Random Thoughts Thursday 142

By , August 10, 2017 6:10 am
  • Ha, Jen texted me this image last week and said she thought I’d appreciate the section in red. Long story short – I had been doing this community 5K for YEARS and they changed the format and location this year and I didn’t care for it. Apparently I wasn’t alone! I’m glad it’s going back to its original format.

  • We’ve been getting the basement ready (removing junk from the ceiling, cleaning, and organizing) for awhile so we could properly set up our workout area, starting with a smith machine for Steven to use! (I plan on using it too!)

  • I keep forgetting to ask – who has seen Get Out and what did you think of it? It was different than I thought it would be. For some reason, I had it in my head that it was a slasher movie, and gory. It wasn’t. But it was messed up!
  • When I went in to the office this week, it was to a (somewhat) new space/floor. My company is getting rid of all assigned workspaces – when you go in to the office, you either reserve a space to use, or find a hot desk (non-reservable space) to use. Some staff were freaking out about losing storage space and finding a space to sit each office visit and so on and so on, but I am excited to sit in different places and by different people each day I’m in. So far, sitting by different people already let me overhear some interesting information (which is partially the point of this – information sharing and collaboration with people you don’t normally see).
  • My Aunt Sue gave me this print with a note that seeing it made her think of me and that she thought maybe I’d like to send it to someone else, but it made me laugh so much I framed it and kept it for myself!

  • And… a lovely flashback to a week ago when I had what felt like a million mosquito bites. Ouch.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 141

21 Responses to “Random Thoughts Thursday 142”

  1. Anne says:

    I’m happy to hear they’re changing Frosty back! Pretty sure that text box should read “We heard you, Kim!” LOL. Maybe I can make a trip back for that (and find out which is worse – February in Cleveland or Chicago ha ha ha). I thought it was a really fun race in its original format!

    I saw Get Out… I actually totally forgot about that movie until you brought it up. It’s not as easy to reference as It Follows was.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha ha ha! That would be awesome if you could come back! You’d totally kill it on the hills!

      Whenever I think of Get Out, I do always think the movie it’s most similar to IS It Follows though. Ha.

  2. Kiersten Pfeifer says:

    Bug bites on your feet are the WORST. Why do they itch so much more than anywhere else?

    • kilax says:

      Right?! Sigh. Because no matter what you do, something is touching them? Or is it that they are more likely to be exposed in the summer? Either way, grrrrr.

  3. Chaitali says:

    I love when races (any organization really) are responsive to feedback like that! That cat print is adorable 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Me too! I was really sad when they changed it – it was my one goal race each year, and the new format was so blah. Anyway, yay!

  4. Maggie says:

    I’m so jealous of unassigned workspaces! I would love to be able to move around like that. Our company is moving early next year (only 2 blocks away) and I wish we were doing this, but we’re not 🙁 We’ll still have assigned desks. But we are downsizing the size of the desks and some people are freaking out. (My team is currently doing the “small desk pilot” so it’ll be the same size desk for me.) I’ve already moved desks like 8 times in the 4 years I’ve been here, so I’ve already gotten in the habit of getting rid of junk I don’t need. The only stuff I keep at my desk are my work-appropriate shoes and a shower bag. Do you guys have lockers or something to keep your things in?

    • kilax says:

      I wonder if they thought about unassigned! Is there a union or something involved, negotiating for assigned spots?

      That is what I keep at work too, along with tissues and a few architect specific designer tools. We have lockers. I could have had a file drawer but I elected not to.

  5. Yay! I’m so glad they’re changing the race back to what it used to be! All of the changes they made this year seemed SO nonsensical, and I’m happy for you that it’ll be back to normal 🙂

    That’s super surprising to me about your office setup! Do a lot of your people work remote or travel between offices frequently? I know for me, at least, I’ve got documents in my desk, notebooks, etc., and it’d drive me NUTS if I had to carry all that stuff around with me every day. Heck, it’d drive me nuts if I couldn’t leave my computer on my desk overnight!

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! I am so happy about it!

      Most of our staff works remotely most of the time 🙂 There are only a few people left who come in every day a week! I hardly have any paper stuff I use anymore – just a notebook 🙂 And we all have laptops.

  6. Karen Bayne says:

    Oh woooow, bugs love you!
    The print is great lol

  7. Kristina says:

    Ouch (or “Itch”) – those bites!

    As for “Get out” – I kind of want to see it, but I’m also sort of nervous, if that makes any sense at all. I don’t really like slasher movies, and I’ve heard that this is more suspense/psychological tension. I’m aware of the premise and really like Jordan Peele’s work, so I hope to see it. What did you think about it?

    • kilax says:

      I was nervous about it because I heard how creepy it was and thought it was going to be slasher, but it definitely wasn’t at all. I thought it was really clever, and liked that it still had some humor in it. Let me know if you see it!

  8. Mica says:

    I saw “Get Out” and really enjoyed it. I thought it was clever social commentary and funny! I knew going in though that it wasn’t a traditional slasher movie though, which may have affected my impression of it.

    Interesting that your office is moving to the new system. A lot of co-working spaces are like that apparently. You can pay for a dedicated space or pay less for a hot desk. I’m not sure if I’d like it because I enjoy having “my own” space. That being said, it does limit the interactions I have to the people around me and my department.

    That print from your aunt is so cute. I really like pen-and-ink drawings. They look so classy!

    • kilax says:

      Yes – it was clever and funny! Very creative. I had to make sure not to think too much about what they were actually doing it how it didn’t really make any sense/wouldn’t work!

      I’ve been to a few cowork spaces, WeWork, the most recently! Do you have them there? Man, they REALLY cram people in. It was scary. And probably not up to code. I am actually surprised to hear you have your own space every day! Is everyone in your office like that?

  9. Shelley B says:

    I saw Get Out when we were in Orlando – our son insisted we go. I had no idea what the movie was about, hadn’t heard of it, so no expectations going in (except that my son had already seen it and liked it enough to want us to see it). All that said, I had a lot of holy sh*t and WTF moments while watching it; it was great, but crazy, too.

    Very cool that they are changing the Frosty race back to what it was. Wonder how many complaints they had after the last one?

    • kilax says:

      That is cool that you went it with no expectations and were wowed! I kept hearing how great it was and I kind of wish I had seen it how you did! SO MANY WTF moments LOL.

      I wonder too! Must have been more than one! 😉

  10. martymankins says:

    I finally watched Get Out. It was slow at first, but then got really good. I liked it a lot. I don’t know if I will do repeat viewings, but it was good. The plot was clever, that’s for sure.

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