Random Thoughts Thursday 55

By , January 30, 2014 6:23 am
  • Gah! I had DOMS in my quads on Tuesday and Wednesday like I could not believe! I’m not sure if it was from running the snowshoe race or from the added lunges and squats in my Monday night class… but I am happy it’s mostly gone today, so I can get back to working out (oh, and you know, run a half marathon on Sunday). 
  • I dropped off the old greeting cards at work yesterday. I am curious to see how full this box gets. It seemed like people were just putting in holiday cards that were sent to them at work… not going through their boxes of junk at home, like I did, ha ha. 


  • Three friends in a row (including me!) posted pictures of the sunrise on Facebook this morning. I’m usually bored when everyone is posting about the same thing on Facebook (like an Awards show or a sports game) but nature pics? Keep them coming! I feel like there should be a trend name for this onslaught of sunrise pictures, though.  Thanks to Bobbi for giving me the heads up to go check out the sunrise today!


  • Speaking of Bobbi, last week, I posted a request on her Facebook wall and… she totally made me that hat! In one day! I feel so loved! I love my bestie!



  • Several people mentioned on Monday that they’d like to quit biting their nails. I have found that painting mine helps keep me from doing this. But I can’t let the paint chip, because then I pick and bite. So I do my nails about twice a week (polish doesn’t last long on me since I do so much with my hands). What are your tips to quit biting your nails?


I have tons of pictures of my nails, because I almost always send a picture of them to Kelsey, after I paint them.

  • Okay, this is kind of weird. It makes me bonkers when I have gunk on my knee high (fashion, not snow/rain) boots in the winter. But I get such satisfaction from cleaning them off. The same satisfaction I get from wiping up mud spots that my shoes bring on to the tile floor in our kitchen. Yep, weird. 
  • I have such a hard time waiting to post things (as you can tell, with a few doubles this week). Something funny came in the mail yesterday, and I really want to share a picture, but can’t, and it’s killing me! Patience…

Other Random Thoughts Thursday Posts: 5453525150, 49484746, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, XXXVII, XXXVI, XXXV, XXXIV, XXXIII, XXXII, XXXI, XXX, XXIX, XVIII, XXVII, XXVI, XXV, XXIV, XXIII, XXII, XXI, XX, XIX, XVIII, XVII, XVI, XV, XIV, XIII, XII, XI, X, IX, VIII, VII, VI, V, IV, III, II, I.

17 Responses to “Random Thoughts Thursday 55”

  1. I’m a big fan of nature pics, too. 🙂 My tip for not biting nails is to keep a pair of nail clippers and a nail file in my purse…I pretty much only bite mine when they’re rough or get a tear, so I want to be able to take care of any tears ASAP. Have a great Thursday!

    • kilax says:

      That is a great tip! Not having clippers makes me tear the nail off with my teeth when one breaks! Have a great day, too! 🙂

  2. Heather says:

    That sunrise is GORGEOUS! 😮

    And zomg grumpy cat hat…that is so perfect for you!

    I love that nail polish colour! I don’t bite my nails but I do pick. The only thing that stops me is getting those no-chip manicures, but those really aren’t good for your nails either. My husband does bite and I swat his hand when he does – surprisingly, it doesn’t stop him! 😛 (That makes it sound like I hit him haha. I am not an abuser! It’s more like drawing his attention to what he’s doing, since it’s usually subconscious.)

  3. Rachel says:

    I’m sure the snowshoe race had something to do with your DOMS! I bet your muscles were already pretty fatigued from the race and then you beat them up even more in class!

    GRUMP GRUMP GRUMP! I want a hat like that. Love it. So much. Bobbi is so freaking talented! You lucky duck.

  4. I love that hat!

    Which half are you running? Good luck!

  5. Erin says:

    Pretty sure not everyone has a box of old cards like you do 🙂

    I’ve tried painting my nails to keep from biting them or gnawing on my cuticles but then I just get annoyed at the time it takes to paint my nails. Especially because no matter what they take forever to dry. And then I’m basically out of commission for at least 30 to 45 minutes.

  6. Marcia says:

    Bobbi has mad grumpy cat knitting skillz! Yah what is with the old cards? You were saving and now not??
    I used to bite my nails badly as a kid but stopped when I got into nail polish. I do pick at them when they chip though.

    • kilax says:

      I have a few boxes I keep of sentimental things. I noticed at work they were taking donations for card fronts for St. Judes, so the kids can make new cards. I went through my old ones to see which ones I could toss. I ended up saving a lot, because of the messages inside. 🙂

      It’s so fun to pick! AHHH!

  7. kelsey says:

    I would die without those pics. I really like this orange color!

    I prefer the pics of it all chipped up a day later though!

  8. Michelle says:

    I saw a glimpse of this beautiful sunrise this morning at work! So pretty!!!
    LOVE the hat, LOL!
    Oh, and try X-treme wear polish. Its lasts a bit longer than most!

    • kilax says:

      Ooo, thanks for the tip! Who makes that? I am somewhat loyal to OPI… but I could MAYBE (lol) try something new 🙂

      • Michelle says:

        It’s by Sally Hansen!! And I get it at Target-they make the BEST colors…my toes are currently orange. Best part is, it really stays well on your toe nails, even as a runner! ANNND it’s cheap!

  9. Michel says:

    My sunrise through the garages was not that pretty!!

    LOVE the hat!! So cool!

  10. Losing Lindy says:

    I lOVE the hat! I want one too!

  11. Irina says:

    Glad to know I’m not the only adult out there who still has the horrible habit of nail-biting 🙂 I found that manicures really are the only way to drop the habit, but I always end up chipping + biting too. At this point I’ve totally given up on ever 100% dropping the habit…we’re stuck for life!

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