Posts tagged: Distance

Not so fast

By , October 7, 2009 12:42 pm

It’s frustrating that running is not as easy as it used to be. I AM grateful that my shin doesn’t hurt (as much as it did before – a slight pain is still there) and I KNOW it will get easier with time.

But right now, my mind remembers how much I loved it and how easy it used to be. Then I get on the treadmill and it’s not what I remember. And I struggle – mentally – not physically.

Today I ran 1.5 miles. I wanted to run 2, but felt like I was pushing it, and as I mentioned, felt mentally defeated.

But, I am looking on the bright side – I can’t expect to recover instantly. And 1.5 miles is pretty good for someone who hasn’t been running in the past two months. I have to take small, baby steps.

I always feel encouraged when I work on in the office gym. Now, this is going to sound weird, but hear me out. I’ve noticed that most of the women who use the locker room are very comfortable with their bodies. They are not worried if someone else sees them naked. They even stand around and have conversations about exercise while they are drying off or getting dressed. I’ve never been too shy about my body, so this doesn’t weird me out (like it does some people). It actually makes me feel good about myself, seeing other women being so comfortable with who they are. Just thought I would share that…

30 miles and some foot love

By , April 6, 2009 5:33 am

Warning: There may be A LOT of posts in the “Health + Fitness” category this week. Yeah. Oops. I just gotta get a few things out of my mind. On to the post…

I ran 30 miles last week! It was my highest mileage week ever:

  • Tuesday: 4 mile run outside with Steven
  • Wednesday: 4 miles on treadmill at work (plus 30 mins of “hill intervals” on the elliptical)
  • Thursday: 5 miles on the treadmill (and 30 Day Shred Level 1*)
  • Friday: 4 mile run outside with Steven
  • Saturday: 3 mile run outside with Steven – done in 25:46 min!
  • Sunday: 10 miles on the frickin’ treadmill

I was talking to my mom on Wednesday and she asked what Steven and I plan to do after the half marathon. Well, quit running, of course! Just kidding. Unless we have some adverse side effect to the half marathon, our goal is to complete a full marathon in 2009. So I imagine, after a bit of downtime, we will pick a full marathon to sign up for and find a training program. We will probably do a local one for our first. Seems like registration is still open for the 2009 Chicago Marathon on October 11th, so that is a feasible option.

My mom used to be really into running, so I was telling her – I think my body is made to run. It just feels so natural and right to me. Most days, I don’t even struggle with it. So I really hope I continue to feel this way after our half marathon, and can pursue longer distances.

After my long run yesterday, I decided I deserved a little pampering, so I  finally used the Bath & Body Works True Blue Spa Suddenly Sauna for Feet and Shea It Isn’t So Shea Butter Foot Cream that my blogger sister, Gina, sent me for Christmas. Yeah. I was saving them for a special occasion. I figured 10 miles was special enough.

image: Suddenly Sauna Foot Booties image: Shea Butter Foot Cream

You put water in the booties and it activates some heat elements. While the booties are “heating up,” you put the foot cream on, then slip the booties on when they are ready. It took awhile for the booties to heat up, but once they did, it felt great. I think my feet deserved that extra attention. Thanks Gina! I am excited to use the other two pairs. Now, if only I could figure out how to get rid of my feet “stinky-ness”…

Other running news: We finally signed up for the Walt Disney World Half  Marathon on January 9! I am super excited. Our friends and their parents are going to be there, as well as a few other bloggers. Let me know if you’re going!

*Dammit, did I really only Shred ONE day this week? I need to work on that. Arg.

Friday Question #28

By , June 6, 2008 7:44 am

What is the greatest distance you have ever driven in a single day? What do you do to keep yourself entertained while in the car, whether you’re the driver/passenger, alone/with someone?

The longest distance I have personally driven in one day is the 530 miles between Kansas City, MO and Round Lake, IL. I went to KC with a friend of mine for the beginning of Spring Break, then we drove all the way to Steven’s house, and her boyfriend picked her up there and took her to Indianapolis. I think I have traveled much further in a single day, maybe with my family on road trips, but never driven that far on my own.

When I’m driving alone, I keep myself entertained by singing along to the radio or cds. When I’m with someone, it’s usually Steven, so we talk almost the whole way there, whoever is driving. I like to do SuDoku and logic puzzles, and read books and magazines, but I never seem to be doing those things when I am the passenger (I like to sleep too, but I try not to!).

Side Note: I apologize for being so far behind in responding to comments here and reading other blogs. It’s been “one of those weeks”!

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