Posts tagged: fun

A date to bake, year 2 (POLL!!!)

By , October 10, 2009 9:12 am

Remember last year when my mom, grandma, sister and I baked all of those sweets to hand out? Well, we’re doing it again this year. Same weekend (before Thanksgiving), one less person (Christina can’t come). And I am just as excited.

But, we all remember how tired we were making so many sweets (and dealing with a few failures). So, we’ve decided to only make four things.

Of course, my mom is already calling me suggesting more and more to bake. What happened to only making four things, mother?! She’s apparently having a hard time deciding on what to bake.

So, if you were receiving a basket of sweets, which four items below would you want in it? See the photo below the poll for a reference picture. And let me know if you have some favorite item that we did not include on the list!

Which four items would you prefer to receive in a holiday sweets basket?

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<image: All the cookies we made>

All the sweets we made last year, some items not included in the poll

And, one more poll, that Steven sort of inspired me to add at the last minute.

Would you be interested in entering a contest to win a basket of homemade holiday sweets?

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Friday Question #75

By , July 31, 2009 7:22 pm

What’s your perfect summer day?

Have I asked this before? Probably. Well, my perfect summer day is a day on the river, eating food, swimming and napping – a day like today! We’re at my parent’s cabin on the Mississippi River this weekend for my birthday, and we had great warm weather today!

The newest issue of Runner’s World came right before we left last night and I enjoyed reading it on the tube (I can’t ride it yet because of my wrist).

reading Runner's World on the beach

When we got here last night I opened up the door to the bedroom we stay in and my sister and her boyfriend were sitting in the bed in the dark, waiting to surprise us! I didn’t know they were coming. I screamed when I saw her (because it’s creepy when someone is sitting on the bed and you don’t expect ANYONE to be there). I am happy we got to see them.

Steven, Kim, Christina and Will at the beach

Steven, me, Christina and Will at the beach.

Steven made me Tori’s special vegan cupcakes for my birthday. So good! I heard my grandma made me a vegan cake too. I am on my way over there now to find out… nom nom nom.

Birthday Cupcakes!

Birthday Cupcakes!

I hope everyone else is having a great summer day! August 1st is always a bit depressing for me – I feel like it is the beginning of the end of summer, probably just because it is the day after my birthday.

Armless Data

By , July 28, 2009 5:19 am

Steven sent me a text message yesterday with this image and said:

Data is missing an arm!


I am not sure why, but the text really made me laugh. I am still laughing about it today.

Sometimes you just need a good laugh to distract you from the things in life that are stressing you out. I get caught up in the little annoying things and forget that they are just little annoying things. Things that upset me but don’t really matter in the long run.

I am lucky to have someone in my life with such a fun sense of humor (meaning Steven, and well, Data too?).

It seemed like a good idea at the time

By , July 4, 2009 10:55 pm

When we got to the beach today we saw that someone had set up a huge slide at the top of the sand hill, with a pump to run water down it.

image:Huge slide at the beach
There was a huge ramp at the end of it.

image:A huge ramp at the end of the slide
My brother Nick got some major air going down it.

image:My brother Nick going off the ramp
I went down a few times.

image:Kim doing down the slide
It was a lot of fun.

image:Kim doing down the slide
Until I landed on my wrist. I can’t move it too much right now.

image:Kim with hurt wrist

As long as I can run I don’t care. I may have to see a doctor though.

It’s really hard to type with my left hand only.

Editor’s Note: Check out the awesome splint & sling that Steven and my Grandma made me! And here’s a video of my sister’s boyfriend going down the slide.

It’s all about the closing / Happy Mother’s Day!

By , May 10, 2009 8:20 am

This Mother’s Day, while thinking about my mother, I am especially focusing on one of the defining characteristics of a mother – she is someone who always puts others (her family) first.

Does this define your mom? It defines my mom to a T. Even though we are all grown now, she is still running around, helping everyone out, before she does what she wants to do. She thinks about everyone else’s well-being before her own. It’s amazing that our mothers (and fathers!) are so selfless. I’ll have to call my mother today and thank her for that.

Seeing her act this way has taught me to be considerate of other people’s thoughts, feelings and agenda. People need to feel special, and they feel special when you give them attention and show interest in their interests. Our parents are probably the people who are most able to make us feel special, because we almost always feel like they are focused on us (except for when the grandchildren are around). I mean, who else will drive 250 miles to watch you run your first half marathon, take home your broken down car and look the other way when you eat enough food all weekend for everyone who ran the race?

image:Bye Bye Kimbot II

Bye bye Kimbot II!!!

I am lucky to have such great parents!

Okay, I lied, there are actual TWO things I am focusing on this Mother’s Day. The other thing is what a goober my mother is, how much she likes to have fun, and how she makes me feel like it is okay to be silly and enjoy life! Life is much more fun if you are able to laugh at something each day (hence the tagline – the most wasted of all days is one without laughter).

My mom and I do this hilarious (we think) thing when we sign our emails to one another. I am not sure who started it. Probably her (see –  I learned to be goofy from her!). It started off with simple closings like “hugs and kisses, mom” but then that turned into (see some examples below):

Continue reading 'It’s all about the closing / Happy Mother’s Day!'»

Friday Question #51

By , January 2, 2009 10:55 am

What would you do for fun if you had to give up tv, movies, electronic games and the internet?

I think giving up those things would take some getting used to. But maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad goal for 2009?

I know I would like to:

  • Spend more time with family and friends, preferably in person, or on the phone/email/letters
  • Start playing the violin again
  • Play board games/learn to play cards
  • Read more books
  • Spend more time running or pick up a new sport

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36 ‘queries’.