Posts tagged: Disney World

Running Update

By , September 28, 2009 6:00 pm

I ran a half of a mile yesterday. In 5 minutes. And my shin doesn’t hurt today! Woo-hoo!

Of course, I felt that the 10:00 min per mile pace was too fast, my breath was all out of wack, and my left heel still hurts every morning but…

Who cares! My shin isn’t killing me today!!!

I am going to start trying to run 3 days a week with Steven (hopefully), so we can get ready for the Disney Half Marathon in January.  If we end up going to the race*, we aren’t going to try to PR. In fact, we (okay, mostly I) plan on stopping to take photos with the Disney characters. So this will be a good race to ease into, and I can even walk parts of it if I want.

*Disney Half Marathon = Muchos Expensive Trip.

Crazy 8’s Meme

By , April 29, 2009 6:43 am

Look! Another meme! I’ve seen this one going around the internet A LOT lately, and I finally got tagged for it… by Bethany!

I have to be honest. I usually skim memes. Or just mark them as read. So if you do the same for me, I understand.

Although, this one was interesting to fill out, because I really had to think hard about what to put on these lists! And I am sure as the day goes on, I will think of even more things to add.

8 Things I am looking forward to:

  1. The Kenosha Half Marathon this Saturday!
  2. Seeing my parents this weekend.
  3. Going to SELF’s Workout in the Park with Diane on 5/16.
  4. Spending time on the Mississippi River this summer.
  5. Going to Disney World in January.
  6. Doing the 30 Day Shred for 30 consecutive days (starting 5/1) and getting shredded!
  7. Trying a vegan diet.
  8. Seeing X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Star Trek, Angels & Demons, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Terminator Salvation this summer.

8 Things I did yesterday:

  1. Got caught up at work!!!
  2. Blogged. Read blogs. Added new blogs to my reader. Felt guilty for being addicted to blogging.
  3. Talked to my coworker about doing a sprint triathlon.
  4. Listened to Jillian Michaels’s podcast.
  5. Ran 4 miles with Steven.
  6. Ate homemade Mexican Food for dinner.
  7. Got sick and spent a lot of time on the toilet.
  8. Started watching Lady in the Water and wondered, “Is this lame movie going anywhere?!?!”

8 Things I wish I could will do*:

  1. Run a marathon in 2009.
  2. Finish logging in my IDP** credits.
  3. Learn how to style my hair.
  4. Work harder at communication with Steven.
  5. Experiment more in the kitchen.
  6. Try yoga. Try slowing down.
  7. Maintain my weight loss.
  8. Get more sleep!

8 Shows I watch:

  1. I don’t watch television, but I do own all 6 seasons of Sex and the City.

Play along if you want!

*Modified that one a bit!
**It’s an architecture thing.

30 miles and some foot love

By , April 6, 2009 5:33 am

Warning: There may be A LOT of posts in the “Health + Fitness” category this week. Yeah. Oops. I just gotta get a few things out of my mind. On to the post…

I ran 30 miles last week! It was my highest mileage week ever:

  • Tuesday: 4 mile run outside with Steven
  • Wednesday: 4 miles on treadmill at work (plus 30 mins of “hill intervals” on the elliptical)
  • Thursday: 5 miles on the treadmill (and 30 Day Shred Level 1*)
  • Friday: 4 mile run outside with Steven
  • Saturday: 3 mile run outside with Steven – done in 25:46 min!
  • Sunday: 10 miles on the frickin’ treadmill

I was talking to my mom on Wednesday and she asked what Steven and I plan to do after the half marathon. Well, quit running, of course! Just kidding. Unless we have some adverse side effect to the half marathon, our goal is to complete a full marathon in 2009. So I imagine, after a bit of downtime, we will pick a full marathon to sign up for and find a training program. We will probably do a local one for our first. Seems like registration is still open for the 2009 Chicago Marathon on October 11th, so that is a feasible option.

My mom used to be really into running, so I was telling her – I think my body is made to run. It just feels so natural and right to me. Most days, I don’t even struggle with it. So I really hope I continue to feel this way after our half marathon, and can pursue longer distances.

After my long run yesterday, I decided I deserved a little pampering, so I  finally used the Bath & Body Works True Blue Spa Suddenly Sauna for Feet and Shea It Isn’t So Shea Butter Foot Cream that my blogger sister, Gina, sent me for Christmas. Yeah. I was saving them for a special occasion. I figured 10 miles was special enough.

image: Suddenly Sauna Foot Booties image: Shea Butter Foot Cream

You put water in the booties and it activates some heat elements. While the booties are “heating up,” you put the foot cream on, then slip the booties on when they are ready. It took awhile for the booties to heat up, but once they did, it felt great. I think my feet deserved that extra attention. Thanks Gina! I am excited to use the other two pairs. Now, if only I could figure out how to get rid of my feet “stinky-ness”…

Other running news: We finally signed up for the Walt Disney World Half  Marathon on January 9! I am super excited. Our friends and their parents are going to be there, as well as a few other bloggers. Let me know if you’re going!

*Dammit, did I really only Shred ONE day this week? I need to work on that. Arg.

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