Random Thoughts Thursday 90

By , March 10, 2016 6:27 am
  • YAY! The first floor bathroom work will begin at our house today! Work includes: swapping the location of the toilet and vanity (and doing associated plumbing, flooring, lighting, electrical, etc. work) and installing the new bathtub and shower surround. YAY! YAY YAY YAY! YAY!


Bathroom “before” picture

  • Did anyone else watch the final episode of Downton Abbey? It was nice how they tied everything up but… eh. I wasn’t in to it much the last few seasons. After they killed off Matthew I just didn’t love it as much. The first few seasons were my favorites.
  • Remember when I talked about that article that said we think of our future self as separate from our current self and that is why we sign up for stuff we don’t want to do? I didn’t mention that I didn’t feel like that was applicable to me – I almost always say no to everything. Ha. But… I did see the research mentioned in another article about anger (pdf here), and interestingly, they mentioned how sometimes we make bad eating choices now because we aren’t thinking about how future us would be affected by it, and… yeah. That is totally me!
  • Here’s an article I do agree with – “The worst kind of boss is not the one who’s always a jerk” (pdf here). Basically, it says that people would rather have a boss who is predictable – if they are going to be a jerk, be that way all the time. No Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Not your best friend one day and throwing you under the bus the next. Have you worked with people like this? I sure have (not my current boss!). And that is why I agree with the article – I’d rather just know what to expect than have it be a guessing game each day (or as my coworkers and I would say “whichever way the wind is blowing today…”).
  • Are you getting sick of me talking about our mailbox? I was just so excited to see mail in it on Monday! Not driving to the post office is saving me so much time!!!! Woo hoo!


  • Data woke us up making strange noises at 4:00 am today. He found another friend! Not a mouse, but there was a raccoon (or something raccoon sized) hanging out around the house. We saw it walk across the porch then off in to the woods. EARLY AM EXCITEMENT!!! (It was hard to wake up my cat alarm showed up a an hour or so later.)
  • We set all the bird feeders up this week! And far from the house – so hopefully we can watch, but not invite any of those critters in. I have a feeling I am going to be seeing a lot of squirrels and other non-bird creatures eating out of these. Maybe that is what attracted the coon!


Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 89

12 Responses to “Random Thoughts Thursday 90”

  1. So many things to comment on!

    First of all, I am SO confused by the original design of the bathroom. Why is the toilet SO far away from the vanity?! It looks so lonely! I mean, I guess you could put a cabinet in between the two, but as is it looks so odd. And why is the toilet so close to the door?! I have so many questions about this.

    Second, I have DEFINITELY had Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde bosses, and I would wholeheartedly agree that they’re the worst kind. You have to constantly walk on eggshells, and it is the absolute WORST. Though I suppose it’s good for improving your skills at reading people’s body language and nonverbals – that was always how you could most easily tell which mood my boss was in that day.

    Third, I am so so so so so so so so so so jealous of your bird feeders. I LOVE birds, and, as I’ve said multiple times on my blog before, I think the thing I hate the most about living in the city is the lack of birds (or at least the lack of easily visible birds). Occasionally I’ve seen pretty birdies in my neighborhood (cardinals, a chickadee, a mourning dove), but I would love to set up a bird feeder to see if I could attract more birds. I don’t have anywhere good to put one, though, and I also know beyond a doubt that Chippy (that’s what I call the squirrel who lives in my alley) would treat any bird feeder like it was his own personal buffet, and though Chippy and I get along all right (except for when he knocks my pots off my deck onto the ground), I’m not really looking to cultivate a friendship with him, you know? I just want to see birds 🙁 If you get some, take lots of pictures so I can live vicariously through you!

    • kilax says:

      I do NOT know what the deal is with this bathroom layout. Like… why all that space between the vanity and the wall, too? And yes… who wants a toilet by a door? It is so completely odd. I think this house has gone through MANY renos, and this is the bad result of one of them. Our neighbors told us the first floor used to have a huge hot tub (???) so this bathroom seems to be some afterthought after that! I think it will flow a lot better after the reno!

      YES! I hate walking on eggshells in ANY relationship. Just, ugh. It’s draining. Good positive point though – it DOES teach you how to read people 🙂

      I wish you had a good place to put one where Chippy wouldn’t just use it as his buffet. And the squirrel-proof feeders never really are!!! I will share any good pics I get! 🙂

    • Erin says:

      I love that Bethany’s first comment is about the distance between the toilet and the vanity…because that was my first thought, too!

  2. Lesley says:

    A couple of my friends have a new house and they’re going through all the fun stuff of getting insurance, alarm system, and figuring out what they’ll need to fix right away.

  3. Shelley B says:

    Ooh, look at that pretty mailbox, all filled up with mail!!! It’s the little things that end up being pretty dang exciting.

    How fun to get that bathroom reno going. Looks like there is plenty of room in there to make it more of a useful bathroom, that’s for sure.

    • kilax says:

      Yes! And thanks for being excited for me! 🙂

      There totally is room! They already demo’d that stuff out of there today, and started framing out the shower!

  4. Erin says:

    I think bathroom renovations are awesome because they make such a huge impact in a relatively small space. Although that bathroom looks like it could be someone’s bedroom with all that square footage!

    Have you met your mail person yet?

    • kilax says:

      Yes! I can’t wait for it to be done and show you all! It will look much smaller when the tub is in, ha ha.

      No! But I have waved to them a lot when I run by! 😉

  5. Glad it wasn’t another mouse! Our cat has been waking me up in the middle of the night lately too. She just sits right next to my head and meows and then licks every inch of exposed skin. It’s ridiculous.

    Can’t wait to see the bathroom “after” shot!

  6. martymankins says:

    Raccoons are quite adventurous when it comes to food and finding food. We had one years ago at our place and it used to torment the cats when they were outside.

    Yay for bathroom project starting.

    And yay for installed mailbox.

  7. I was going to say the same thing about the toilet and the vanity. Oh, and the toilet in my bathroom is right next to the door.

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