Posts tagged: comments

Friday Question #93

By , December 18, 2009 5:35 am

How do you find new blogs to read and what makes you subscribe to a blog? Or is your feed reader maxed out with “no vacancies”?

I love having a lot of blogs to read. I spend 2.5+ hours on the train on weekdays and it keeps me entertained.

And I feel like I have been finding a lot of great ones lately! My method on finding new blogs is by reading the comments on the other blogs I subscribe to (when I have time or the topic is really something I want to see what people are saying about)… if someone is saying something I can relate to, I go check out their blog. And often, when I am there, I may find links to other blogs I may enjoy. Sometimes, I can’t even remember how I ended up at a blog in the first place!

The first thing I do when I go to a new blog is check out their “About” page. Then I usually check out their writing style and see if the topics they talk about interest me. If they do, I put their blog in a “TBD” folder in my reader to check out for awhile and see if enjoy their blog.

Of course, from time to time, I get new commenters, and I always go check out their blog as well, and often, I end up subscribing.

I go through phases where I am looking for new blogs to read, just for fun, and then I go through phases where I cannot stay caught up with reader, and am not looking at all. And of course, I continually purge – I unsubscribe to those that ended up not suiting my taste. If I didn’t do that, I would get way too overwhelmed. Reading blogs is supposed to be fun, after all!

I have been continually updating my blogroll, and may move it to its own page at some point in time. I’ll keep you posted. (Does anyone else look at blogrolls besides me?)

How do you prefer I respond to your comments? (poll: please respond)

By , December 8, 2009 12:32 pm

My apologies for the double post. I just want to ask a quick question.

For a few years, I responded individually to each and every comment on the comment’s post. I appreciate your comments and want you to know I love your feedback!

But it is very time-consuming, as you all know. And it stressed me out. So I’ve stopped doing that, and reply to many comments via email. Lately, I have also been replying to just a few comments, within the comment, in bold (confused yet?).

My question is what do you prefer? Do you even come back to read comments or do you prefer email? Please let me know in the poll below.

How do you prefer I respond to your comments?

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Side note: I tried to install a plugin to reply to specific comments, but it did not work.

A few updates

By , July 22, 2009 9:57 pm

The site:

My website went down on Sunday because my domain did not get renewed. I am  not sure what the mix-up was, because I normally get a bill for it, and I don’t think I did this year. I contacted my web host right away, who fixed and it said it would take “24-72” hours to come back up. 72 hours later, when it STILL didn’t work, they said they just had to point the domain name to the root folder to fix the issue. Why didn’t they do that in the first place?!?!

Thank you to everyone who asked me about it. I really appreciated your concern and inquiries! It was nice to know my friends wondered where I was… but frustrating that I could not do anything about it!

Update: Thanks to Lindsay and Etta for pointing out the comments were not working. Ugh. This is giving me a headache and making me really frustrated. I had to go back in and turn on comments and pings on EVERY post.

The Missed Blogiversary:

Yesterday was my four year blogging anniversary, and I missed it. Poo poo. Oh well.

The movie:

I am hoping to write a review of Food Inc. soon. I can happily tell you that I did not find it horribly graphic, but that I was disturbed.

The wrist:

I saw the orthopedic specialist on Friday. He pressed his fingers into my wrist, asking “Does this hurt?” until he finally got a “YES!!!!” or two out of me.

He told me that because the pain is more general, it is likely torn ligaments that are trying to heal, and have scar tissue on them that need to be stretched back out. He gave me a new brace to wear (with velcro straps THANK HEAVENS) for another month. He told me to wear it during the day, taking it off a few times to move my wrist back and forth. If I don’t gain full mobility in my wrist in a month, I need to go back to the doctor so he can try to pinpoint the exact ligaments (muscles?) that are still giving me problems.

image:New wristband

As you can see from the photo, I cannot move my right wrist back very far. The doctor measured it, and I could only get it to go back 38 degrees. My wrist doesn’t hurt as much anymore, but I am a bit creeped out by how limited the motion in it is. I keep saying to Steven, “Maybe I could never bend my right wrist back that far…”

image:Limited Wrist Movement

That’s as far back as I can get the right wrist to go, even when I push on it with my other hand.

Oh, and since I am talking about it, I just want to add a little detail to the story of how this all happened. Some people mentioned that this incident reminded them of the motherly warning, “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.” Well, I want to let you know that the FIRST thing my mom said to me when I got to the beach (because she went on the first boat trip over) was, “Kim! I am surprised you didn’t go straight to that slide to try it out! Are you going to?!?!”

Keeps me going

By , May 19, 2009 6:47 am

I get a lot of comments at work like, “your lunch is so healthy,” “your snacks are so healthy,” “you always eat so healthy,” “do you count carbs or calories?”* “what do I need to eat to lose weight?” “when is your next run?” “what do I need to do to start running?”**

I think that people think I am some sort of… health freak? They see me walking around with an apple, or eating my homemade granola bar, or getting fresh veggies out of the fridge for lunch, and think I am super focused on eating healthy ALL THE TIME.

Ha. Ha ha. I WISH! While it is my goal to get closer and closer to eating a healthy, fresh diet most of the time, I am totally not there yet.

I have two secrets to share:

  1. I want to run the Chase Corporate Challenge 3.5 miler in 28 minutes.
  2. I’ve gained 4 pounds in the last 4 weeks.

The second secret pretty much cancels out the first one.*** Because, I can feel the small amount of extra weight and it is slowing me down a bit during my runs. I can feel it shaking in my butt.

AND, it’s NO BIG DEAL! I was stressed out, I was eating emotionally, blah blah blah, what did I expect to happen? Mathematically, I knew my calories in was higher than my calories out, even when running 20+ miles a week. I just chose to ignore it for awhile. Because I am human, and I cannot eat perfectly all the time, no matter how hard I try. And I don’t even WANT to eat perfectly all the time. How boring would that be?

Anyway, it makes me laugh at work when I get SO MANY comments on what I am eating and how healthy it is, because I do not “eat healthy” all of the time and I don’t think of the food I eat during the day as “healthy,” I think of it as the food I want to eat – fruit, veggies, whole wheat crackers, granola bars, cereal, veggie dogs, etc.

The good thing is, when people keep saying that to me, it encourages me. It keeps me going. It reminds me that I do need to be making conscious, healthy choices most of the time. And not just “for show” (which it’s not), but because I want to.

So even though the comments do get annoying from time to time (I mean, come on, can I just prepare my lunch in peace?!), I am going to channel it into good – encouragement.

And I am going to quit all of that mindless gosh darn**** snacking.

*Give me a freakin’ break. I am NOT afraid of carbs.
**My punctuation kind of went to crap in this paragraph.
***So I think I will try to finish in under 30 minutes.
****This is me not swearing.

Another “wah wah I am overwhelmed” work post

By , May 4, 2009 5:56 am

Everyone in my office has a Blackberry. I think it is a great tool, when used correctly. I especially like using the calendar in it, as well as previewing emails before I get into the office. I was really excited when I got mine, back in December.

That was before I really had any use for it.

Now it just serves as a constant reminder of how many “unread” emails I have (I read them and mark them as unread if there is something I need to act on) and how much work I have to do.

Yesterday I looked at my Blackberry and started saying, “shit shit shit.” My mom was there and of course, wanted to know what I was “shit shit shitting” about. Just work stuff mom…

I am in an all day business training every day this week. I need this training to get a certification in my office, so it is really important that I attend. And I am honestly looking forward at being away from my desk all week.

But… that doesn’t mean my regular job is going to do itself while I am out all week! I was “shit shit shitting” about the emails I received this weekend. They were all regarding things that have to be taken care of this morning, which means I had to get up extra early, to make it into the office at 7:00, before my 8:30 training starts, to get these things done… blah blah blah.

I stressed out about all of this for an hour or so yesterday, then told myself – just get done what you can. I am someone who likes to have everything completed and have a clean slate to start the day. That’s just not possible anymore.

Even though I know that though, I still try.

On a related note, I am going to be super busy this week and probably won’t be reading blogs on my lunch break like I normally am. So… the 700+ unread blog entries in my reader is just going to keep growing! I am sorry I’ve been MIA! I’ll get there! You might just be seeing a ton of comments at once from me!

Friday Question #53

By , January 23, 2009 4:53 pm

When you are reading someone else’s blog, do you read ALL of the comments that were left before you got to it? Or do you just skip to the end to leave your comment?

Guilty as charged. I have a hard enough time finding time to read blogs, that I sometimes do skip to the end of the comments if there are a TON of them. If there are only a few, I usually read them. But most of the blogs I read get a lot of comments, so if any comment left by me seems similar to what someone else said, that’s probably why.

It’s a bad habit. And I know I am missing out on a lot of the conversation, by skipping to the end, but I just… keep doing it. Unless it’s a really juicy post. Then I usually read them all. Ha!

Now, please tell me I am not the only one who does this!

No comments?

By , October 10, 2008 10:18 pm

When I went to respond to all of today’s comments, I noticed that all of the posts had comments disabled. Then, I noticed all my settings were messed up. Somehow, comments got turned off. Maybe on all my posts. I found this thread talking about it. Anyone else having this issue? Ugh. What a pain in the butt this is going to be.

Update: the SQL command in the post I linked to worked! It turned ALL of my comments back on. But I just wasted an hour figuring it out.

Fruit Cup

By , August 21, 2008 1:09 pm

We have monthly “birthday celebrations” in my office during the months that the staff has birthdays. The company orders treats and we all sit around in the conference room, chatting for about 30 minutes (or more!) while enjoying the treats. It’s actually a nice break, to just sit and chat with everyone. I think of it as a morale booster.

Sometimes the company orders individual treats, like drinks from Starbucks (bleh), and sometimes they order one big thing, like a coffee cake.

You may recall that I am on a “healthy lifestyle” quest. Whenever they order individual treats, I try to order something healthy or low in calories, like a fruit cup or a diet soda.

Today was the August celebration (duh) and our receptionist/secretary/all-star came up to me and said, “I’m going to order that cinnamon-cake thing from Corner Bakery. Do you want a fruit cup, since you are so being so good [healthy-eating wise]?”

She didn’t say it meanly – she was being nice. She noticed I’ve been watching what I eat, and actually asked me if I wanted an alternate item for the birthday celebration. I thought it was very nice that she provided that option for me, because some people are actually pretty mean when you are eating healthy. They become “food pushers” who want you to eat what they are eating or what they are making. I’m happy no one in my office is like that.

But damn, that cake smelled good when I was sitting there eating my fruit cup!

And a little bit of housekeeping… called “How I Blog.” Continue reading 'Fruit Cup'»

Tres años

By , July 21, 2008 5:32 am

Today is my three-year blogging anniversary! You can’t really tell by looking at the (drop-down) archives in my sidebar, but I have, in fact, been blogging since July 21, 2005 (just not on wordpress). Crazy!

What would a blogging anniversary be if I didn’t talk about blogging?

One of my favorite parts about blogging is the comments (duh). I am amazed at the amount of feedback I get… and always amazed that it is never quite what I expect!

I don’t know about you, but when I write a post, I have an idea in my head of who will respond, how many responses I will get, what people will say… blah blah blah.

I’m never right! And for some reason, it really surprise me, every time.

This is coming off pretty lame, but what I’m trying to say is, that I love the diverse amount of feedback I get, and all the cool bloggers I meet. So thanks for coming by (even if you don’t say anything).

Here’s to another year.

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