Category: Friday Questions

Friday Question 239

By , August 23, 2013 6:23 am

Is there any place you go where time seems to stand still? What is it about that place that makes it that way?

That’s Guttenberg, Iowa, for me. 


I think because I go there with the sole purpose of hanging out with people and lounging around, the days seem extra long. It feels like the days go on and on, and I have all the time in the world.

There is no set schedule, no “I need to be at xyz at 00:00 hour.” The biggest stressor (which isn’t one at all) is trying to get a run in… and it’s super enjoyable because my dad hangs out with me while I run. And I am not trying to be anywhere by a certain time, after. 

There is not much going on in town. Most of the meals are home cooked. We aren’t running around to stores/shops. It’s just so easy to relax. And until recently, cell service was super spotty there! Now it’s more “on the grid,” but I still try to use my phone less there.

For someone like me, who is always filling their schedule, it’s such a relaxing, weird feeling to have all. that. time. 

I love it!

On a side note, like my photo edit? Ha ha. 


Friday Question 238

By , August 16, 2013 10:05 am

Whoa! Is this the return of the Friday Question? Ha ha. Probably not. I usually can’t come up with anything to ask. 

Do you ever feel too lazy to get out of bed to go to the bathroom? Do you ever get the urge to watch a favorite scene from a movie, and watch just that scene?

I felt that way this week about the “Flight of the Bumblebee” scene in Shine. Um, only, we decided just to watch the whole movie. And by watch, I mean I played on my phone during talking scenes and watched during piano scenes. 

There are a few singing/dance movies that I like to watch certain scenes from – like the finale scene in Pitch Perfect.  I had to watch that one more time before we sent the Netflix movie back. 

On a side note, I would really like to learn to play the piano someday! I think I would be good at it. Lessons will probably have to wait awhile though. Right now, I just want to ride my bike!

Friday Question 237

By , June 14, 2013 6:12 am

Who is your go to helper/problem solver/fixer-upper/figure-outer? Or! Is it you?!

Ha. Mine is sooooo Steven. 

“Steven, I can’t connect to the external hard drive! Please show me how to map it again!”*

“Steven, will you help me put air in my bike tires?”

“Steven, I can’t figure out how to open this without breaking it.”

“Steven, my computer is acting funny again.”

“Steven, I broke the kitchen sink. Will you fix it?”

Basically… “Steven, wah wah wah.”

This makes me sound really pathetic, dependent and useless (and anti-feminist)… but I am not. At least, not 100%. Ha! Steven is just a natural problem solver. He loves taking things apart, seeing how they work, and putting them back together. He tries to fix most things himself. So, if he is there… I am going to use his talent. Ha! And if he is not there, I will try to figure it out (maybe I’ll call him once or twice). 

But! I got to be the helper yesterday! And it was really rewarding!

Jen called me last night and I asked if I would come over and help her figure out her new CamelBak (Major Side Note: Ahh! Exciting that I have a friend who lives so close and can just call and be all “Hey! Can you stop over?” and I am all “Hellz yeah!”). Which is funny… since I had issues figuring out my Nathan Vest last year. Steven had to help me (obviously) and Bobbi helped me adjust it on my first run. 


When I was leaving to go to Jen’s house, I said to Steven, “It’s kind of funny that Jen is asking for my help since I suck at figuring things out!” Steven was like, “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.” Ha. 

But! Together we figured it out! So, ha! I am not completely useless. And! I can be calm and work through a problem without giving up… maybe it helped that it wasn’t my problem? Hee hee hee. 

*I remember this now. 

Friday Question #236

By , May 31, 2013 6:46 am

What is the best gag gift you’ve ever given, or received?

What?! You don’t do gag gifts?! Come on, they’re so fun… as long a real gift accompanies them. Ha ha ha. 

The first one that comes to mind is this blow up bear head that we got for my sister’s fiancé, Will, for his birthday. Yeah, there is a story behind it… that is not worth telling*. But! Will hung Brutus (that’s the bear’s name) up in his man cave. Woo hoo! And don’t worry, Will got a real gift, too. 


Ha ha. The second story is worth telling, imho. For the longest time, we kept teasing Gina and Steve that we were going to get a giant stuffed giraffe for their son, Luca. We were only teasing, because their house in Queens was small and there was no room for giant giraffes!**

But when they moved to Texas, it was ON. Muah ha ha. 

Gina sent me this photo a few days before we went to Dallas for Luca’s birthday, letting me know a box addressed to me had arrived at their home. 


I asked Gina if she wondered what was in such a big box. Muah ha ha. 

She said “It says ‘stuffed plush giraffe’ on the side.”

Boo on you, Amazon!**** Good thing Luca can’t read yet. 

I also asked Gina if she thought some choice words when she saw what it was… I know Gina so well… I was very close on what she was thinking when she saw it. Ha. 

Come on. We had to get it for him (along with some real gifts). 


If not just to include Raffie in the group pics we take when we visit!


*Because I am a bad story teller and don’t know where the pic is that explains it.
**I had an entire paragraph here about how I try to ask the parent what would be appropriate to get a kid, because I don’t want the parent to be like “Ugh! More junk to take up space!”*** But the paragraph came out wrong. 
***Except for giraffes, obviously. 
****I told my coworker we got Luca a giraffe. She asked from where, and I told her from Amazon. “Straight from the Amazon? How legit!” was her response (well, something like that). Ha ha. 

Friday Question #235

By , May 24, 2013 8:43 am

What time is too late to be receiving a text or phone call (or maybe it’s different depending on which it is)? What time is too early?


We’ll pick on my mom since she actually has a sense of humor.

Come on, mom! You know I am sick! Why you texting me* so late?!

Just kidding. I’ve had my phone turned on to “do not disturb” while I’ve been sleeping so much the past few days. So I didn’t see this text until close to 11:00. So I responded then… and she was still up and responded later! Late night for both of us!

This text cracked me up, though – since it was so late and… why is my dad working on that project so late in the day? Ha ha ha. 

Typically, I try not to send any texts or call anyone past 10:00 pm or before 7:00 am. I usually send an email instead, if I am up that late (or early), and thinking of talking to someone. And if they have a smart phone and respond back right away… well, I know they are up. 

Sometimes I get really late texts that wake me up when I forget to turn my phone on to “do not disturb.” I usually like to respond to those really early in the morning. Ha ha ha. 

*and a few other people

Friday Question #234 / Myo-Release Ball Giveaway WINNER

By , April 12, 2013 10:04 am

Do you feel like you get less enjoyment out of eating food if it’s broken?


Maybe chocolate is a bad example…

Muah ha ha. That question makes no sense. Let me (try to) explain. 

We were shopping last Saturday and I had a chocolate bar in the cart. Steven was putting things on top of it, and I said to him “Be careful not to smash my chocolate bar! It’s not as much fun to eat if it’s broken.”

He rolled his eyes at me. And told me that most people get over caring about their food being broken after adolescence. So I told him I was going to ask a Friday Question about it and PROVE. HIM. WRONG.

I have to say, that chocolate bar did end up getting broken, and I still got the same enjoyment out of it, because I was going to break it up anyway. Crap! Did I just disprove my whole argument?! No – I do get a bit sad if other things are broken – Luna bars, graham crackers, candy bars… basically, things I want to eat whole. And if a bag of chips has a clear part on the front to see in, I always try to get the bag with the most “whole” chips. 

The winner of the Myo-Release Ball Giveaway is Alyssa! Alyssa, please email me ( your mailing address and I will send the ball your way!

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Friday Question #233

By , April 5, 2013 6:55 am

Given the choice in a restaurant – would you go with a booth or table (or bar!!!) for seating?


Booth! Every time. Even if I am in sweaty workout clothes. Booth booth booth. 

Side note: the waitress last night told me I picked the drink with the highest amount of alcohol in it. GOOD. Is the work week over yet?! 

Friday Question #232

By , March 29, 2013 7:25 am

What safety precautions do you take so you’ll feel safe when you are out (exercising or whatever) by yourself in the dark?

Hey! This is my first ever reader-submitted Friday Question! Do you think I should ask for some reader suggested Friday Questions?

Jess from Three Men and a Mommy just had her second son and is already training for a half marathon – the Chicago Women’s Half Marathon on June 23 – the same one I am running with Anne – woot woot, blogger meetup!

Oops. Got a bit off track there. 

Jess emailed me saying that with a new schedule with two kids, she finds herself running very late or very early, in the dark. And she doesn’t feel 100% safe despite telling her husband her exact route, and when she’ll be back. So! She asked what I do to feel feel safe running in the dark (which I have actually come to strangely prefer). What about you?

What I do to feel safe running in the dark

  • Always run with my cell phone
  • Use a tracking app on my phone so my husband knows where I am at any exact moment. I use Glympse, which Erin recommended to me last year. 
  • Wear a form of ID – I wear a ROAD ID
  • Be as reflective as hell – reflective hat, vest, tights, bracelets


  • Wear a headlamp and other lights
  • Stick with well-lit courses
  • Run by homes – not on trails
  • Run on the sidewalk if possible
  • Don’t wear headphones
  • Run with someone (if possible)!
  • Have ninja skills

Things I don’t do but know other people do to feel safe running in the dark

  • Carry pepper spray
  • Know self defense
  • Run loops that keep you close to home (if it won’t make you crazy)

Friday Question #231

By , March 22, 2013 12:13 pm

Are you a good proofreader (for any media)? What is your proofreading protocol?

So, I like to think I am a good proofreader for this blog. I write posts then usually read through them a few times (and spell check). I even send them to friends to review too!

But sometimes things slip through the cracks. 

Then I get the email. 


Edited to add – I edited this image after I posted! I sometimes mess up the images, too. I did a few weeks ago and no one caught it. 

Sigh. He even edits the comments!!!

Ha ha ha. It makes me happy my dad looks at my blog. But every time I get that email with the subject line “site” I think “DAMMIT!” before I even open it. 

I really liked editing/reviewing things. That is a huge chunk of my job at work, and I think it suits me well. 

And just for fun… do you ever notice mistakes in other people’s posts (grammar, spelling, etc.) and want to tell them but feel like it would be über mean?

Um, yes.

And on that note, feel free to point them out to me. Before my dad gets to them.  Good luck with THAT. 

Thanks to Mica for the post inspiration!

Friday Question #230

By , March 15, 2013 6:39 am

How’s your penmanship? Has anyone ever told you that they can’t read your handwriting?

Ugh. My penmanship is… no bueno. Since I am taking so many notes to study for the ACE personal trainer exam, it just keeps getting worse and worse. 


Sometimes, it’s so bad, that Steven can’t read what I write on the grocery list. I think he’s just being stubborn though. Ha!

You know who has awesome penmanship? My snister, Christina. Her normal handwriting looks nice, and she does really cool fancy print on cards and stuff. 


A sample of Christina’s work

Even her cat has nice penmanship. 


Damn, Data. We need to step up our game!


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45 ‘queries’.