Where’s my kid filter?!

By , March 4, 2013 6:26 am

I try to be conscious of how I act around my family/friend’s children. If they are picking up any behaviors… well, they shouldn’t be mine! Hee hee. I joke. A little. 

So, I made sure not to wear these tights, even thought I wanted to, to the 5K I did last week. It’s a community event, and I knew there would be a lot of children there. 


Sigh. The sacrifices I make (TOTALLY kidding). 

I try super hard not to swear around kids. Yeah, they’re gonna hear it at some point, but it doesn’t need to be from me. I spent Saturday morning with our friends and their daughter, then Saturday afternoon at Bobbi‘s for her son’s 6th birthday. I was talking to Bobbi’s husband and the word “ass” came out of my mouth. Oh crap! I looked around and luckily there were no little ones to hear me. Phew. 


Had to share this cute picture of Bobbi’s son reading pirate jokes off of the card we got for him

So after all day Saturday with kids you think I would be in full on “PC Kim” kid-mode. GUESS NOT!

My brother and his son were in town this weekend and stayed with us Saturday night through Sunday morning. Yesterday morning, I was playing Star Wars with my oldest nephew, Nick. I have to pause and include this photo of us that I love:


So, we’re playing with my Star Wars toys* and Nick pretends that one of the characters is going to drive off the edge of the counter. 

I say, “Ahh! Amidala [character name] is suicidal!”

“Aunt Kim, what does that mean?”


(Don’t worry, I didn’t say that). 



My brother steps in, “It means she is jumping off the cliff.”

“And not coming back,” I add. 

Oh geesh. I really messed up that one! Now I feel like I should be making a list of words and topics not to say around children. Come on, suicidal? Derp! What was I thinking?!

Do you have a pretty decent kid-filter?

Even though I try, I sometimes feel like mine is missing!

Hey, if you’re a parent, do you get frustrated when an adult acts… questionably around your kids?

I really hope I am not on any parents’ uh, “crap” list. Ha ha. 

 Alright, one more story. I showed my nephew my medals and he said “Wow! You must be the best runner in the world!” Hee hee hee. I could get used to someone talking to me like that!


*Yeah. I have Star Wars toys in my house. 

39 Responses to “Where’s my kid filter?!”

  1. Kim says:

    I’m a parent and I’m 100% positive I will make the same mistakes as you – accidentally swearing, saying something and then realizing I’ll have to explain it, etc. I think the fact that you’re conscious and making the effort is HUGE and amazing.

  2. Michele says:

    I have a kid filter, but sometimes I slip too, we’re all human!! Thank goodness it’s usually around my friends kids and they don’t mind it, but I do refrain from the “F” word.

    It does bother me when we are in a public place and you have some idiots swearing like crazy or acting stupid. Now that my kid is 12, he can see the stupidity of acting like that, and just rolls his eyes. I don’t like it when they do it around small children, it really irritates me to no end. These are usually stupid college kids that have never been around children, and apparently their parents didn’t teach them how to be an adult.

  3. C says:

    I have a godson and goddaughter, and love them dearly. I try, just like you, Kim (with them and other folks children). BTW, I have action figures too (shhhh)…and now I’m totally jealous of your pajamas!!

  4. J says:

    Yeah I have often said bad words in front of my nephews. Opps. So far they haven’t repeated them, yet. I gotta get working on it though cause now that my bff is having a kid, I will be around that baby all the time and need to not say bad things!

  5. Valerie says:

    I love your badass pants and Star Wars outfit…LMAO! Digging your medal holder too- where did you get that?!

  6. um, those badass pants are SO badass (you see what I did there???) haha I love it. you look great in them too 😀

    I think I have a pretty high(??) and good kid filter. Never thought of it until now. I should be proud!!

  7. bobbi says:

    hehe – don’t even worry about it! I have friends (and a FIL) who swear in front of my kids all the time. Life happens. And my filter used to be pretty good, but now that I have old enough older kids, in front of whom I’ve relaxed a lot, I slip up in fornt of my littler kids too.

    I do reprimand people who go to far in front of my kids. Often, that’s directed at my husband. Not even kidding 🙂

  8. kelsey says:

    It’s hard having a filter when you’re naturally obnoxious like us 🙂

  9. Christina says:

    I have no filter when it comes to kids. So i try to be aware of my surroundings! lol. I love how you re enact star wars with little kids. I tried to do that with my sister but she freaked out and called me weird. I love your medal rack! Jeez you have a lot of bling girl! 🙂

  10. My filter is not so great, and I have a kid. I’ve taught Miles myriad words that I pray he doesn’t say at daycare, and I’m horribly obnoxious when I grow tired of answering, “What’s that?” (Most recent: Everything is Jesus because he’s everywhere :))

  11. Marcia says:

    I never thought about not being able to wear the badass pants freely in public. Bummer. I think my kid filter is pretty good. Of course I have my slips. Love the Star Wars pjs!

  12. Those tights are AMAZING!!!

  13. diane says:

    I’m bad about this because I’m not around kids that often! We even swear at work (not in front of clients and candidates of course) so I have almost no filter. I try to control it around Paul’s baby niece because even though she doesn’t understand now, I know eventually she will.
    Although one time I was talking about a glockenspiel (don’t ask) in front of Paul’s 8 year old nephew and he asked me what it was. His Mom said “It’s another word for xylophone” and Paul and I chimed in to explain it’s not exactly the same as a xylophone, and here’s why. I guess it was a little obnoxious, but I’m proud of the fact we taught an 8 year old what a glockenspiel is!!
    (BTW, the Star Wars picture is awesome)

  14. Kandi says:

    I like to think I have a pretty good kid filter but I also don’t have a ton of experience being around kids. Of course that means that when I am around kids, they tend to cling to me and I have no idea what I’m going. So sometimes I say things that they then of course ask about and I sometimes have to get guidance from their parents/other adults on how I should respond! Most of the things I’m referring to are things I wouldn’t give a second thought about saying (like your suicidal comment) but are difficult to explain to a child/haven’t been explained and I don’t want to be the one to do it.

  15. I do my best, but they already hear so much of it, even in PG movies, so I don’t worry about it. I just let them know it’s not appropriate

  16. Erin says:

    I’m so rarely around kids that it hasn’t been a problem. Of course, I also only really swear when I’m angry so that also seems to help 🙂

  17. Kim says:

    Those tights are awesome. Awesome.

    I have two three year olds, and I try my best to not swear around them… but it just makes me swear more when I’m not around them. It’s like my brain has this quota of inappropriateness to meet each day, and it just builds up until I get out of the house, and then every other word is the f-word. Sigh.

  18. I like to think I’m pretty good – with wanting to be a teacher and all, I kind of need to be. But I have my moments. Not even so much with swearing, which shocks everyoen because I have a mouth on me. I can remember one time I was helping my mom in her classroom (grade 4) and one of the shorter kids was being made fun of and I said, “dont worry, short people live longer,” without even thinking about it. Then all of a sudden I had a room full of tall children that were all concerned they wouldn’t live as long. I had to assure them I wasn’t serious and that is not a real fact. Not my best moment.

    • kilax says:

      OMG! Ha ha ha ha ha. That is too funny. I wonder if those kids are still thinking that. I would totally say something silly like that too!

  19. I’m awful about this! I don’t swear that much but when I’m around kids they pop out!!! It must be because I shouldn’t!

  20. Anne says:

    I’m usually pretty good around kids, but while hanging out with my cousin’s ‘tween daughter this weekend, I found myself totally undermining her mom (my cousin). Woops! Guess I’m a bad influence after all 🙂

    One of my friends has a son who is at that age now where he knows things are bad words, and likes to tell you that you’re saying a bad word. His mom told him “fat” and “butt” are bad words, so I get caught on those a lot (if I can’t vent to a 4 year old about my fat butt, who can I?).

    Though I’m a little offended that you thought it was okay to wear those tights to the Beer Run last week. What if the brewmaster had seen?! He was so delicate and impressionable.

    • kilax says:

      Gosh! I guess it is a good thing I did not go on the brewery tour! He would have pinpointed all the bad behavior on me!

      Ha ha. I didn’t even think about the words fat and butt!

  21. Melie says:

    I don’t have a kid filter, but fortunately I’m not around kids very often, so all good. The main question is: do I get to come play with star wars toys? please? or at least re-enact the darth vader vs. obi wan kenobi fight?

  22. Pete B says:

    I have to watch it when I throw out the word “stupid” in front of kids. I guess they are taught not to say it these days. When I say it, they think it gives them license to say it, repeatedly!

  23. haha! I don’t have a kid filter and I have kids!!

  24. Sizzle says:

    I have the worst kid filter. My sister is constantly giving me the EYE when I let a curse word slip. We’re also not allowed to say stupid or dumb or anything like around my nephew because he gets in trouble for mis-using it.

  25. Kayla says:

    I try to have a kid filter especially around my nieces and nephew since my brother and sister in law are pretty strict with them. I have gotten “the glare” from my sister in law on a few occasions.

  26. Robyn says:

    I’m a mom and I have to watch my kid filter sometimes ! My ten yr old daughter slipped and fell and out popped sh.t … I wonder where that comes from!!
    All those medals are impressive!!

  27. Losing Lindy says:

    I have to say, I am super proud that V hasn’t sworn to my knowledge yet. I know he hears it, but I have explained to him that there are words that he isn’t to use. So, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I have friends who slip. V knows that he isn’t to use them.

  28. Pam says:

    I have NO filter whatsoever. LOL It really just isn’t how I was raised. My dad and uncle and all their friends all cussed like sailors, and it rubbed off. haha My husband’s family is the same way. Nobody ever filters themselves around the kids… who really aren’t kids anymore. The youngest one is 12 now! (MAN, I’m getting old!) Neither me nor the hubs were ever sheltered when we were kids, and it’s just not something we ever think about! On a side note, I saw a T-shirt one time that I should have bought. It said, “How DARE I wear this goddamn shirt in front of your fucking kids?!” haha How wrong is that???

  29. I LOVE THOSE PANTS!!! However, they wouldn’t be appropriate when I runmute from my elementary school! 😀 I’m the queen of kid filter but I always seem to be the one that makes a blunder in front of them! (AKA I was distracted yet reading out loud and said “Shit” instead of “wash it”.) Thanks for finding me via Astoria! Love your blog!

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