Posts tagged: humor

Holidays + Family = Food Drama?

By , November 24, 2009 5:00 am

If you don’t already read the Well blog on the New York Times, I highly recommend you do. The blog is focused on health and wellness topics and updates a few times a day. I always find the articles interesting.

Yesterday, the author linked to an interesting article called “Food, Kin and Tension at Thanksgiving.” I recommend reading it. You’ll either find it amusing, or that it hits too close to home and makes you dread the upcoming holiday meals.

The article is about all of the family drama that happens during holiday meal times – people commenting on you eating too little, people commenting on you eating too much, people sneaking stuff into your food*, people telling you to quit eating so fast, etc. The article gives specific examples, some of which I find ridiculous, like this story:

A Long Island woman, who like others interviewed for this column didn’t want to be named, said she and her family traveled 12 hours by train for a summer vacation gathering with her husband’s family. When her husband asked for seconds, the sister-in-law said there wasn’t any more food.

“There was all this food around, but she had cut us off,” the woman said. “We were just really shocked we were being told you can’t eat any more after coming all this way. We found out later she really controlled food in the household.”

Whoa! Kind of unbelievable, but then again, kind of NOT! People get weird about food, especially around the holidays! I know I felt territorial in my kitchen this past weekend (even though I love love LOVED that my grandma made breakfast).

Food is just so personal, but then again, it isn’t. Everyone pays attention to what other people are eating (makes me crazy) and a lot of people love to comment on it. That’s just the society we live in!

So, do you have any crazy family food drama like in the article?

I bet most of my family finds my vegan ways ridiculous! But, that is why we are hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas, suckas!** I have had people watch what I eat and tell me to eat more. Or eat meat. Or slow down. Or not to use margarine. Or hey, that is the wrong kind of baking powder! Don’t use that salt! What?! You eat SOY?!

Ha ha. The article has a pretty humorous solution at the very end. My solution? Grin and bear it then bitch to my husband later!

*Well, I added that one, but it’s happened to me!
**Just joking here.

How to make your cat jealous

By , August 18, 2009 5:06 am

Data’s been a bit of a sh*tbox lately. He normally likes to “hide” behind things in the evening, and jump up at our legs playfully when we walk by, then run away. But lately, his attacks have been vicious. On Sunday morning, he jumped up on me and bit me in the thigh. When I was standing up! He left a mark.

I think he is stressed because he hasn’t had enough alone/free-time (hey, that is why I’ve been in a funk too!). But seriously, he needs to get over it (and so do I).

On Sunday, on our way to run some errands, we stopped at the animal shelter near our house. I had never been to the shelter before, but thought playing with some nice, grateful, cats for awhile would cheer me up!

Surprisingly, seeing all of the cats (over 300!) didn’t make me feel bad. They were all playing together, and a lot of people were there playing with them. What made me feel sad was seeing the dogs, alone in their kennels, begging for attention.

Anyway, one of the small tiger cats really liked me. She kept trying to crawl onto me, and play with me, and steal all of my attention.

Friendly cat at the animal shelter

My new friend.

Some of her fur was still on me when I got home, and I think someone noticed. Maybe Data was a bit jealous… but he was really well behaved for the rest of the day! That is, until nighttime came and he wanted to jump up on me again.

So, all I need to do to get a little lovin’ from him is spend time at the shelter everyday. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Just for fun, here are some photos of the sh*tbox from this summer:

Thinking what have they done

6/26 – Thinking “what have they done?!?!”

Playing with a ribbon from Gina

6/26 – “Who the hell is this guy?!”

On a walk

6/28 – Sharpening his “claws.”

Licky Licky

6/26 – Scandalous!

Lazy Data

7/11 – Think he’s comfortable?

7/11 – Vacuum Kitty!

A new way to lay

7/12 – Showing us a new way to lay on the couch.

Worn out

7/15 – Sleeping on a large pile of dirty laundry (we had 6 men stay over!).

Rock Band

7/17 – Data is not a big fan of Rock Band.

Playing with a ribbon from Gina

7/21 – Playing with a ribbon from Gina.

Held Back

8/9 – Steven holds Data back from bothering me so I can sleep awhile longer.

Relaxing in the sun

8/14 – Relaxing in the sun.

Eyes on my lunch

By , August 7, 2009 12:45 pm

I am temporarily leaving my foggy/quiet state of mind to tell you that there has been a surveillance camera permanently installed my office’s break room.

To find out who is stealing people’s lunches.

I am serious.

Does anyone else find this hilarious?

Surprisingly, I have not yet been a victim. No one seems interested in my veggie sticks, hummus, and vegan hot dogs!

Armless Data

By , July 28, 2009 5:19 am

Steven sent me a text message yesterday with this image and said:

Data is missing an arm!


I am not sure why, but the text really made me laugh. I am still laughing about it today.

Sometimes you just need a good laugh to distract you from the things in life that are stressing you out. I get caught up in the little annoying things and forget that they are just little annoying things. Things that upset me but don’t really matter in the long run.

I am lucky to have someone in my life with such a fun sense of humor (meaning Steven, and well, Data too?).

It’s all about the closing / Happy Mother’s Day!

By , May 10, 2009 8:20 am

This Mother’s Day, while thinking about my mother, I am especially focusing on one of the defining characteristics of a mother – she is someone who always puts others (her family) first.

Does this define your mom? It defines my mom to a T. Even though we are all grown now, she is still running around, helping everyone out, before she does what she wants to do. She thinks about everyone else’s well-being before her own. It’s amazing that our mothers (and fathers!) are so selfless. I’ll have to call my mother today and thank her for that.

Seeing her act this way has taught me to be considerate of other people’s thoughts, feelings and agenda. People need to feel special, and they feel special when you give them attention and show interest in their interests. Our parents are probably the people who are most able to make us feel special, because we almost always feel like they are focused on us (except for when the grandchildren are around). I mean, who else will drive 250 miles to watch you run your first half marathon, take home your broken down car and look the other way when you eat enough food all weekend for everyone who ran the race?

image:Bye Bye Kimbot II

Bye bye Kimbot II!!!

I am lucky to have such great parents!

Okay, I lied, there are actual TWO things I am focusing on this Mother’s Day. The other thing is what a goober my mother is, how much she likes to have fun, and how she makes me feel like it is okay to be silly and enjoy life! Life is much more fun if you are able to laugh at something each day (hence the tagline – the most wasted of all days is one without laughter).

My mom and I do this hilarious (we think) thing when we sign our emails to one another. I am not sure who started it. Probably her (see –  I learned to be goofy from her!). It started off with simple closings like “hugs and kisses, mom” but then that turned into (see some examples below):

Continue reading 'It’s all about the closing / Happy Mother’s Day!'»

Walking Data

By , April 11, 2009 6:12 pm

I’ve admitted that we walk our cat, Data, outside on the leash. There was a bit of curiosity about it, so I made a couple of videos to show you!

image: Kim walks Data

Data actually walking:

Data stops for a second:

Ha ha. I keep laughing at myself about that second video. I think I am the only one I make laugh. Oh well! I laugh at myself all day long.

Yes, I realize I am strange for taking Data out on the leash. He really likes it though, and this way we can go outside together and I don’t have to worry about him.

Datatello Versace

By , November 10, 2008 5:01 am

We were kind of upset when we found out that Data has been chewing an array of holes in the fleece blanket we leave out on our couch.

But then Steven realized that Data is really just an aspiring fashion designer!

<image: Data's Design from the front>

The design from the front…

<image: Data's Design from the front>

… and the back!

Now what we really need to decide before Steven starts wearing it in public – should he add a belt?

<image: Data's Design with belt>

Accidental discovery

By , December 8, 2007 4:24 pm

Apparently Data has a cross dressing fetish that Steven and I are only now discovering:

I just wish it wasn’t such an expensive hobby! $50 for a wig?

I know we should be supportive, but it is hard when we have to shell out so much cash for each outfit.

Oh well. We are family. Family supports each other, through thick and thin.

(Thanks to Courtney for the link to the wig site!)

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