Friday Question #94

By , January 1, 2010 11:57 am

What was your biggest accomplishment in 2009?

I saw this question yesterday all over the blogosphere and loved reading everyone’s answers, so I would love to hear yours as well!

When I was answering this question yesterday, I kept saying that the accomplishment I was most proud of is running my first half marathon in under 2 hours and feeling great afterward.

image: Kim running by herself

The more I think about it though, I think maybe my biggest accomplishment was dealing with the setback of being injured and not being able to run, and coming back from that by the end of the year. And not just coming back to running, but getting myself out of a funk.

I hurt my wrist in July, which didn’t affect my running that much, but I had to keep it in a brace and I became very frustrated with doing things around the house. I stopped taking care of myself as well. I really shut myself out from my friends in August. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone – I didn’t feel like I had anything positive to say. I had to stop running completely in September, and I ended up spending two months not being very active.

I’m not telling this very well, but I was in a super funk for a few months of the summer, and finally came out of it in the fall (I think after we watched the Chicago Marathon). I learned a lot about my body and what it can and cannot handle. I learned how to be more open with my friends. I learned how to handle stress better.

I really feel like I’ve turned a corner, and made some huge accomplishments towards being more stable in my health and emotional-state. I am really hoping 2010 won’t be as bumpy of a ride! But if it is, I feel like I’ve learned some new tools on how to handle it.

25 Responses to “Friday Question #94”

  1. Mica says:

    Happy New Year, Kim!

    I agree completely about your accomplishment. From reading your blog in 2009, I have totally noticed a difference in your “attitude.” You seem so much happier now–cooking new vegan dishes, exercising with Steven, hanging out with your family. It has been really positive to read!

    My biggest accomplishment in 2009? Probably running the CHI marathon…but in second place, it’s probably getting a Frenchie.

  2. I ran my first half this year too! Definitely one of my biggest accomplishments. This was a big year, actually– I got my first real job out of grad school, got married, and moved to a whole new state. Whew!

    Hope 2010 is a great year for you, Kim!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… 2010 is CRAZY!!! =-.

  3. Dave2 says:

    I run only when chased, so I’m truly impressed. Best wishes for the new year!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Retrospective =-.

  4. RunningLaur says:

    Although the world seems to throw bad things at us, it’s good to see that you’ve taken it and improved because of it!

    In the running world, I think that my biggest accomplishment was 2 fold. My first half marathon was key (it proved that I could follow through and run the distance) and the Fiesta Bowl half was big (it proved that I could now go run a half marathon with basically no notice, do well, and share it with the new community I’ve become a part of).

    Being laid off was a major blow this year, and I’m honestly still dealing with it 6 months later. I take it as an accomplishment though that I’ve been able to enter into a completely different field and do well in it, even if it’s not a ‘professional’ one. I learned much more about what it means to be happy, although there’s still a lot for me to learn on the topic.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… 2009 in Review =-.

  5. Kate says:

    I think my biggest accomplishment was living by myself for three months while my husband was on tour. I was incredibly apprehensive about living in our house alone — it’s much different to live in a home that you own as opposed to an apartment where you at least have a landlord to help you. But I did it and realized once again how happy I am being by myself. I’m thrilled Brian is back, but equally thrilled that I learned all over again how independent and strong I am.

  6. Kim H says:

    As much as funks suck, I think they’re necessary to show us what we really want, what makes us happy, what we need for ourselves. I’ve just started following your blog regularly, so I didn’t witness the funkiness, but you seem very happy and healthy (mind and body) now. That’s awesome!

    I think my biggest accomplishment in ’09 was strengthening my marriage. I had a post-wedding flip-out of monstrous proportions and it took a lot for me to let go and really merge with another human. Now, I feel like we are a totally integrated team and I never felt that way before. It’s pretty awesome.

    Happy 2010 🙂
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Twenty ten =-.

  7. Etta says:

    Recognizing that you’re in a funk and having the willpower to overcome it is a huge accomplishment. We moved to IL in May 2008. I didn’t have any friends here and didn’t have a job until August 2008. My biggest accomplishment during that time (aside from getting married in June) was putting on jeans and a bra before my husband got home from work. I lived in pajamas for the better part of the summer. I wasn’t motivated to get up and do anything.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… 2009 In Review =-.

  8. Kristie says:

    I feel like too many awesome things happened this year (graduating from college! getting married! moving! getting a cat! running my first half marathon!) to be able to pick one grand accomplishment. How about I say getting through this year? 😉

    So glad you got out of the funk – isn’t it crazy what we can put ourselves through? Here’s to an injury free year 🙂

  9. martymankins says:

    Greatest accomplishment? I wish I could say that it was the same as yours (as in working out and keeping fit). So without that, I would have to say learning how to be happy with myself and continuing to move forward in life, even with distractions and personal setbacks.

    From a travel perspective, my greatest accomplishment was making it to Hawaii. Loved that trip a lot.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Reactive Security =-.

  10. for sure my biggest accomplishment was my promotion!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Ringing In 2010 =-.

  11. Caroline says:

    Great job coming out of your funk and running the half-marathon! Funks are the worst, but I agree with what everyone is saying that they can be beneficial because really show you want you really want.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… A Year in Review =-.

  12. diane says:

    Great question, and great accomplishments! You know mine–surviving 2009. Ha ha. And I would definitely add how much I’ve learned/added to my professional repertoire this year through all the ups and downs and changes.
    Happy New Year, and the best of wishes to you, Steven, and Data for 2010!

  13. Hey lady, I think your accomplishment is huge! Coming out of a funk (depression) is not easy. I was in a huge funk this summer too but couldn’t figure out why. It’s so difficult to come out from especially when its not an easy thing to talk about. Congrats to you. It sounds like established a healthier relationship with yourself and with you friends/family. I would love to run a half under two. Maybe that will be my goal for April. Cheers to 2010.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… 2010 here we come! =-.

  14. ShutupandRun says:

    My biggest accomplishment is discovering running. It has made me a better person: more confident, patient, present.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Starbucks Giveaway Winner!! (video) =-.

  15. Congrats on your accomplishment, coming back from injury is difficult, have had to come back from stress fractures, twice, which eventually turned me in to a triathlete due to falling in love with all the cross-training… that would have to be my biggest accomplishment! Happy New Year!

  16. daintyvegan says:

    Way to go for bouncing back from your injuries. I imagine that it can’t be easy going from really active to barely doing anything at all.. that would be horribly frustrating. You seem to have handled it well though and the fact that it’s made you stronger is sort of like a prize, in a way.

    My biggest accomplishment would probably have to be.. frick. I have no idea. I don’t even know if I have one for 2009! Graduating high school? Haha….
    .-= Author’s last blog post… 2010? Bring it. =-.

  17. Happy New year! Congratulations on the half marathon! That is a terrific accomplishment! Mine would have to be living another year without any refined sugar. Now it’s been two years….and going strong. Now that I’m off of sugar, not only do I feel a million times better, I think I will be off of sugar for a very long time. We’ll see what 2010 brings!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Refined Sugar: A Scary Discovery =-.

  18. lifestudent says:

    I think the fact that I survived 2009 was an accomplishment. I feel like I barely squeaked by 🙂 But, my return to running would be on the list too!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… 2009 Recap =-.

  19. My biggest accomplishment was definitely buying a home…because I’m only 22 and so many of my friends have had a tough finding jobs. I feel like I’ve been really fortunate! Now I feel like I’m tooting my own horn, haha.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Lazy Bum Syndrome =-.

    That is amazing! And we all need to toot our own horns from time to time. 🙂

  20. Jillian says:

    My biggest accomplishment, was getting through it all. It was a rough and trying year and I still managed to do a lot of swimming, biking and running. I am proud that I managed my time well enough to have triathlon and running in my life. I needed it!

  21. eatmovelove says:

    Congrats on that goal girl!! Love your enthusiasm. I wish I had something great to say…the past few years have been tough, and it all seems like a blur – trying to find myself…probably something lame and simple like trying yoga and having the courage to take on the training (whether it’s wrong or right…still not sure…) or even starting my blog – it’s a big thing for me to ‘expose’ myself on the net no less…I actually blogged about a few minor “positives” of the year – but nothing as exciting as yours or grand…oh well, here’s to hoping right? Happy New Year!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… New Years: Part Deux =-.

  22. Susan says:

    Biggest accomplishment: A tie between qualifying for Boston (yay!) and learning to not freak out all the time at work. While my job still sucks, I seriously have no clue how I got through the day four months ago.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Makin’ Changes: 2010 =-.

  23. Jen512 says:

    Oh man, 2009 was rough.

    Husband was in INS detention for 3 months and then deported for no good reason.

    Moved to Turkey.

    Honestly there are a few chunks of 2009 that I’d like to forget ever happened. But, I survived, we survived and now our family is growing. Surviving and thriving was my biggest accomplishment for ’09…and I’m glad that year is done!
    .-= Author’s last blog post… New Year, New Kitty =-.

  24. Holly says:

    That is DEFINITELY a huge accomplishment! I think people underestimate/don’t understand how difficult it is mentally to be injured as a runner. You feel really….imcomplete without running, and I think it just gets you down more than anything. But like you said, you have come BACK from that – and each injury gives us a chance to learn what our bodies can and can’t handle (umm…apparently my body can’t handle much?!).

  25. kapgar says:


    My biggest accomplishment is not even really mine… getting Katie through grad school and student teaching with a 4.0.
    .-= Author’s last blog post… Then we’re gonna give him a best friend hug… =-.

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