Posts tagged: P90X

Training Week 10

By , December 27, 2009 8:46 am

Day 64 | December 21, 2009: strength + cross

I visited the office gym for an early morning strength and cardio workout. I was surprised by the amount of people there at 6:30 – about 6 or 8. Normally, it is me and maybe one or two other people. Monday’s surge (ha) made me kind of worry about how crowded the gym would be after the New Year and everyone’s resolutions. Do you worry about the gym being overcrowded?

Seated Row: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Lateral Raise: 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 37.5 lb, 15 @ 37.5 lb
90 Degree Chest: 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 40 lb
Shoulder Press: 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Lat Pulldowns: 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 60 lb
Pectoral Fly: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Arm Curl: 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 25 lb
Leg Press: 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 80 lb
Leg Extension: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Leg Curl: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Lunges: 10 each side with 5 lb weight each hand
Crunches: 15
Bicycle Crunches: 16
Woodchop: 10 each side at 30 lb
Drinking Bird: 10 each leg at 15 lb
V Bar Pushdowns: 3 x15 @ 30 lb

Bike Time: 30:00 | Distance: 5.75 (Set on “Random Hills”)

Day 65 | December 22, 2009: 5 m run + cross

30 boring minutes on the bike… 5 boring miles on the treadmill. Yawn…

Distance: 5.0 | Time: 49:49 | 1: 10:20 | 2: 10:00 | 3: 10:00 | 4: 9:49 | 5: 9:40
Bike Time: 30:00 | Distance: 5.98 (Set on “Random Hills”)

Day 66 | December 23, 2009: strength

I felt somewhat worn out so I did an easier strength workout. I LOVE working out, but I need to be careful I don’t over-do it! I’ve learned that I am not very good at staying active when suffering from an injury, so being sidelined is the LAST thing I want.

90 Degree Chest: 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 40 lb
Shoulder Press: 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Pectoral Fly: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Arm Curl: 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 25 lb
Leg Press: 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 80 lb
Leg Extension: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Hip Abduction: 3 x 15 @ 115 lb
Hip Adduction: 3 x 15 @ 55 lb
Lunges: 10 each side with 5 lb weight each hand
Crunches: 15
Bicycle Crunches: 16
Woodchop: 10 each side at 30 lb
Drinking Bird: 10 each leg at 15 lb
V Bar Pushdowns: 3 x15 @ 30 lb

Day 67 | December 24, 2009: 5 m run

I really wanted to run outside, but we had an ice storm on Wednesday (and it continued through Thursday) so I figured I better stick to the treadmill. For the last 2 miles of my run, Steven did Ab Ripper X. My abs hurts just looking at the tv!

Distance: 5.0 | Time:  50:03 | 1: 10:21 | 2: 10:11 | 3: 10:00 | 4: 9:50 | 5: 9:41

Day 68 | December 25, 2009: cross

I did Level 2 of The 30 Day Shred (with 2 pound weights) followed by a 2 mile walk on the treadmill. It felt good to get a workout in before the holiday festivities (even though it was a small workout!).

Running-related, I got a new pair of Brooks Adrenaline shoes (the GTs 10s!) for Christmas from my in-laws. I really wanted a new pair of running shoes, so I am super excited to have received them.

Pretty new shoes!!!

I also received some cash, which I will likely use for the Wisconsin Half Marathon entry fee, or to buy some YakTrax. Or to pay bills.

Distance: 2.0 | Time:  30:00 | 1: 15:00 | 2: 15:00

Day 69 | December 26, 2009: rest

Day 70 | December 27, 2009: 5 m run

Does anyone else feel super guilty exercising when they have guests in town? I tried to get up early to run, but I’ve been sleeping so well, I didn’t want to get up. So instead of putting in 8 miles, I put in 5, starting at 7:30. I feel bad leaving the house, but I feel so much better all day when I run.

I am going to count my 9:08 mile (in the 18° temp) for Lauren’s Winter Misery One Miler. It was the best I could do in the snow/ice covered sidewalks. I was already slipping a bit!

Distance: 5.0 | Time:  5030 | 1: 10:08 | 2: 10:18 | 3: 10:39 | 4: 10:14 | 5: 9:08

Week Summary: 15.00 miles

Now, to completely contradict what I just wrote… I am really happy with the amount of exercise I was able to fit in this week, despite feeling bad about taking time for it with guests in town. In the past, I NEVER worked out during this time of year. Not this much anyway. This year, I woke up wanting to exercise. And I feel so good when I do. So… I hope that is something that sticks around.

Marathon Training Week 8

By , August 9, 2009 3:24 pm

Welcome to week 8 of marathon training! If you click on the one activity link after the date, it will take you to the Garmin connect website for full stats.

Day 50 | Monday, August 3: Cross-train Rest

Yeah. I brought my gym bag to work, but since I was limping everywhere, I decided NOT to cross-train. Even though I wanted to.

Day 51 | Tuesday, August 4: Run 4 miles

This was my first run with Erin in what felt like FOREVER! I was super excited to run with her again. Unfortunately, I was a pretty lame running buddy. My shin felt somewhat better, but I still felt like a slow slug. We cut it short at about 3.85 miles. I hope we get a better run in together before our 5K on the 15th! Our goal is to run 8:20s and finish in under 26:00. Think we can do it?!

I noticed on Monday that the pain in my shin is starting to affect other parts of my body, like my left calf and right quad, since I am limping a lot. So… I decided to take Wednesday and Thursday off.

Distance: 3.85 | Time: 36:56 | 1: 9:22 | 2: 9:19 | 3: 9:56 | 4: 8:18

Day 52 | Wednesday, August 5: Run 7 miles Rest

Day 53 | Thursday, August 6: Run 4 miles Rest

Kim and Erin at Elvis is Alive 5K

Erin and I volunteered for PAWS at the Elvis is Alive 5K on Thursday. PAWS had us get there pretty early, so there was a lot of standing around before we finally set up the water tables and the race started. But that was okay, because it gave me a chance to chat with Erin (Okay, I was bitching a bit. Sorry Erin!).

It was fun to be on the other side of the aide station for once! I enjoyed watching the runners come in, and trying to hand them water (my coordination isn’t that good). A few of the people were wearing funny Elvis costumes and doing impressions.

A running Elvis

I was surprised how quickly the race went by! It seemed like once the masses came in (after the super-speedy runners) it was non stop action. I really enjoyed volunteering and hope to again.

Yeah, this report is LAME. Check out Erin’s much more thorough (and entertaining report) here.

Day 54 | Friday, August 7: Rest

I picked up my new Brook Adrenalines on Friday. I ended up with blue, instead of red, but I still think they’re pretty.

I compared the tread on my old Adrenalines to my new ones… yeah., they were well past their prime. If you look at the picture below (and click on it to enlarge) you can see there is almost no tread left on the old pair on the right (especially in the two areas circled in white). Oops.

Worn Out Shoes

If I start running regularly again soon, I am going to by another pair and alternate between pair each time I run.

Day 55 | Saturday, August 8: Run 7 miles Cross-Train?

I tried to do Kenpo X (from the P90X series) with Steven – sort of a mixture of martial arts arm and leg moves. I did about half of it, because I struggled with balancing on my left leg and twisting it (and you know, I can’t do a lot with my right arm, because I am still recovering from that injury).

Day 56 | Sunday, August 9: Run 15 miles

I wanted to run my 15 miles, but since I was still limping around a bit on Saturday, I passed (okay, Steven told me that if I ran on Sunday I couldn’t whine to him about my leg all week because he didn’t think I should run, so I didn’t). I woke up Sunday only limping a bit, so I am taking that as a good sign.

Week Summary: 37 Almost 4 Miles

I am extremely frustrated with my body this week. Obviously.

I am thinking of switching to one of the novice level training programs if my shin doesn’t get better. Then I would only run 4 days a week, instead of 5. Maybe I would even have to cut that back to 3, and do some more cross-training. Lame.

I’ve been reading up on what to do about my shin. Everything I read says to “quit running then build mileage back up slowly.” Does anyone know if they mean building weekly mileage up slowly, or building per-run mileage up slowly? What I am asking is if I can still do my long runs, but run less that week overall, or if I need to only do short distance runs.

Marathon Training Week 3 | 5K numero tre: Firecracker 5K Run

By , July 5, 2009 11:47 pm

Welcome to week 3 of marathon training! If you click on the activity links after the dates, it will take you to the Garmin connect website for full stats.

Day 15 | Monday, June 29: Cross-train for 30 minutes

The only cross-training I felt like doing when I got home on Monday was moving back and forth from the pantry to the couch*.

But, there was an intervention by the US Postal Service! Jen generously offered to send me her yoga DVD after my “Yoga fail” post, and it arrived! I was too excited not to try it.

She included a nice letter, telling me how happy she was knowing the DVD would go to good use. She mentioned that another friend sent her some books, and this was her way of returning the random act of kindness by “paying it forward.” I will have to do that as well!

image:A letter and yoga DVD from Jen

A letter and DVD from Jen!

The DVD is Louise Solomon’s Total Body Toner. She mixes yoga and pilates and calls is “Yogalates.” The DVD is set up into 4 segments – abs, upper body, lower body, and total body. I decided just to start with abs (which she called “abdominals/waist/pelvic floor”). I even got Steven to try it.

Louise Solomon is fairly annoying, and we both felt like she was forcing us to breathe and go through the moves too fast, but I felt like it was a good way to force myself to stretch. Because sometimes, I don’t stretch before or after running.

image:Kim's favorite yoga pose

My favorite yoga pose – nap time

*I didn’t get to do this cross-traning. I feel asleep after dinner while Steven was watching Valkyrie, and woke up to him making popcorn for us and Data**. Yum!
**Data LOVES popcorn. It is the only human food he eats, besides fish.

Yoga time: 20:00 (est.)

Day 16 | Tuesday, June 30: Run 3 miles

Tuesday was another speedy 3-miler with Erin. I think we should do a 5K together. I bet we could push each other to sub 25:00. I wrote that crossed out section on Tuesday night, then read her Wednesday post and she suggested the same thing! We signed up to run the Rally for Autism 5K together on August 15th! She also had the idea to volunteer with the PAWS group at the Elvis is Alive 5K on August 6th. I am so excited! I have been wanting to volunteer at a 5K for quite some time.

It was 65°F and overcast when we ran – perfect conditions for a run if you ask me! I think I do best in cooler temps. We ran hard, but I didn’t get as sweaty as I normally do, so I skipped the shower (shh!!!), changed right back into my work clothes (another skirt) and went back to my desk. I know hotter days are ahead, so I am grateful for a simple workout like this! And I am really starting to get into the swing of the midday workout. I really look forward to it – it’s a nice break!

As a side note, perfect running weather does not translate into perfect sand volleyball weather. I am in a Tuesday night league with some coworkers, and it’s been gloomy every time we have played so far (okay, just two times).

image:Wonderful weather for volleyball - not

Wonderful volleyball weather! Not!

Distance: 3.09 miles | Time: 26:42 | 1: 8:23 | 2: 8:56| 3: 8:35 | 4: 00:46
Volleyball time: 45 minutes

Day 17 | Wednesday, July 1: Run 5 miles

Wednesday was another day of shockingly cool temps. Steven joined me for the first two miles and the fourth mile of this run, then did sprints while I did the fifth. And that is after he did P90X Legs & Back and Ab RipperX. He is hardcore.

My splits are all over the place. Oh well. It was supposed to be a comfortable run, and I did what felt comfortable! It was almost like a tempo run. Almost. Okay, a BIG almost.

image:You can't tell I'm nipping

I wore one of my anti-nip shirts. I am nipping out, but you can’t tell, because the shirt is so swirly!

Distance: 5.01 miles | Time: 45:16| 1: 9:15 | 2: 9:24 | 3: 8:46 | 4: 9:39 | 5: 8:09 | 6: 00:02

Day 18 | Thursday, July 2: Run 3 miles

Since we were driving to Guttenberg, IA on Thursday night, I decided to save time in the evening by running during lunch. But sadly, without my lunchtime running buddy, Erin.

I was super hungry before my run (after having oatmeal, cereal, a banana, and an apple) so I had a pack of Watermelon Luna Moons. I like the way the Luna Moons taste, but they are impossbily chewy! The only way for me to eat them is before a run when I can pick the bits out of my teeth!

I ran to the Adler Planetarium and back. I think it might be time to take this “comfortable” pace advise more seriously. I think I am pushing myself too hard. I feel fine now, but don’t want to get burned out.

I had my cell phone with me, so I took some crooked pictures while I was running! (Like in that movie Yes Man, Steven pointed out.)

image:Chicago Traffic Guard

Crossing Lake Shore Drive is a royal pain in the a$$. I had to stop both times. This is the only time the Chicago crossing guards have come in handy, in my experience!

image:Adler Planetarium

I see my goal…

image:View running back to Chicago

…and back to Chicago!

image:Kim running by Lake Michigan

It is SO windy right by the lake! This definitely slowed me down!

image:Taste of Chicago Ferris Wheel

The Ferris wheel at the Taste of Chicago

image:The Spertus Institute of Jewish Studiesl

The Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies

Distance: 3.01 miles | Time: 25:22 | 1: 8:25 | 2: 8:31 | 3: 8:22 | 4: 00:02

Day 19 | Friday, July 3: Rest

Day 20 | Saturday, July 4: Run 5 miles at marathon pace

I just can’t say no. My grandma called me on Thursday and said, “There is a 5K in the neighboring town of Garnavillo at 8:00 am on the 4th! Do you want me to call and get the info?” How cute. Of course I want you to, Grandma. Even though I wasn’t planning on running a 5K!

My parents, grandparents, aunt, sister and her boyfriend, and Steven walked the 5K while I ran it. I started off entirely too fast. I am not really sure what I was thinking. I know I was expecting less people to be running, but there must have been at least 50 people there, and at least 10 finished in front of me.

image:Family photo at the race

My grandpa, aunt, me, Steven, my mom and grandma

I won my age group with a time of 24:51 (a new PR), but was the only one in my age group! I won a free pancake breakfast, which I gave to Steven.

After I was done with the 5K, I ran back to Steven and we finished together. Then I finished off my scheduled 5-miler pretty far away from my 9:00 minute mile marathon pace goal.

Distance: 5.01 miles | Time: 43:33 | 1: 7:46 | 2: 8:12 | 3: 8:17 | 4: 9:44 | 5: 9:29 | 6: 00:02

Day 21 | Sunday, July 5: Run 6 miles

This run was super slow, because I ran so hard the day before and because my wrist hurt. Steven kept me company by riding a bike with me while I was running.

Distance: 6.01 miles | Time: 01:03:45 | 1: 10:47 | 2: 10:48 | 3: 10:59 | 4: 11:00 | 5: 10:34 | 6: 9:30 | 7: 00:04

Week Summary: 22 Miles

I have stuff to say, but am having such a hard time typing with one hand, it will have to wait.

Yoga fail

By , June 22, 2009 9:50 pm

image:Yoga Cat

Steven has been encouraging me to try yoga for quite some time. He follows the P90X yoga workout, and really enjoys how relaxed and flexible it makes him feel. He thinks I could use a little calm in my life. I think I could use some flexibility. So I gave it a try yesterday.

Kim = yoga FAIL

I made it 20 minutes into the 90 minute workout and decided I had had one too many downward dogs. I gave it a rest for another 25 minutes until the “pose” section started, and tried some of those stretches. I couldn’t do all of them – it still kicked my butt.

Now, I realize a 90 minute yoga workout is not the best place to start. Maybe someday I can move up to that! For now, does anyone have advice on beginner’s yoga? Any good books, DVD’s, websites? Please keep in mind, my cash is muchos limited.

I really want to get into yoga so I CAN use it as another means to relax and focus, and also gain some flexibility.

SELF Workout in the Park

By , May 16, 2009 5:49 pm

Guess who got their full dose of Vitamin D today?

image:Kim's awesome-o sunburn

I did! And Diane probably did too, since we were together all day. I can’t believe I got so red. I usually slather myself in sunscreen. And I even had it in my car today, but was having so much fun, I didn’t put it on. And… that’s how you get skin cancer! I won’t let this happen again. Anyway…

Diane and I went to Grant Park for SELF’s Workout in the Park. It’s a huge workout – they have a main stage set up and everyone follows the workouts. They also had a “quiet zone” (which was right next to the loud speakers for the main stage) to do yoga and pilates, as well as various vendors there.

image:Main Stage workout

The main stage

The weather was absolutely perfect – sunny and blue skies! But the ground was absolutely saturated with water. I wonder if they had two shoe vendors there because they knew buying new shoes was sure to be on everyone’s mind at the end of the day?

image:Muddy Shoes

Our very muddy shoes… and the very muddy ground.

Diane and I tried a few of the main classes (Cardio Tai Box, Movieography, and Million Dollar Knockout) and one “Quiet Zone class – Hippie Yoga. (Jeez, is that all we did? Why do I feel so tired?). I was worried about the yoga, because I’ve only taken ONE yoga class and I got really sick and dizzy at it. This “Hippie” yoga focused on your hips and upper legs, so we didn’t have to do any of that crazy upside down stuff and I REALLY LIKED IT! Maybe I will start doing yoga now? Steven did the P90X yoga for the first time this week and really liked it. He thinks I should try it (but admits he has his doubts about me calming down enough to do it).

image:Diane and Kim

Looking good after working out all day… right? RIGHT?!?!

We kept commenting on how there was such a variety of people there! Different ages, different races, different SIZES – it wasn’t what you would expect to see at a workout. It was empowering to see such a variety of people out there, working on being healthier, together. It encouraged what I already believed – you can get healthy at any size!

Jillian Michaels is a contributing editor (or something?) for SELF now, so she was there. She gave a very short introduction, then signed books for 50 people who had lined up at 5:00 (!!!) in the morning to receive a special ticket to get to meet her. I saw the line of girls there to talk to her, and some looked really emotional. One girl was even crying, as she talked to Jillian. I wonder what it is like to have that much influence on someone… to be that inspirational, I mean.

image:Jillian Michaels

Jillian talking…

image:Jillian and Kim

Me and Jillian. See, I got my picture taken with her! Ha ha ha.

Overall, this was a really fun event. It really got me pumped up, and made me wish I could take a fun class at a gym… with Diane!

I do it because my body wants me to

By , May 12, 2009 5:18 am

I know some of you have got to be sick of all my running posts, but I really need to get this out there. And it’s not too brag, or gloat, but just to share my happiness.

I am at a point in my running where it feels so good to run. It feels so natural. I feel like I could keep going and going. I don’t want to stop. I look forward to my run all day long. I veg out on it. I let my mind wander. I let my body take over. I let it do what it wants to do. It feels right.

I really think my body wants me to be a runner.

I am trying to enjoy every minute of this, because I am aware of the taxing effect running can have on your body if you are not careful. I am aware that I could sustain an injury that would sideline me for awhile. I am really hoping that doesn’t happen, but I know it’s a risk, so even though I love running so much, I make sure not to run too much. I make sure to take a day off here and there, even though I don’t want to.

Yesterday was the perfect day, running-wise. I checked the forecast on Sunday, and knew it was supposed to be somewhat sunny, in the upper 50s around 6:00 PM, so I got up extra early, and got to work by 7:00 on Monday, so I could leave at 4:30 and run at 6:15. I saw the sun all day at my office, and on the train ride home, and I was just stoked. My neighbor decided to run with me (the awesome neighbor I am always writing about), so we chatted the whole way. We ran an easy 5 miles (around 10:00 minute mile pace), and pushed it the last quarter of a mile (between 7:00-8:00 minute mile pace). It felt great! He was so stoked when we hit 4 miles, then 5 miles when we ended, because he hadn’t run that far in quite some time. His excitement and energy rubbed off on me as well, so I felt even better.

I was done running around 7:20, and Steven was just finishing the end of the P90X Shoulders and Back and Ab Ripper DVD. I took a quick shower, then we made dinner together and were able to relax a bit before going to bed a little early! A perfect run, followed by a perfect night! I usually have to exercise after dinner, so it means a lot when I actually get to sit down with my husband.

I just wanted to share this, because I have been portraying a lot of stress here lately. And I am stressed, but aren’t we all? I don’t want to portray myself as an unhappy person – just your normal, “stressed out from time to time and trying to figure themselves out” type of person. It helps me relieve stress by writing about it here, but I don’t want you to think that’s all that I am about. I am actually very, very happy right now.

And I hope that all of you can find an activity that makes you happy, whether it is exercise or not! Something you really enjoy and make the time to do – something that you can just “get in the zone” of it and clear your mind a bit.

Happy Saturday

By , May 9, 2009 5:52 pm

Things making me happy this Saturday:

  • Sleeping in until 9:30!
  • Waking up to Steven making banana donuts.
  • Steven helping me find vegan-friendly* products at Target.
  • Buying a dry-erase calendar to keep track of events/training!**
  • image:Dry Erase Calendar

    Too lazy to take a photo with my actual camera!

  • Running an overcast 34:24 4-miler
  • Registering for the 10/17/09 Kansas City Marathon. Steven and I discussed our long-term fitness goals a lot this week. He is going to start the 90-day P90X workout series soon, and focus on building muscle, along with becoming a better***/faster runner. I am going to start the marathon training in June, and focus on endurance, as well as speed training and mileage upkeep in the meantime. Steven told me to go ahead and register for the Chicago Marathon (through a charity) without him, that he would be a spectator, but I really don’t want to run that one without him, or search for a charity to raise money for that I am not 100% behind. I want to save the Chicago Marathon for something special that we can do together, whenever that may be. I chose Kansas City because it is still in the midwest (won’t have any travel shock), is a “smaller” race, and is Steven’s hometown – his parents, brother and a lot of friends still live there. And since the Kansas City Marathon registration is open until the day before the race, he is going to see how he feels about jumping in on the marathon training with me, and either sign up for the half marathon or full marathon version of that race.
  • Steven getting to work on the Datsun 280Z today.
  • Knowing we get to go to the park to run and see Star Trek tomorrow!

What’s making you happy today (whether or not it’s Saturday when you read this!)?

*I am planning on making trying veganism soon, and his support really means A LOT to me.
**I love calendars. I love writing out what I have to do and crossing it off. This makes me really giddy.
***Not better as in “faster is better,” but better as in, better breathing, better form, etc.

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