Random Thoughts Thursday 190

By , August 9, 2018 6:11 am
  • Kitty update! They’ve almost been home a week! We’re letting them explore more rooms, which they love (they still sleep in a closed in room at night, mostly for safety from our second floor drop to the living room). Khali likes to be near them, and they like to follow her around. There is still some slapping and interesting noises between those three, but things seem to be getting more friendly and less “get off my turf”! Happily, Khali’s personality is staying the same, and she isn’t regressing back to her scared stray cat “I don’t trust you” behavior. Phew.

The second picture in this series is of Apollo getting smacked.

  • Data is STILL in the bathtub. We can take him out and walk around with him, but he always goes back to the bathtub. He’s still eating and going to the bathroom fine (well, what qualifies as fine for him now), but isn’t he bored out of his freaking mind in there?! Also, I’d like to use all the awesome spa stuff I got for my birthday (he’s occupying the only bathtub in the house)!!!!! His regular vet was off when we took him in last week – I wonder if he’d have a better analysis, or if we do just need some anxiety meds for Data?
  • I wish there was a way to prevent sad animal stories from being shared by people in my feed on Facebook (I do tell Facebook I don’t want to see it) and from showing up in my RSS news feeds. Ugh. I’d rather see stories like this.
  • Rachel and I decided to run the Madison Mini Marathon next Saturday for a birthday celebration together. Yay!
  • Gah, I’ve felt like a zombie most mornings this summer, and my diet is definitely to blame! I’m so ready to have a normal schedule and get back in to a routine!
  • I’m currently reading Not Tonight, Josephine: A Road Trip Through Small-Town America, a book about the (British) author’s travels across the US in the 2000. Gina read it and liked it so she gave me a copy for my birthday. The author is humorous and I’m learning more about US geography (and getting some travel ideas, too)! I’m enjoying it!

  • Speaking of books, something strange has been happening at my library, where the books I have that are eligible for renewal are somehow already renewed by their due date without me doing anything. I wonder what the hell is going on. Of course, this did NOT happen with The Last Time I Lied, which is newer, and was not eligible for renewal, and I did not have time to finish. Sad face. I put in a hold request for it.
  • I will finish with a Photoshop rant. For some reason, the quality of my “save for web” settings keeps getting changed from maximum to medium. And I don’t notice it until I upload the images here and see how pixelated they are, after I’ve closed them in Photoshop. So I have to reopen them and resave them at a higher resolution. Wah wah wah. And yeah, I tried to figure out how to stop this! I just need to remember to make sure it’s at maximum each time I use it!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 189

14 Responses to “Random Thoughts Thursday 190”

  1. Denise Fleener says:

    I love the kitty pics and stories!! One of our kitties loves to sleep in the bathtub and chooses to but not because she is scared. Did Data just start this behavior when the newbies came or before that? You might ask your vet about anti anxiety drug for him. It’s hard to treat a cat with something besides drugs(like essential oils) because so many of them are toxic to a cat but ok for a dog. Looking forward to more kitty pics!! ❤️

    • kilax says:

      Thanks, I am happy you like them!

      Data has been acting strange for almost a month now. First avoiding the harder floors on the first floor, then, when we were out of town, before the kitties came, he moved in to the tub (I wish it was just sleeping there!!!!). Our non-regular vet suggested anxiety meds. I will have to talk to Steven about it more!

  2. Alyssa says:

    I love that second picture of Apollo! Adorable!
    At the Lake Villa library, books will automatically renew if they are eligible (not on hold or a “hot book” or I’ve already used up all the holds) on the day they are due if I haven’t returned them yet. I get a text about it when it happens.
    I hope the weather is nice for your race with Rachel! That way you can really enjoy it!

    • kilax says:


      Ahh, thanks for the insight! I wondered if something like that was happening! I need to try again to figure out how to get text notifications from them. I used to for holds, but no longer do once they “upgraded” (their hella confusing) system.

      Thanks! I’m expecting the weather to be horrible and us to just take it easy and have fun!

      • Alyssa says:

        I wonder if our libraries are on the same system because mine also recently changed (I’m not sure I would call it an upgrade) and I had to go in and re-sign up for text notifications. Of course this only happened after one of my holds came up and I didn’t know it and missed the pick up window! Grrr.

        • kilax says:

          I wouldn’t be surprised if they are! Ha, and it was definitely NOT an upgrade. I missed some holds too! And was upset too. LOL. I wonder if they need to do it there (re-sign up for the texts) or if me editing it just now fixed it. Sigh. And our library is closing tomorrow for a week. 🙁

  3. That’s so annoying about Photoshop! I assume there isn’t a setting you can change in Preferences to have maximum be the default? Or even a preference to remember what you used last time and maintain that until you say otherwise? That seems like a bit of an oversight! It’s not very user friendly to have to change it every time! Though I don’t know that “user friendly” is a term I would usually apply to Photoshop, haha (at least until you know what you’re doing).

    • kilax says:

      That’s what I figured – there must be some setting I can’t find! Hopefully I am just being a moron and will finally find it… although it never used to do this before. It also randomly turned on the grid every time it opened until I found how to turn that off. It doesn’t seem to play nice with the new Windows – I even had to do some manual coding to make PS work when I upgraded, otherwise it didn’t work. Nice job, Adobe.

      Yeah, and it’s definitely not an intuitive program!!!! It’s so fun once you get the hang of it though. Do you use it?

  4. Stephany says:

    omgggg, kittiesssss. I love that Khali is interested in them! Such a good big sister. 🙂 I’m sorry Data still is having trouble. Poor dude. And wahhh for not being able to use your bathtub in the meantime! I live for my almost-nightly bubble baths!

    • kilax says:

      She so is! I hope things continue to get better!

      I really hope he comes out soon. I talked to our vet again yesterday and he wanted him to try alternative medicine…

      Me too! Almost all my birthday gifts were bath stuff – people know me well! Ha!

  5. Kristina says:

    Love the kitten(s) update! As many people have commented, they are SOOOO cute!
    And I totally understand the zombie feeling. This weekend, I’ve felt drugged or something – I think it’s the accumulation of the past few weeks of road tripping and eating not quite like I usually do! I’m ready for a routine, I think!

    • kilax says:


      And yes! I bet it’s totally that – you need to get back on schedule! I hope you feel better today. And that we get to hear about your road trip adventures!

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