Posts tagged: resolutions

The “how lucky am I?!” moments

By , December 28, 2009 6:55 am

Yeah, this is going to come off as cheesy, but I have to get it out there.

I had a lot of  “how lucky am I?!” realizations this year. Without going into too much detail, I will just say that 2009 involved some changes in our financial situation, and I had a hard time adapting. Not that we were spendthrifts before… we weren’t. We just didn’t have to think twice about going out to the movies, to Subway, or where to buy groceries.

Now we rarely eat out, only see movies if we have a gift card, and do most of our shopping at a discount store.

And it’s no big deal.

But change is hard.

I am embarrassed at how long it took me to adapt to being more financially aware. And embarrassed at how long it took me to realize how lucky I am as it is.

I have a roof over my head. I can still afford to make payments on a luxury car. I don’t go hungry. I have a gym to use. I have a wii to play. We can still afford Netflix. We’re healthy. I can run!

And most importantly of all, I have wonderful people in my life. People who love me enough to come all the way out to the Chicago suburbs to see me. Friends who send me emails and snail mail. Blogger friends who actually read what I write and leave me wonderful and thoughtful comments!

And of course, my partners-in-crime – Steven and Data. I cannot even count how many times this year I have looked at my husband and thought, “How did I get so lucky? How is it that I ended up with him? How lucky am I that we ran into each other at that random party at college?” We have so much fun together. I think we help each other be a better person. We support each other. We let each other be themselves. We work through things the best we can. I just feel so lucky to have found a wonderful partner.

Yeah. I told you it was cheesy.

I don’t want to make resolutions, but this seems to be something I am thinking about a lot (last week too), so I’d like to work towards being more grateful and mindful in 2010. I want to live in the moment. No more looking forward. I need to be grateful for what is in front of me. What I already have. Aspirations and goals are great, but I need to keep in mind how lucky I already am.

Do you have the “how lucky am I?!” moments? Share them!

And how could I NOT be grateful for this little furball? He even helps me with blogging. Hmm, maybe that should be “help” in parenthesis!

Training Week 10

By , December 27, 2009 8:46 am

Day 64 | December 21, 2009: strength + cross

I visited the office gym for an early morning strength and cardio workout. I was surprised by the amount of people there at 6:30 – about 6 or 8. Normally, it is me and maybe one or two other people. Monday’s surge (ha) made me kind of worry about how crowded the gym would be after the New Year and everyone’s resolutions. Do you worry about the gym being overcrowded?

Seated Row: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Lateral Raise: 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 37.5 lb, 15 @ 37.5 lb
90 Degree Chest: 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 40 lb
Shoulder Press: 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Lat Pulldowns: 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 60 lb
Pectoral Fly: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Arm Curl: 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 25 lb
Leg Press: 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 80 lb
Leg Extension: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Leg Curl: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Lunges: 10 each side with 5 lb weight each hand
Crunches: 15
Bicycle Crunches: 16
Woodchop: 10 each side at 30 lb
Drinking Bird: 10 each leg at 15 lb
V Bar Pushdowns: 3 x15 @ 30 lb

Bike Time: 30:00 | Distance: 5.75 (Set on “Random Hills”)

Day 65 | December 22, 2009: 5 m run + cross

30 boring minutes on the bike… 5 boring miles on the treadmill. Yawn…

Distance: 5.0 | Time: 49:49 | 1: 10:20 | 2: 10:00 | 3: 10:00 | 4: 9:49 | 5: 9:40
Bike Time: 30:00 | Distance: 5.98 (Set on “Random Hills”)

Day 66 | December 23, 2009: strength

I felt somewhat worn out so I did an easier strength workout. I LOVE working out, but I need to be careful I don’t over-do it! I’ve learned that I am not very good at staying active when suffering from an injury, so being sidelined is the LAST thing I want.

90 Degree Chest: 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 40 lb, 15 @ 40 lb
Shoulder Press: 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb, 15 @ 20 lb
Pectoral Fly: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Arm Curl: 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 25 lb, 15 @ 25 lb
Leg Press: 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 60 lb, 15 @ 80 lb
Leg Extension: 15 @ 30 lb, 15 @ 45 lb, 15 @ 45 lb
Hip Abduction: 3 x 15 @ 115 lb
Hip Adduction: 3 x 15 @ 55 lb
Lunges: 10 each side with 5 lb weight each hand
Crunches: 15
Bicycle Crunches: 16
Woodchop: 10 each side at 30 lb
Drinking Bird: 10 each leg at 15 lb
V Bar Pushdowns: 3 x15 @ 30 lb

Day 67 | December 24, 2009: 5 m run

I really wanted to run outside, but we had an ice storm on Wednesday (and it continued through Thursday) so I figured I better stick to the treadmill. For the last 2 miles of my run, Steven did Ab Ripper X. My abs hurts just looking at the tv!

Distance: 5.0 | Time:  50:03 | 1: 10:21 | 2: 10:11 | 3: 10:00 | 4: 9:50 | 5: 9:41

Day 68 | December 25, 2009: cross

I did Level 2 of The 30 Day Shred (with 2 pound weights) followed by a 2 mile walk on the treadmill. It felt good to get a workout in before the holiday festivities (even though it was a small workout!).

Running-related, I got a new pair of Brooks Adrenaline shoes (the GTs 10s!) for Christmas from my in-laws. I really wanted a new pair of running shoes, so I am super excited to have received them.

Pretty new shoes!!!

I also received some cash, which I will likely use for the Wisconsin Half Marathon entry fee, or to buy some YakTrax. Or to pay bills.

Distance: 2.0 | Time:  30:00 | 1: 15:00 | 2: 15:00

Day 69 | December 26, 2009: rest

Day 70 | December 27, 2009: 5 m run

Does anyone else feel super guilty exercising when they have guests in town? I tried to get up early to run, but I’ve been sleeping so well, I didn’t want to get up. So instead of putting in 8 miles, I put in 5, starting at 7:30. I feel bad leaving the house, but I feel so much better all day when I run.

I am going to count my 9:08 mile (in the 18° temp) for Lauren’s Winter Misery One Miler. It was the best I could do in the snow/ice covered sidewalks. I was already slipping a bit!

Distance: 5.0 | Time:  5030 | 1: 10:08 | 2: 10:18 | 3: 10:39 | 4: 10:14 | 5: 9:08

Week Summary: 15.00 miles

Now, to completely contradict what I just wrote… I am really happy with the amount of exercise I was able to fit in this week, despite feeling bad about taking time for it with guests in town. In the past, I NEVER worked out during this time of year. Not this much anyway. This year, I woke up wanting to exercise. And I feel so good when I do. So… I hope that is something that sticks around.

There are no linear journeys

By , December 19, 2009 6:21 am

For me anyway! It’s never Point A to Point Z. It’s Point A to Point K, then oops, I started out too strong, back to Point C, trudging along to Point Z again, and I never get there…

Hmm, what the hell am I talking about?

With 2010 approaching I have been thinking about how I want the “new” year to be. I am not the type to make resolutions, or really even goals, but I am the type to dream ahead of what my future might have in store. And to do that, you kind of have to evaluate the past.

So I’ve been thinking about all of the journeys I’ve tried to take in my life. Journeys to improve my health. Journeys to improve relationships. Journeys to improve skills. Journeys to improve my personal characteristics. Usually, during these journeys, especially in the beginning, I am speeding along, making great progress… until I hit a snag and I fizzle out a bit. What causes that? Is it boredom? Is it exhaustion? Is it lack of progress?

Or is it just me, jumping into things too fast, too enthusiastically, too anxiously?

Whatever it is, it has resulted in a lot of non-linear journeys. My journeys are riddled with setbacks, re-dos and start-overs, and it’s hard to get back on track. I know that is part of life’s overall journey. You aren’t ever really allowed to go from Point A to Point Z. You don’t continually increase your running mileage forever. You don’t lose 2 pounds per week in an even manner. You don’t become more understanding without one or two blow-outs. You don’t always say the right thing.

But, I want to work on this. I want to work on my consistency. And generally, being less anxious about things. I would love to be calm. I would love to have an image of what I want 2010 to be like, but not be in a rush to make it all happen. And not be disappointed when it turns out differently – you know it will! And I know there will be bumps in the road, I just hope they will be smaller bumps.

Do you feel like there are linear and non-linear journeys in life? How do you deal with setbacks?

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