Training Week 176

By , March 3, 2013 5:09 pm

Highlight of the Week: Seeing that my body has responded well to increased mileage – no aches or pains!


Monday | February 25, 2013: 6 m run + 5 m run (w/Anne and Sara)
Loc: hood, Temp: 18°/18°, Time: 1:00:40, Pace: 10:07 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: slow and steady
Loc: Vernon Hills, Temp: 36°/34°, Time: 58:52, Pace: 11:46 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: tired-o
Tuesday | February 26, 2013: 15 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 32°/31°, Time: 2:20:07, Pace: 9:21 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: tired from no sleep
Wednesday | February 27, 2013: strength class + 3.1 m run (w/Ed)
Strength: circuit + plyo, Difficulty: medium, Felt: strong
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 31°/32°, Time: 27:56, Pace: 9:01 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: great
Thursday | February 28, 2013: 11.15 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 31°/31°, Time: 1:58:50, Pace: 10:40 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: slow in the snow + slush
Friday | March 1, 2013: 6.75 m run (5.5 w/Abbi!)
Loc: Chicago Lakefront Trail, Temp: 28°, Time: 49:34, Pace: 9:01, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: good
Saturday | March 2, 2013: rest
Sunday | March 3, 2013: 5 m run inlc. 6×3:00 + strength (w/Steven!)
Loc: hood, Temp: 29°/31°, Time: 44:10, Pace: 8:50 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: meh
Strength: dumbbells, Difficulty: easy, Felt: schweaty


  • Ignore the blatant over training that is the first four days of the week. I was just trying to achieve that 200 mile month
  • My energy bubble finally burst Friday night. The early mornings, long miles and poor diet finally caught up with me, and I was a zombie at 6:00 pm Friday night. I could barely keep my eyes open!
  • Logic says to sleep more, but I’m having issues with that. And, I am all out of sorts when I don’t get my morning run in. Like bigtime cranky biotch. So, I’ll pay attention to this and see how it goes. 
  • As much as I love those morning runs though, I am still adjusting to figuring out how much I should eat the rest of the day. I tend to get more snacky if I run first thing in the am – anyone else this way?
  • I’ll probably write more about this, but feeling good is so much better than eating junk and feeling like crap. I just need to remember that. Eating a few junky things really throws me off for a few days, and that happened to me at the end of this week. 
  • I ran in the sun on Sunday and it felt so weird. I think I am so used to the dark and/or gloomy skies that I prefer those. I actually said something to Abbi during our Friday run about how I liked how gloomy it was, and I think she thought I was nutso. I think I just don’t want to accept that spring is on the way. I’m struggling with it. 

24 Responses to “Training Week 176”

  1. Sunday Strength pic – Fierce. I love.
    Fab 15 miler!
    YESSS – when I run in the morning, I can NOT stop eating the rest of the day. I don’t have that problem with a run after 5/6pm..but those early morning runs trigger that hunger!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha! Thanks! I was making lots of silly poses while my husband took pics 🙂

      WHAT is with the morning hunger?! Do you tend to run at night on the week days?

  2. Michele says:

    Love the “Wednesday Strength” pic with the balls!!! HA!!

    I do tend to eat more if I work out early morning too. When I strength train, I’ll eat more the next day, which is weird. I don’t know why that happens. When I do snack, I try to be mindful, so I’ll pack healthy snacks for work, and I have to be sure to pack plenty on a post strength day!!

    • Michele says:

      And might I add, your arms are FAB!!!!

    • kilax says:

      HA HA HA! Happy you like the balls pic! I posted a more PC one on Facebook, but made my trainer take that one too.

      Thanks, re: my arms 🙂

      You know, that delayed to a day later thing happens to me too, after strength or a really long run. Is it okay if I eat 1000 oranges?!

      • Michele says:

        Totally okay to eat 1000 oranges!!! (better than 1000 Oreos!!!)

        I’m glad to know I’m not the only one! Now that you mentioned it, it happens the day after a long run too! Maybe it’s just our body trying to catch up! I’m not typically too hungry the day of a hard workout. Are you?

        • kilax says:

          Ahh! Have you tried the Mega Stuf oreos yet? We bought a bag of regular and golden!

          I get snacky the day of a hard workout, then that “OMG MUST EAT ALL THE THINGZ” feeling the day after. Usually. I guess it is changing all the time.

  3. Michelle says:

    FIrst off, great to see you Saturday! And great job with the miles…
    I couldn’t agree more-after all I ate Saturday it KILLED my stomach and I felt like crappola until just a while ago. <3 Hope you have a great week!

    • kilax says:

      It was great to see you too! I was thinking last night how fab it was to talk for so long! Let’s get together at Bobbi’s more! LOL 🙂

      LOL! Did we both overdo it? Hee hee hee. How did Brian feel? Did he get that 7-hour workout in? Here is to a healthier week for both of us! (Although, there was a wonderfully healthy spread, I just love me some salty carbs too!).

  4. robyn says:

    That is quite a week you put in no wonder you were exhausted by 6pm on friday!! Sounds like you need some Vit D even if you think you don’t:)

  5. abbi says:

    That’s quite the week!! I didn’t think you were nuts but honestly think you are the first person I’ve ever met that likes that kind of weather!

    • kilax says:

      Maybe I belong in Seattle?

      So so happy we got to meet up. That made my day 🙂 I hope you had a nice trip home! And good last day of training!

  6. Xaarlin says:

    Did the ZZZZZZ quil work for you?

    Yes- i eat all healthy and feel great, then bow to a day of “binging” on crap and pay for it a few days… UGH

    Cheers to another week!

    • kilax says:

      Oh gosh! I was so tired I ended up not taking it, and slept until 9:00 on Sat (okay, I woke up like, 3 time to use the bathroom, and Data kept meowing in my face, but yay! I was able to sleep!).

      Why do we do that to ourselves! It’s so NOT worth it. I gotta remember that.

      (I mean, it would be worth it in Brasil, but not on junk in my pantry! I can have that whenever I want!)

  7. Kim says:

    I’ve been trying to eat more protein – at meals and in snacks – and I feel like it makes a difference with how snacky I am. Also, after a snack I try to make myself drink a mug of tea first before I snack more to see if I’m really hungry or not.

  8. Kandi says:

    That’s so cool that you got to meet up with Abbi.
    I’ve eaten kind of crappy all weekend and am feeling it today. I have been really good with food for the first two months this year and took the weekend off to celebrate my anniversary but man am I looking forward to feeling better by eating better.

  9. Maggie says:

    I only ran 6 miles yesterday, but I felt really tired afterward. I think the sun zapped my energy! Jerky sun.

  10. Great week! I’m an exclusive morning runner and to avoid feeling extra snacky all day, I front load my calories. I eat a little something before I work out, have a BIG breakfast, and then eat normally during the day (although lunch tends to be bigger than dinner). If I’m doing a two-a-day (rare), I’ll eat a small snack before the evening workout. I find eating more earlier helps prevent the extra hungry feeling later on!

    • kilax says:

      I think I need to try to do that more. I definitely have the big breakfast and lunch down, it’s just tricky at night when Steven wants to have a bigger dinner and I have eaten so much earlier!

  11. Erin says:

    I’m so rarely a morning runner that I haven’t noticed a difference in my hunger level. In fact, on Friday after I ran in the AM I wasn’t really hungry all day. Weird, huh?

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