A nice, quiet (start to) January

By , January 9, 2016 7:16 am

Gosh, I cannot express how nice it’s been to have some FREE TIME since Christmas! Hallelujah!

From October to December, we were focused on selling our house, moving, unpacking, finishing things up at the old house, traveling to Dallas, then prepping and hosting Christmas. We were constantly on the go. Ha, one night in early December, we set up our DVD player, put in a movie and sat down to watch it, then when the previews were over, said to each other “Do we actually have time to watch a movie?” NOPE! We shut it off and went back to the office to work on things. Ha ha.

But since Christmas, we’ve had free evenings, and weekends again. What a treat! We’ve actually gotten bored at night. I know, whuuuuuut?

(Seriously though, after doing so much in the evenings for so many months, I feel weird sitting down and watching movies again.)

I am deeply cherishing the quiet now, because I know it’s short-lived before we pack up and move again (we still don’t have a close date, but I am getting estimates from moving companies, anyway), then have to unpack again. And begin house projects at the new house. Just in time for some busy days at work, too, if things stick to the made up schedule in our heads. Schweet. Ha.

But anyway! I started writing this whole post to say I’ve had time to read at night, and on the train, and that it’s relaxing and fulfilling for me. I love how reading a book or magazine (as opposed to anything online) makes me slow down and ensure that I fully understand what I am reading. I am almost done with How Bad Do You Want It? and pulled The Rise of Superman out of storage to start next. And I asked for a few books from my family for our late Christmas (which is soon, yay!).

I hope you are having a relaxing start to the year, too!


Data is having a relaxed January… except when he remembers there is a ceiling fan in the office

8 Responses to “A nice, quiet (start to) January”

  1. Marcia says:

    A quiet start is a great one! I love that you’re getting back to reading and enjoying it. I need to follow suit!

  2. amy says:

    You really have been busy…the holidays were busy here but it won’t let up til February because I still have the big drive up to Sweden to pick up Florian…I know what you mean, though, when you’ve been busy, it’s like you almost forget what to do when you don’t have anything you HAVE to do on an evening.

    • kilax says:

      Oh wow! How long of a drive is that?!

      That’s exactly how it is! I am happy I am getting somewhat used to it before we gear up for move #2!

  3. Mica says:

    Yay, I’m glad you can finally relax! I’m also enjoying a relaxing start to January, though, of course, I’ve filled my free time with hobbies! I downloaded so many books from the library and have, like, three knitting projects I want to work on. Oh well!

  4. martymankins says:

    This reminds me that I need to watch more movies. We get a Redbox rental and then have to rush to watch it before it’s due back at 9pm.

    • kilax says:

      We just started trying Redbox (we ended our Netflix disks for now) and had to rush and watch three movies in one Saturday! Oops! We won’t make that mistake again 🙂

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