Posts tagged: Girls on the Run

Friday Question #68

By , May 29, 2009 6:40 am

If you had the time and resources, what kind of volunteer work would you like to do?

I would LOVE to volunteer at the no-kill animal shelter right by our house. I would also LOVE to be a “running buddy” for the local Girls on the Run chapter.

I’ve filled out applications for both of these organizations and never turned them in. I worried I wouldn’t be able to make a huge commitment and disappoint someone. That’s kind of silly. Some help may be better than none!

The trainee group at my office organizes some philanthropy events. So far, most of them have been on the south side VERY far away from my home, but now they are taking about seniors bingo once a month near the city. That might be a fun way to spend an evening after work! (Yes, I’m serious)

5K: numero quattro

By , November 15, 2008 11:59 am

This morning was the WonderGirl 5K! I didn’t get as many photos as I thought I would because Steven decided to run it with me (instead of being my photographer)!

<image: Before the WonderGirl 5K>

I’m really happy Steven decided to run it. Even though we don’t talk much while we are running, it’s nice to have someone I know next to me. It keeps me going.

More than 2000 people ended up running this 5K. We got there around 8:00 (the race started at 9:00) and there were already tons of kids everywhere, getting warmed up, having their faces painted, drinking free hot coco, decorating foam tiaras to wear during the race… it was energizing to have so many people out, all so enthusiastic about the race.

<image: The crowd at the WonderGirl 5K>

I tried to take a photo of of the huge crowd…

<image: The crowd at the WonderGirl 5K>

Look how beautiful the sky was. NOT!

I saw a lot of school groups running with the young girls, but I also saw families, fathers with daughters, mother with sons, and single people like me and Steven… there was a huge variety. It was inspiring to be running by a father and daughter and hear him say, “You set the pace, and I’ll follow you.”

There was no official timing of the race. There was a clock in the end, but the focus was on everyone finishing – on everyone being a winner. We all got medals. I thought that was pretty cool.

<image: After the WonderGirl 5K - check out my medal!>

I’m proud of my medal!

I know our time was about 2 minutes slower than normal, but I wasn’t out there to kill my last time. I was just out there to participate. (I think that is what my winter training is going to be about – staying in shape, not working on timing)

After we finished, we went back to part of the route to cheer other runners on. We did that for about 20 minutes until my Under Armour started to turn ice cold and I had to get into the car and heat up. I am happy we stayed to keep cheering though. It’s always nice to have people cheering for you, whether or not you know them!

I had a lot of fun at the event. I saw a lot of women running with younger girls, letting them set the pace, and just sticking with them. I would love to be a mentor (well, they call it a “running buddy”) like that, but I know my schedule doesn’t allow the time. I think I will contact the Girls on the Run organization near my home and see what I CAN help with.

A lot of thought into whether or not to run a 5K

By , November 13, 2008 7:49 am

Usually, when I am making a “life decision,” I just follow my gut. I stick to whatever my natural inclination is.

That’s a luxury, I know – a selfish one – to be able to make decisions solely for myself.

(And unfortunately, it’s not always THAT easy. I’ve learned that the big life-changing decisions take me a LONG time to sort out)

In my gut, I knew that I really wanted to participate in the WonderGirl 5K this Saturday. Like I mentioned before, I read about the organization in a magazine, and felt like it really called out to me.

But there were a few logistical barriers: the race is about a zillion and one miles away from my home (okay, 60 miles), I would have to wake up at the crack of dawn to run it (okay, Data is waking me up that early every weekend anyway), and I would have to run it alone (okay, I’ve done that before – no biggie!).

And the big one – I felt guilty asking Steven to get out of bed that early on a Saturday, to drive me halfway across the state (slight exaggeration) and watch me run a 5K – possibly in the snow – with a bunch of young girls and families.

But you know what? I really wanted to do it, so I signed up for it first thing Monday morning, and have been excited about it ever since then.

It struck me as odd this week, that I felt so much excitement simply by signing up for this race. I usually don’t feel this excited about a race.

Yesterday, I found out there is a chapter of Girls on the Run in the county next to mine. From the content on their website, it sounds like they are just getting started.

I found myself getting excited again, imagining myself becoming a running buddy for a young girl in the program, or helping the program set up their first 5K. I was fantasizing about volunteering.

This feeling of excitement helped me get through the day.

But for some reason, I am kind of embarrassed about it.

I am kind of embarassed about being hopeful!

What a weird reaction. I am attributing it to my natural skepticism. Inside me, a voice says, “Yeah, it sounds like a really cool program. But maybe on Saturday you’ll find out it’s totally lame and a big waste of time!”

I can’t go to the race feeling that way, so I am going to continue to be excited, positive and upbeat about it. I am going to continue to look forward to it, and hope that I’ve found a good organization I may like to give some of my time to. I’ll let you know how it goes!

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