Posts tagged: Phone

Mud, Poop and Vomit

By , November 3, 2009 7:30 am

How do I end up with mud on my hand (and not to mention, glove, coat, messenger bag and pants) when all I have been doing for the last hour and a half is sitting on the train? When I got out of my seat to leave the train, there it was. It’s magic! Or maybe it’s not even mud…


If it was Monday, I may have been slightly annoyed, but since I was already mostly awake and chipper, I just made my way to the bathroom in Union Station to try to clean myself off. I then got out a clean pair of gloves (Because it’s totally normal to carry three pairs of gloves with you… right? Right?!) and made my way on to work.

Of course, I started thinking how the mud didn’t phase me at all, or really even annoy me, and I remembered the time when lots of things used to gross me out. Not mud, per se, but I gagged when cleaning the cat litter, gross laboratory smells in college made me sick, and nasty garbage smells grossed me out big time.

I quickly got over that volunteering at the cat shelter in Rome for 6 months. I basically cleaned around 40 litter boxes each night. I cleaned up vomit. I cleaned up non-solidified poop. I cleaned up other nasty things that sick kitties do. I got pooped on by a pigeon during a class walking tour of the Campidoglio and I didn’t get upset. I just calmly left class, walked back to the apartment, and took a nice hot shower.

The other day, I took Data on a walk and was talking to my mother on the phone. I was kind of distracted, so I wasn’t fully monitoring how much grass he was eating. We got back inside, and sure enough, Data started making his telltale deep moaning “I’m about to vomit-os” meow. I got Data to a tile surface, and asked my mom to hold on for a moment while Data threw up. I am sure she could hear him hacking in the background. She politely asked if she should let me go… because it was grossing her out. I told her he was done, but then he threw up a little bit more. Ha ha. I finally let my poor mother off of the phone after that. But I just cleaned up Data’s vomit like it was normal. I even got some on my finger by accident and totally didn’t care.

So, most things like this don’t bother me. Do they bother you?

Of course, I will say all this, but still thinks it’s DISGUSTING when someone uses a public restroom and does not flush. And sometimes, the smell of the landfill really gets to me, especially when it waifs into the train in the early morning. But mud, poop and vomit? Bring it on. Ha ha.

Just pick up the damn phone and call

By , August 3, 2009 12:46 pm

I’ve had a myriad of customer service issues over the last year (and currently) that I haven’t mentioned here. Any extra time thinking about it makes me feel even more infuriated, so I try to avoid it.

But this weekend, Steven and I were sharing customer service horror stories with my mom, and it got us all thinking – what is the deal with people NOT returning business-related phone calls? Ever?

I don’t get it. I leave a message with my info, you call me back in about a day. It’s that simple. It’s a business relationship, and that is what I expect. Unless your message said you are out, and left another person to contact, I expect to be called back.

So why am I not? How do people get away with NEVER returning business phone calls? Why do I have to call back, again and again and again?

It makes me even more upset, when I am just trying to be an easy-going customer to begin with. It makes me more likely to turn into a difficult customer, and I don’t want to be THAT customer.

What has happened to good customer service? Maybe someone has a good customer service story to cheer me up? Or maybe you’ll just join in my rant!

Armless Data

By , July 28, 2009 5:19 am

Steven sent me a text message yesterday with this image and said:

Data is missing an arm!


I am not sure why, but the text really made me laugh. I am still laughing about it today.

Sometimes you just need a good laugh to distract you from the things in life that are stressing you out. I get caught up in the little annoying things and forget that they are just little annoying things. Things that upset me but don’t really matter in the long run.

I am lucky to have someone in my life with such a fun sense of humor (meaning Steven, and well, Data too?).

This man can read my mind, part ii

By , April 16, 2009 10:05 pm

A cute little bonus story for you:

One night a week, I stay late at the office so I can exercise in the gym with my coworker. I don’t get home until around 8:30, by which time Steven has usually eaten dinner, unless  we decided beforehand that we would eat together.

The last three weeks, something very strange has happened.

When I got home the first week, I started toasting an English muffin. “I am really craving an egg sandwich!” I said. “That’s what I had for dinner too!” Steven replied.

The second week, I got home and made a peanut butter sandwich. “I had a peanut butter sandwich too!” Steven told me.

Last night, and this is really weird,  I called Steven when I got off the train. After teasing him a bit, I randomly said, “Pizza?” “What did you say?” he asked. “Pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” He responded, “How did you know I am heating up the oven?”

Isn’t that weird? Steven can STILL read my mind. I almost wish we were always on the same “food wavelength,” because we struggle with it when we aren’t. Sometimes we end up making two different things, but we don’t really like to do that!

Friday Question #44

By , October 31, 2008 5:59 am

Do you answer the phone if you don’t recognize the number on the caller ID? Do you have a land line phone?

I’ve gotten into the bad habit of not answering my phone unless I know who is calling me, and I want to talk to them. How awful is that? I think it has been heightened by all of the stupid political calls I’ve been getting lately. I have to remember though, my friend who lives in Rome often calls from an “Unknown” number. I would hate to miss her call.

We don’t have a land line. Just our two cell phones. A statistic from this year says that nearly 1/5 of homes only have cell phones!

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