Search: scarves

Pretzel Knot (another scarf post)

By , October 14, 2011 11:49 am

My coworker showed me how to tie my scarf in a pretzel knot on Wednesday and I thought it was pretty cool. I made you a “how to” video, but forgot the last knot! Duh! So here are even better directions, from lisa leonard designs (I’ve never seen this blog before – just found it in a google search – but she’s a cutie!). Here’s the knot:

Can you name that Chicago public art piece? WHOA! I look tired today!

Also, since I am talking about scarves (yet again) here is a fun one I picked up at a cute little shop in Kenosha on Sunday. 

It has all these little circular punch-throughs on it.

The funny thing is, I thought I was doing the pretzel knot in this picture. In the store on Sunday, Gina and I saw instructions for the pretzel knot and couldn’t figure it out, so the sales ladies helped us. Well, they showed us wrong. I wrapped it around my neck once, then tied it, then pulled one end up and through from the bottom and one end up and through from the top. It looked cute but wasn’t the pretzel knot! I showed it to my coworker then she showed me how to do it right. Ha ha. 

Side note: This is totally unrelated, but I am really happy I got in to the NYC Marathon before they started changing their registration policy! If you click on the link, you’ll see they’re doing away with guaranteed entry for three-time declined lottery applicants, and significantly decreasing qualifying finishing times (my age group is a 3:00 marathon or 1:27 half!). I don’t think these changes are bad, I am just happy I got in for this year!

Side note 2: I saw this short article on the importance of exercise being fun. There wasn’t much to the article, but it linked to this funny French commercial, which makes me laugh! WARNING: Video may be NSFW.

Side note 3: I can run marathons, but going up the stairs leaves me out of breath every time. LAME.

Surprise scarf

By , October 5, 2011 5:02 am

Wow! Another new scarf. I am not sure how to wear this one though. Any ideas?

Thanks Data, for always making my mornings interesting. 

I think Data is a bit worried. Last week a huge package of diapers, formula and bottles showed up. Then last night, Steven and I came home with a pack and play*, exersaucer* and a bouncer.

Data literally ran out the door when Steven carried the exersaucer (that big green thing) in. I had to run out in the the driveway, then catch Data before he made his escape in to the wild. 

Don’t worry Data! These are not permanent items in our house! We are just getting ready for Gina, Steve and Luca to come visit this weekend!

(And I have already caught Data checking out the baby stuff so he must not be too worried) 

*I had no idea what these things were a few months/weeks ago. Now look at me with my fancy baby talk!

FAIL/WIN Saturday / Your choice workout top giveaway WINNERS

By , September 24, 2011 8:43 am
  • FAIL – First day in a long time with no alarm so I planned on sleeping in. Data made that a FAIL.
  • FAIL – I was going to take pictures of some beautiful scarves that Erin bought me to go with my Banana Republic purchases, but the tripod broke and the camera fell all the way down to the first floor and landed on the vinyl kitchen floor. The camera is no longer functional. FAIL!
  • FAIL – What is up with this weirdo mural at O’Hare airport? It looks normal from afar, but upon further inspection…

  • WIN – I ended up seeing my brother on Thursday night before he left town. We ate at Red Robin then went swimming at his hotel.
  • WIN – I started reading Cycling Home from Siberia and it’s really good! I need to read more. I really love to read and don’t take the time to do it (instead I tinker around on the internets).
  • WIN – I had my interview for the DC detail yesterday. The interviewer said she likes me and wants to bring me on, but I am in NO WAY sure I will go to DC – there are still budget issues to work out.

The winners of the Your Choice Workout Top Giveaway are:

Black Sleeveless Mesh Tank – Radioactive Tori
Green Singlet Printed Top – Amy B @ Second City Randomness
Orange Colorblock Tank – Cindy

Winners, please email me your mailing addresses at!

I hope you guys enjoyed the giveaway! I was excited to find the discount rack and look through all the fun clothes. I was bummed they didn’t have every size in the green tank – that was originally what I wanted to giveaway. But I actually bought the orange top for myself too and am kind of in love with it!

I have an idea for another cool giveaway I am trying to work out. Stay tuned!

Cold weather sweater

By , December 13, 2010 6:17 am

I have one wool sweater, and I only wear when it gets really cold – otherwise, I feel WAY too hot.*

Today it’s kind of cold. High of 15°F, negative wind chills, blah blah blah.

When I get dressed for work, I think about two things:

  1. Will I be comfortable? and
  2. Do I have any meetings today? (implies I might wear something “nicer”)

Today, comfortable means “are the clothes warm enough for the 10 minute walk from Union Station to the office?” I wore this sweater and turtleneck, warm pants, knee-high ski socks, utility boots, my Columbia jacket with a hood, and of course, a hat, gloves and scarves. I skipped the running tights – sometimes when it gets really cold, I wear them under my pants. So I was warm enough, except for my thighs.

What do you wear when it gets really cold and you have to go walk outside? Do you have certain things you only wear “when it’s ‘cold'”? How cold does it get where you live?

I’ve actually walked to work before in below 0 temps accompanied by well below 0 windchills. I don’t mind the cold, as long as it’s not a suprise. I check the forecast the night before and plan what I am going to wear that way. I am shocked** to see people outside without hats and gloves!

Aww, Data is so cuddly in the morning when he wants to be fed. Muah ha ha.

*I was too hot in it getting ready for work this morning – our bathroom lights are really bright (that is not our bathroom in the pictures above – that’s the guest bathroom). But I don’t have to worry about getting too hot in the office, because it’s always cold.
**And I am equally shocked by the people who constantly*** complain about the cold – it’s the midwest! You know it’s going to get like this! Duh?
***I don’t mean the occasional, “WOW! IT’S COLD!” I mean the constant, “It’s so cold outside, wah wah wah, I am a little baby who loves to complain all the time…”****
****Don’t worry, I am not referring to anyone who reads this blog with that statement! I am referring to someone who always complains to me in person about how cold it is, and not in a fun, “Wow, it’s cold” (as mentioned above) way.

Evolving personal style

By , September 29, 2010 6:57 am

When I first saw Steven this morning, he laughed at my outfit and said, “I thought you had tissues stuffed in your shirt.”

Ha. I guess it does look like that! This is what happens when I try to be “fashionable”…

I have NO sense of style. My wardrobe in high school and college was jeans and a t-shirt. When I first started work it was always a button-down shirt (usually untucked, yuck) and dress pants. After working for about a year (and losing some weight, I might add) I discovered blouses and sweaters. Now I usually wear a “nice” top with dress pants. I still have a lot of work to do if I ever want to look “polished” or “put together” (that would be nice).

How has your personal style evolved? Do you feel like you have a sense of style?

I wish I knew how those people who always look so nice did it. My attempts usually fail. I just feel like I look… disheveled or something. Although, I did try something new to me, fashion-wise, this week that I wanted to mention – wearing a scarf.

I have a coworker who wears a scarf or wrap nearly every day of the week. It’s crazy. I, on the other hand, have NEVER worn a scarf or wrap as part of my work outfit. I only wear scarves in the winter, to cover my face when I’m outside.

Steven’s mom gave me this silk scarf a few years ago.

Kim = crazy cat lady.

I decided to take it to work with me on Monday and have my coworker show me how to wear it.


Funny, the best picture in the series was one with my head cut off.

I liked the way it turned out!

Do you ever wear decorative scarves or wraps?

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34 ‘queries’.