Helper Cat makes the bed

By , October 17, 2014 5:05 pm

Helper cat not only assists in wrapping gifts and hair maintenance (<—that explains a lot, right?!)… he ALSO helps make the bed when we have house guests*! How helpful!






Or… not. Typical Helper Cat shenanigans. 


My snister and her husband are coming to visit! AHHHH! They haven’t stayed at our house since… geesh. 2009? No way it’s been that long (corrected – the last time was in 2012)! However long it’s been, I am really excited they are coming!

Who was your last house guest?

I like that we live close enough to a big city that people come to visit us… then we make them stay in the suburbs, mauh ha ha. JUST KIDDING! It’s fun to go to the city with guests. 

Anyway. Back to Helper Cat. If only he could help do some other prep work, like cleaning the house… sigh. At least I don’t have to get it to Grandma Level clean! Heck! Maybe my snister doesn’t mind if I clean at all?!

*unless they are allergic

9 Responses to “Helper Cat makes the bed”

  1. Christina says:

    I most certainly do NOT care if you clean!!! I just wanna see youuuuuu and Stefano toooooooo!!!! And helper cat too of course!

  2. Losing Lindy says:

    what a good helper cat

  3. Beth says:

    Aw, Data, you’re so cute! The last houseguest my hubby and I had was his best friend. He’s working remotely and traveling the country, so when he comes into town we’re always happy to host him and have him around.

  4. Amy says:

    Aw, Data is so handsome – and helpful too! Our last houseguest was my niece this summer.

  5. Courtney says:

    I LOVE Data and I personally think it’s fantastic that he is so helpful!!! He is so handsome and silly!!

  6. Mica says:

    Aww, it’s so comforting to think that Data helped make the bed whenever I stayed with you (Which, ugh! It has been too long!!!).

    We last had house guests in….uh, September. I guess we don’t have any people lined up to stay with us any time soon, but my parents are coming into town next weekend (but staying in a hotel and an AirBnb). I wish we had enough room for a guest room so that our guests were more comfortable. I feel bad making people stay in on an air mattress in the living room.

    • kilax says:

      It has been too long. I feel bad we haven’t been out to SF yet! 🙁 I really want to go!

      I rarely mind staying on an air mattress… that usually means the stay is F-R-E-E!!! 😀

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