Posts tagged: injury

Friday Question #94

By , January 1, 2010 11:57 am

What was your biggest accomplishment in 2009?

I saw this question yesterday all over the blogosphere and loved reading everyone’s answers, so I would love to hear yours as well!

When I was answering this question yesterday, I kept saying that the accomplishment I was most proud of is running my first half marathon in under 2 hours and feeling great afterward.

image: Kim running by herself

The more I think about it though, I think maybe my biggest accomplishment was dealing with the setback of being injured and not being able to run, and coming back from that by the end of the year. And not just coming back to running, but getting myself out of a funk.

I hurt my wrist in July, which didn’t affect my running that much, but I had to keep it in a brace and I became very frustrated with doing things around the house. I stopped taking care of myself as well. I really shut myself out from my friends in August. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone – I didn’t feel like I had anything positive to say. I had to stop running completely in September, and I ended up spending two months not being very active.

I’m not telling this very well, but I was in a super funk for a few months of the summer, and finally came out of it in the fall (I think after we watched the Chicago Marathon). I learned a lot about my body and what it can and cannot handle. I learned how to be more open with my friends. I learned how to handle stress better.

I really feel like I’ve turned a corner, and made some huge accomplishments towards being more stable in my health and emotional-state. I am really hoping 2010 won’t be as bumpy of a ride! But if it is, I feel like I’ve learned some new tools on how to handle it.

Not so fast

By , October 7, 2009 12:42 pm

It’s frustrating that running is not as easy as it used to be. I AM grateful that my shin doesn’t hurt (as much as it did before – a slight pain is still there) and I KNOW it will get easier with time.

But right now, my mind remembers how much I loved it and how easy it used to be. Then I get on the treadmill and it’s not what I remember. And I struggle – mentally – not physically.

Today I ran 1.5 miles. I wanted to run 2, but felt like I was pushing it, and as I mentioned, felt mentally defeated.

But, I am looking on the bright side – I can’t expect to recover instantly. And 1.5 miles is pretty good for someone who hasn’t been running in the past two months. I have to take small, baby steps.

I always feel encouraged when I work on in the office gym. Now, this is going to sound weird, but hear me out. I’ve noticed that most of the women who use the locker room are very comfortable with their bodies. They are not worried if someone else sees them naked. They even stand around and have conversations about exercise while they are drying off or getting dressed. I’ve never been too shy about my body, so this doesn’t weird me out (like it does some people). It actually makes me feel good about myself, seeing other women being so comfortable with who they are. Just thought I would share that…

Marathon (???) Training Week 10

By , August 23, 2009 9:37 pm

Welcome to week 10 of marathon training! If you click on the activity link after the dates, it will take you to the Garmin connect website for full stats.

Day 64 | Monday, August 17: Rest Cross-Train

Wow – this must have been a tough workout, because I felt dizzy and weak when I was done!

I ordered a shin brace on Monday night (thanks for the suggestion, Holly!). I am excited to see if that helps.

Bike Time: 30 min | Distance: 8.8 miles

Day 65 | Tuesday, August 18: Run 4 miles Cross-Train

I wanted to run on Tuesday, but figured since my shin was bothering me laying in bed Monday night, and it hurt when I woke up, I better NOT.

I feel really bummed out when my running friends at work ask me how training is going, and I have to tell my sad story. But, telling them at least got me a referral to a doctor a lot of them use at the UIC Sports Medicine Center.

I called my regular doctor asking him for a referral on Tuesday morning, and he said he could give me a name, but all I was going to hear was “rest and physical therapy.” He told me to take two weeks off from running, do low intensity workouts, then come back to running slowly. I asked him if this meant I could still run two times a week… and he kind of said “no.”

He told me there is no reason to see a doctor, because there is nothing there (in your shin) to hurt majorly. Yeah, not sure what he meant about that. BUT, there actually is a small bump in my leg where it hurts. I can feel it when I massage my leg.

So, I hope this UIC guy can give me some pointers (my appointment is 9/3). I don’t expect a miracle.

Elliptical Time: 30 min |Distance: 2.9 miles

Day 66 | Wednesday, August 19: Run 8 miles Rest

Woke up limping. Why?! Why would I be limping?! I haven’t been running!

Day 67 | Thursday, August 20: Run 4 miles Cross-Train

I had a lunch-time run scheduled with Erin, but she had to cancel (She forgot her work computer at home and didn’t realize until she got to the office! So she went  home and worked from there). I was sad I didn’t get to see Erin, but it’s probably better that I took another day off from running. It was down to the office gym for the third time this week…

Bike Time: 30 min | Distance: 8.9 miles

Day 68 | Friday, August 21: Rest

Day 69 | Saturday, August 22: Run 17 miles Run 2 miles

I left to run at 11:00 am. It was about 68°F. In August! This is wrong! I keep saying, “Why wasn’t it this cool last Saturday…?”

Anyway, my goal was to run 2 miles. I got out to the park and thought, “Ooo, maybe I can do 3 or 4!” Yeah. I ran 1 mile and walked 1 mile (plus warm-up and cool-down).

During the first .25 miles of my run, my gait was SO OFF. It was like I forgot how to run. It felt unnatural and uncomfortable. I got in to it after the first .25 miles, but my shin started to ache at about .75 miles. So I called it quits at 1 mile. LAME-O. And I probably shouldn’t have even walked a whole mile after that, because my shin was throbbing a bit. I iced it when I got home. I ice it a lot now. I don’t think it does much anymore.

Distance: 2.00 | Time: 26:01 | 1: 9:57 | 2: 16:04

Day 70 | Sunday, August 23: Cross-Train

Steven got my bike ready on Saturday, so I could take my first “real” bike ride on Sunday! And, since my awesome-o car can fit TWO bikes in it, he decided to come with me!

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Love my car.

We went back to the Rollins Savanna for an easy 12 miles, which is two times around the path.

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

I know nothing about biking.

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

I like this Forest Preserve because it feels like it’s in the middle of nowhere. Once you get on the trail, there are only a few times you see the highway or houses.

We saw four deer together and stopped to take some photos. A man rode by on his bike and said to us, “that’s what it’s all about!” He’s right. Life IS all about enjoying these small things. Life isn’t about worrying about your crappy shin and how you can’t run.

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

There is a place to stop and look through binoculars over the savanna. We were spying on some people who were letting their dog play in the swamp. The entire lower half of his body was covered in mud!

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Later we saw a hot air balloon (you’ll have to click on the image to make it larger).

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve

We enjoyed our bike ride. I still felt like I got somewhat of a workout (I made sure to use a high gear when we were riding so I could feel it in my quads), but had fun while doing it.

My shin brace came on Saturday, so I wore it most of the day, and on our bike ride. It feels good to wear it. It distracts from the pain, but my shin still ached when we were done with our ride.

Bike Time: 1:07:12 | Distance: 11.81 miles

Week Summary:

Thank you to everyone who has been sticking around for the pathetic-ness my “marathon” training has become. I am not even really sure if I can call this “marathon training” anymore. It may become “half-marathon training,” or just, “training.” I did change the name of the category to Running/Training.

I am not terribly upset that I may not be able to run this marathon. If my body wants me to wait, I’ll wait. It’s just that now, I have to decide what to do. Should I try to run the half instead? Not run at all? I don’t really feel like going to Kansas City just to run 13.1 miles. Especially since Steven’s 10-year reunion is about two weeks later and we might go down there for that.

I’ve come to realize Meme

By , July 9, 2009 5:44 am

I am borrowing the “I’ve Come to Realize” Meme from Marla, because I am pretty sure you don’t want to read about how much my wrist hurts, all of the things I cannot do because of my wrist, and how frustrated I am. Oh yeah, and this is a fun meme, so borrow if you want!

1. I’ve come to realize that my chest-size. . .
is directly correlated to my weight – the smaller I get, the smaller they get.

2. I’ve come to realize that my job. . .
is extremely secure, and that’s important right now.

3. I’ve come to realize that when I’m driving. . .
I am my most impatient.

4. I’ve come to realize that I need. . .
to learn how to relax.

5. I’ve come that realize that I have lost. . .
my connection with mainstream society (implying I ever had one).

6. I’ve come to realize that I hate it when. . .
people tell me what to do.

7. I’ve come to realize that if I’m drunk. . .
uh… I am never drunk. I rarely drink.

8. I’ve come to realize that money…
shouldn’t define who you are, but a lot of people let it.

9. I’ve come to realize that certain people. . .
will never change, so it’s best I ignore them.

10. I’ve come to realize that I’ll always. . .
be a little bit impatient, no matter how hard I try not to be.

11. I’ve come to realize that my sibling(s). . .
are nothing like me.

12. I’ve come to realize that my mom…
is an extreme worrier when it comes to her schoolwork/grades.

13. I’ve come to realize that my cell phone. . .
is good enough for me.

14. I’ve come to realize that when I woke up this morning. . .
I still felt frustrated.

15. I’ve come to realize that last night before I went to sleep. . .
Steven was talking to me about something and I feel asleep. Oops.

16. I’ve come to realize that right now I am thinking. . .
is it time to go home yet?

17. I’ve come to realize that my dad. . .
is one of the most supportive  and non-judgmental people in my life.

18. I’ve come to realize that when I get on Facebook. . .
I get frustrated when I have lots of messages in my inbox. I still like email.

19. I’ve come to realize that today. . .
is going to be better than yesterday. I am not sure how…

20. I’ve come to realize that tonight. . .
I have to run those 6 miles I put off yesterday to sulk and cry on the couch.

21. I’ve come to realize that tomorrow. . .
I will be the only one in the office on my team.

22. I’ve come to realize that I really want to. . .
take a day off to myself to catch up on sleep.

23. I’ve come to realize that the person mostly likely to repost this is. . .
not sure about this one!

24. I’ve come to realize that life. . .
is about journeys, not destinations.

25. I’ve come to realize that this weekend. . .
met my expectations. More or less.

26. I’ve realized the best music to listen to when I am upset. . .
something upbeat to snap me out of it.

27. I’ve come to realize that my friends. . .
are not always who I think they are.

28. I’ve come to realize that this year. . .
I’ve made huge progress in my health.

29. I’ve come to realize that my exes. . .
deserve happiness.

30. I’ve come to realize that maybe I should. . .
be more cautious of what I say.

31. I’ve come to realize that I love. . .
laying in the sun doing nothing.

32. I’ve come to realize that I don’t understand. . .
many people’s interests, but I try to.

33. I’ve come to realize my past. . .
is somewhat irrelevant.

34. I’ve come to realize that parties. . .
are not for me.

35. I’ve come to realize that I’m totally terrified. . .
of being injured.

36. I’ve come to realize that my life. . .
is completely in my control.

No volleyball for awhile

By , July 6, 2009 3:43 pm

I didn’t ask the doctor, but I am pretty sure I shouldn’t play any sand volleyball for awhile.

I had x-rays done of my wrist and forearm – no fracture! The doctor wants me to immobilize it (keep it in the splint) and ice it for 30 minutes each day. He was concerned by the amount of swelling and the fact that I cannot twist my arm without pain, so he wants me to make an appointment with an orthopedic specialist this week. He thinks the specialist may want to do an MRI and see if my tendons (or whatever they are called) are messed up. He thinks physical therapy may be in store for me, but I am a bit “yeah right.”

I am gaining more mobility each day, so I am excited. I can use my right hand fingers today! I am going to see how it feels tomorrow before I call the specialist.

Thank you for all of your well wishes! I will keep you updated.

And as you can probably guess, it will take me a bit longer to get to your blogs, but I will, eventually!

Random Wednesday: Office Biggest Loser, Weigh-ins, Evil Cookies, Thanks, and that Bruise

By , March 4, 2009 5:16 am

It looks like I am having another random Wednesday. Maybe I should copy Kevin and start doing “Snippet Wednesdays” if this turns into a habit – I just don’t know if I can promise snippets though!

My Office’s Biggest Loser Challenge Update: Week 6

It’s week 6 of the Biggest Loser Challenge, and I’ve lost 6.56% of my starting weight. I’ve been taking it nice and slow. So even though I am trying to lose weight, I don’t feel like I am living the lifestyle of someone who is trying to lose weight. Does that make any sense? What I am saying is, I DON’T feel like I am on a diet!

Weigh-ins Don’t Work for Everyone

Every Tuesday, the Sun-Times has a Q&A column by Mehmet Oz, M.D. and Michael Roizen, M.D. Apparently we are supposed to be impressed because the first guy is associated with Oprah, and the second guy worked at a prestigious hospital.

Anyway. Today’s first question was about programs that require weekly weigh-ins, and whether they are more successful than programs that don’t.

I found their response interesting – basically, you get out of it what you put into it. If a weekly weigh-in causes you to rethink your efforts and put new vigor into your eating and exercise, that’s good. If a weekly weigh-in causes you to “drown your disappointment in a pint of dark-chocolate ice cream,” that’s bad.

Overall, they said you should be measuring inches, not pounds. I wish I would have measured myself before I started my Office’s Biggest Loser Challenge!

Do you think weekly, private, weigh-ins would work for you?

MyPlate Doesn’t Work for Me

One week on my Office’s Biggest Loser Challenge, I decided I was frustrated (because of a very small gain!) and I signed up for the food diary site, MyPlate. I used it for three days. That was enough. I ate very well those three days, but the headache and constant stress of thinking about food was too much for me. I know that so many people recommend keeping a food diary, but I just can’t do it. It makes me want to rebel.

It was a silly three days, but it helped me get to the point of realizing that my body weight naturally fluctuates and it’s not a big deal.

The Sweet Portion of Lent and Guilt-Ridden Dreams

The Girl Scout Cookies have landed. And they’re everywhere in my office. Let me repeat: I feel relieved to walk by these and not feel tempted by them. Because. They. Are. Everywhere. I. Turn.

My first week of not eating sugary treats went very well. I shared a blueberry muffin with Steven on Sunday and that was it. I think I could have gone the whole day without that muffin, but I could tell he really wanted it.

On Monday night, I had a nightmare that I was gorging on sweets. This tells me I must be serious about it. Sometimes, I have nightmares that I am eating meat and feel very guilty in the dream. Steven has these dreams too. Maybe all vegetarians do? I’ve never craved meat the 8 years I’ve been a vegetarian, but I will have this dream every once in awhile. Well, the sugar dream made me feel the same way – guilty.

I wonder if my sister Christina, who is also a used to be a vegetarian, has had those dreams. Christina, if you are reading this, I also had a dream Monday night that you and Steven and I were at Grandma’s Pete’s old house with the whole fam. The three of us were upset because they were making huge egg mcmuffins, but wouldn’t make them without canadian bacon on them for us. Aunt Linda was making them (of course…). I took one from her and threw a egg on the ceiling and it stuck. I thought dad was going to yell at me, but he laughed. Then we got mad and left!

Thanks Tori!

Tori, thank you for sending me the awesome Thyroid Cancer Awareness wristband. I am going to wear it and tell everyone who asks about it your story and how awesome you are!

(P.S. Data is jealous)

image:Data with wristband

That Nasty Bruise

Thought you’d go a whole week without a fencing post? HA! Not so fast! I was sad not to have fencing class Monday night. Although, it may have hurt if someone hit me in my bruised spot.

The first week of the bruise I thought it was cool. Now I just want it to go away so I can wear a short sleeved shirt and not have to explain to people that I am taking a fencing class (although, it is a good conversation starter!).

image:My nasty fencing bruise

Bonus (if you made it this far!)

Has anyone else seen the Terminator Salvation trailer (at bottom of link)? SWEET! Can’t wait for May 21st! I love your potty-mouth Christian Bale!

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26 ‘queries’.