someone gets their crap together and sets you up to review them. You always do informative reviews.

    That’s funny that my “Last week, briefly” posts inspired you! Your “Random Thoughts Thursdays” posts were the inspiration for me!

    • kilax says:

      They are gloves that have LED lights at the knuckles, pointing forward when you run. And it looks like they come out so you can still wash the gloves. I do wonder if the bouncing light would make me feel queasy or anything, but maybe it’s no worse than a headlamp!

      Ha! That is funny!!! 😀

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