What to post, where

By , November 27, 2013 6:22 am

Don’t worry! This is not a how-to… as usual, I am just asking you guys what you think!

The other day I posted this on my personal Facebook page:


Update: a lot of gifts are ordered. I am getting there! And Anne said she would help me wrap gifts in late December. Schweet!

It was kind of weird that I posted a link to my blog on my personal Facebook page, which I don’t think I’ve ever done before. I like to keep the two Facebook pages separate (for work privacy reasons, and to avoid content duplicity). 

But a lot of people post their blog links on their personal Facebook page, or post the same content on their personal page and their blog page. And I imagine some people post the same content across all platforms (blog, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… what else is there?).

So I was just wondering, if you use more than one social media platform, how do you decide what to post, where? 

I keep my blog to one-topic posts (unless it’s Random Thoughts Thursday) that I have a bit to say about. I use my Facebook blog page to link to those posts and to post little things that I won’t blog about, or share links. So, I think of the Facebook page as supplemental “content.”

And my personal Facebook page… sigh. I would really like to go off Facebook, but I keep it going because I use it so much for my work as a personal trainer at Essential Fitness. And actually, my issue is separate from the question I asked above (ha ha, oops), since I am only on two platforms – the blog & Facebook. I struggle with what to post on the same platform. Since I started a Facebook page for my blog in June of 2012, I sometimes have a hard time deciding what to post there and what to post on my personal page. I try not to double post too much. Or if I post about the same thing on both, say something different or use a different picture. 

And yes! This post is completely hypocritical because I am doing exactly what I said I try not to – recycling “content” someplace else! Ha ha!

As always, this blog and the social media stuff is just for fun. I am not losing sleep over all this. Just wondering what your thought process is behind it all, if you use the same platforms – or especially if you use more! And since I obviously overthink everything, this post will probably help you understand why I stick to two platforms!

20 Responses to “What to post, where”

  1. Anne says:

    This isn’t a how-to? But you’re normally so bossy!

    I didn’t even realize that was your personal FB – I just assumed it was the blog one! I do see some bloggers post the same exact thing on multiple platforms, and it just seems so redundant. Like, at least change it up a little. I don’t really use social media for my blog (hence, I don’t have a blog FB page), aside from tweeting a link anytime I have a new post.

    • kilax says:

      I do LOVE telling people what to do! JK. (Only at strength class)

      Yes. Redundant. I think about it that way too, even though I get that they are trying to get people in from all platforms… but aren’t they mostly the same people?

  2. Heather says:

    I don’t have a blog FB page so I just post it on my personal FB page. Everyone who reads my blog is a friend anyways – lol.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! So true! We almost all become Facebook friends! But then there are a few Facebook friends I would rather not know I have a blog (or be reminded of it!).

      Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Xaarlin says:

    I’ll post my blog link on my FB account because most of my friends there aren’t my twitter friends. Occasionally I’ll post the blog link on twitter. I’ll duplicate photos on instagram and FB for the same reason. But at the end of the day I’m not terribly serious about what I post where so duplicate redundant photos will appear- instagram, blog and FB! Hehe. I’ll not post my blog to FB if I’m being a downer. I need to keep up my “rainbow pooping, glitter farting unicorn” persona there. 😉

    • kilax says:

      It’s good for people like me that you duplicate your Instagram photos to Facebook since I am not on there!

      I thought unicorns farted sprinkles?! I have been mis-informed! (I actually saw a card that said this. Ha!)

  4. Kandi says:

    Um, I clearly stopped updating my blog… so I guess I use FB, instagram, and twitter. I rarely update facebook. Maybe a pic of the dogs and a race update every now and then. Twitter I use sparingly (I mostly read stuff there) but I post thoughts occasionally. Instagram I update more frequently with random photos of whatever is going on.
    Oh, and I don’t link to my blog on any of those platforms. In fact, I don’t think I link to any other platform from another. I guess I don’t like to mix my platforms if I can avoid it. I’d get rid of FB if it weren’t for keeping up with a few random friends/family and my basset group that I like to follow.

  5. Erin says:

    SO MANY THOUGHTS on this! Seriously. After attending more social media sessions than I can count, reading blogs that focus on this stuff, and chatting with other bloggers I can go on at length about this. I won’t, though. At least not here in the comments 🙂 Since you are doing it for fun and not necessarily trying to grow your readership or engagement (you seriously have the most engaged blog readers of any blog I read!) keep doing whatever works for you.

    For me, I try to do supplemental content on my blogs’ Facebook pages and then use Twitter to tweet links to my posts as well as share random bits of my life so that hopefully people can see me as more than just a face on a blog. I also use Instagram to share pics of things that are relevant to either my blog topics or to my life in general. Again, to give people a bit of insight into me. I used to cross-post my Instagram photos to Facebook and Twitter but I don’t always do that now. I sort of make decisions based on what I think my blog audience would be interested in. If I want lots of engagement, I usually go to my blogs’ Facebook. If I just think people want the facts, I go to Twitter. If it’s just a photo I want to share and don’t care about getting responses, it goes on Instagram only. My personal Facebook page is for sharing things that I feel I don’t need total strangers to know.

  6. Amy says:

    I would love to get off FB too. I’m not on anything else social media wise besides FB and Blogger and that’s more than enough for me.

  7. Marcia says:

    It seems to me like most bloggers post their blog stuff on all platforms. That said, I keep my blog stuff to my blog FB page. I feel like if any of my personal friends are interested, they’ll go ‘like’ that page. I don’t feel like I’m shoving blog stuff down anyone’s throat, not that that’s a bad thing. Very few people in my non-cyber world even know I have a blog. I could take or leave my personal FB page.

  8. Bean says:

    I am the worst at social media. I usually post to facebook- my personal page because I don’t have a blog page cause….I am lazy. And then sometimes twitter if I remember which is hardly ever. So apparently I write my blog for you, myself and my mom cause no one else knows about it…kidding…sort of;)

    • kilax says:

      LOL! Well, keep writing, because I like it!

      And if you ever decide to create a blog FB page… it’s super easy. But then you have that “where should I post?” “dilemma” 😉

  9. Meghan says:

    SUCH a great question. I am totally guilty of the social media overkill – I link to my blog on FB and Twitter, and I will usually post Instagram photos on my blog, too (Simply because I am too lazy to take “real” photos). I often wonder if people get tired of it, etc.

    • kilax says:

      I was telling xaarlin, I like the posts of Instagram photos to Facebook, since I am not on there. And the more Layla pics, the better! (duh!)

  10. Losing Lindy says:

    I have worried about posting on my personal page before. I have probably messed it up and haven’t realized it.

  11. Jen2 says:

    I don’t have a blog and really yours is the only one I read (oh, and Runnerdmom’s) and FB is the only social media I use so maybe I’m the wrong person to ask. However, I’ve thought recent of asking you what rhyme or reason you use to decide whether you contact me personally by text, FB messenger, email, etc.? I get stuff from you many different ways, so just a curiosity

    • kilax says:

      I use text if I am away from my computer and Facebook if I am by it. I really don’t like using Facebook for messaging so we can go away from that. I prefer email.

  12. Michelle says:

    I struggle with this issue too. My Instagram and personal fb are linked but I try to keep my blog and fb fan page mostly separate. Doesn’t always work out that way. Lol.

  13. martymankins says:

    Facebook is my least favorite social network, mostly because a lot of the friends and family that I grew up with, I don’t have a lot in common with them anymore.

    But there are enough new friends that I have made in the last 17 years of my life who I do like to communicate with, some on Facebook, but other places like Twitter and my blogs are much more desirable to post on.

    I do have a Tumblr account that I post on, but mostly just funny stuff I find on the web.

    I also cross post my Banal Leakage blog posts to Facebook, but I don’t think most people know how to respond (they normally like the post and leave a comment on the FB post, but I would rather they click over to my blog and comment there)

    • kilax says:

      It’s interesting you say you’d rather they comment on the blog because I had originally written that in a a draft version of this post, then taken it out!

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