Summer, complete!

By , August 26, 2013 6:04 am

Quite often, I see summer “bucket” lists, but what about the rest of the year? Do you make a to do list for the other seasons? Is there one thing you have to do to make a season feel “complete”?

The beginning of my summer was so focused on studying that I didn’t plan much out*. I did however, know that my summer would not be complete without a trip to the river where the hot sand burned my toes, the breeze on the boat felt marvelous, and the water refreshing. I finally had that this weekend**!


Summer, complete!

Ha ha.

Now, what about the other seasons?

Winter is easy – snowshoeing and (outdoor) ice skating!

Fall, hmm. Usually a scenic run under the beautiful, colorful leaves.

Spring. Ugh. Just survive. Ha ha.

How about you?

*Although we had tons of spontaneous fun, like the hot air balloon ride.
**My other two attempts this summer had freakishly cool weather.

17 Responses to “Summer, complete!”

  1. Losinglindy says:

    I feel like we didn’t use the pool pass enough this summer. I really feel like we have been too busy too.

  2. Rachel says:

    I definitely need some days on the water to make my summer complete! Luckily I had 2 of them this weekend!

    I also require at least one camping trip. 🙂

  3. Kandi says:

    I am longing for a beach trip but not sure I’ll get one this year. We at least went camping and out on the boat!

  4. Mica says:

    I don’t have a summer bucket list, but I was thinking that I should make one. I always start thinking, “I have so much time to do all these fun things!” but I don’t usually do them. Then again, that might just be another way that I try to exert more control over my life and would eventually stress me out. Your list is nice and easy–one fun thing per season! I like that a lot.

  5. Kristina says:

    I don’t necessarily have a summer bucket list, but there usually are certain events or activities that I enjoy in the summer, although this probably has more to do with being off during summer months than an idealized notion of summer. I was very excited because we finally went to the Hollywood Bowl – that’s more of an LA bucket list.
    I like your list! Sometimes I think that the school calendar dictates the activities that I associate with different seasons.

  6. Declan says:

    I have ideas I would like to do for the seasons. Now with a child, every season I hope this is the “time” that she will enjoy the holidays. With that, I am looking forward to Halloween, one of my favs! I love to decorate and dress up! I look forward to seasonal food the most

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, I am looking for Halloween costume ideas for a group of 4-6. Anything? I am not creative… but if you get in to it…

  7. Kim says:

    Love it! But I can’t really think of anything that “makes” a season for me. For fall it’s probably a marathon!

  8. Erin says:

    I don’t really like bucket lists because I always feel sad if I don’t get to do everything on them. I recently read that you should try to do one small thing every day to enjoy the season. That really resonated with me. Even if that one small thing is running errands on foot during lunch when the weather is nice.

  9. Jen says:

    I love the picture of the trail! DPRT?

    No bucket list for me in the summer due to marathon training though. 🙁 I am one of those people who dislikes summer. My darker skin and dark, thick hair make it no fun for me to be outdoors too long.

    I LOVE fall and cannot wait for pumpkin spice lattes, the changing colors of the leaves and cooler temps.

    • kilax says:

      It’s Half Day FP! I think it’s the loop, not where the DPRT goes through it 🙂

      So does this mean you LOVE winter? I seem to be the only person I know, besides another blogger named Pete, who loves winter 🙂

  10. Emily says:

    Here’s my “bare essentials” seasonal bucket list:

    SUMMER: Grill and eat outdoors
    FALL: Enjoy the fall foliage
    WINTER: Bake cookies
    SPRING: Wash my car (LOL)

  11. Michele says:

    My season bucket list for the past year and a half has been: make it through the semester with my head still attached to my body…I can’t wait for the day that happens, but it’s not going to for years…

    Umm, is that your mom in the background? She stole the pic! I mean you and your sister are beauties, but she is cracking me up in the background!!

    • kilax says:

      Wait… so you have been dead and undead repeatedly after each semester?! ZOMBIE!!!!!!

      Ha ha ha. Yeah, that is her! We were trying to get a pic of all three of us 🙂

  12. jan says:

    My husband loves snowshowing! He’s looking forward to it, too. I don’t really have an end of summer bucket list, but I do try to get a few day trips in, a few pool days, etc. and if I don’t do that, I start to get a little panicky!

  13. martymankins says:

    For me, no summer is complete without time at some kind of beach. That was Cabo San Lucas this year.

    Winter is my least favorite season. I look forward to staying as warm as I can without looking like a bundled up eskimo. LOL

    For activities, I do like a sled ride down a hill. It tends to bring out the kid in me.

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