Search: Christina and Will wedding

Christina’s bridal weekend

By , April 15, 2014 4:33 pm

Saturday was my snister’s big day!


Christina and her bridesmaids (L to R: Kelsey, Amber, Kim, Christina, Jacquie, Ashleigh)

Okay, not the big BIG day, but a big LITTLE day – her bridal shower and (first*) bachelorette party!

I didn’t think about it until Monday, but this was actually the first bachelorette party I’ve ever been to! Is that crazy… or not?! Either way, it was so much fun! But let’s start at the beginning!

We held the bridal shower and the bachelorette party on the same day to make it easier for people who had to travel (ha ha… that would be me!). The party was in a city hall close to our hometown. I planned the party with my mom, and came to learn how much I love to delegate tasks. Ha ha! I asked my mom to do the decorations (because I am so NOT crafty) and she did a spectacular job!


Mom also brought game prizes and put together some goodie bags. 


Well, geesh, did I do anything?! Ha ha. Yes. I brought cookies from Maria’s Oven to help fill the goodie bags:


And organized all the food and games with help from the bridesmaids and my grandmas, and hosted the party!

Confession: I don’t enjoy cheesy shower games, so I tried to come up with some that were the least painful… for the attendees anyway (not for Christina, muah ha ha)! I was really pleased with how they turned out! We did a game each between eating (appetizers and main course) and presents/cake and I thought that went well. The games were:

1. Sharing a favorite memory with the bride – I had everyone write a favorite memory with Christina, without their name on it. Then when I had them all, I passed them out and people had to figure out whose memory they got, then read it and introduce that person and memory to the group. I know, it sounds painful, but it was a fun way to get everyone to know one another. I thought it was fun. 
2. Draw the bride a dream wedding dress (Mom’s idea) – Wow. This turned out to be so much fun. I didn’t realize I was sitting with a bunch of artists! Everyone came up with amazing designs for Christina!


3. The (almost) Newlywed Game – I sent Christina’s fiancé, Will, a list of fifteen questions and he answered them via video! So we’d ask Christina the question, then watch the video to see what Will’s response was. Some of the questions were: “What is Wills favorite movie?” “What is Will’s most annoying habit?” “What is Will’s favorite thing about Christina?” For every question Christina got wrong, we made her chew another piece of gum. Muah ha ha! She did really well and it was so fun to watch!



4. How Well Do You Know the Bride Quiz (from Christina) – Christina had these tear-out sheets with a fun questionnaire about her and Will. I learned that she thinks her first kiss was to a guy named Robert. Ha ha. And that she doesn’t have a favorite perfume or band!

After the party we cleaned up, packed up, and headed to Des Moines for a painting at Pinot’s Palette and hotel slumber party! I have to give a shout out to Erin at Pinot’s Palette. She was helpful and responded quickly to emails. She made setting up the painting party easy and stress-free! And I thought it was super cool that Christina got to choose which painting we would all do from a huge list. She chose (via bridesmaid vote) “Tree of Life.”


None of painting party attendees had ever done one of these BYOB(&food) painting classes before! So it was fun for me to see everyone be excited about it, and especially to see how their paintings all turned out!




I had made a previous deal with my mom that we would trade paintings at the end of the night since I am a horrible artist and she is not. So we made jokes with each other (as we had back-to-back easels) during class about “Oh man, you should see how your painting looks now!” Hee hee. But! I ended up liking mine and keeping it!


Someone said my yellow spots looked like hashtags which got my mom to ask what a hashtag was. Apparently, Mom was at a work meeting where hashtags were referenced and everyone laughed and she missed the joke! Now she is in the know. 

After the painting party we went to our hotel. I found a hotel suite with two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a full kitchen and living room! It was perfecto!


And I was super excited we ended up getting the hotel hot tub all to ourselves. I had been looking forward to soaking in it for weeks!


The hot tub closed at midnight but we stayed up much later than that, just chatting and goofing around (we now have a Śmigus-Dyngus inside joke… who would’ve thunk it?!). It was so fun to get to know Christina’s bridesmaids and friends! It really made me even more excited for her wedding on June 14th! But man, I just hope that day does not go by as fast as the parties did (what am I talking about? of course it will!).

We actually hung out a bit the day after the party too – bummed around the hotel in the morning, then hit up a few shops before having lunch together and splitting our separate ways. The next time I see Christina will probably be at her wedding. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Exciting!

*She is having another with her local friends in May. 

Random Thoughts Thursday 44

By , June 27, 2013 6:23 am
  • Whompitty whomp! I had a trail 5K scheduled in another state this weekend and it was moved out 4 weeks due to flooding at the race site! Maybe I can still make it work. It’s funny though – I signed up because I was going to be in town. Ha ha.  Now I am trying to convince my dad to train and run it with me. Four weeks is TOTALLY enough time. Trail 5ks are a cinch… muah ha ha. Have you ever signed up for a race and had it rescheduled?
  • I met Heather for lunch on Friday. FINALLY! We live so close! What took so long? Hee hee. I was telling Heather about Fake Meats and realized… I don’t talk about it enough on here… since she didn’t even know about it! So I added a Fake Meats ad on the sidebar. Yep, the day after writing about using bloggers for marketing, I am doing it myself. But, hey – it’s OUR business!!! Buy Fake Meats, yo. 


Heather and Kim

  • I am super surprised I made it to 100 miles run for the month, since I totally crapped out last month! Hee hee. I think having two halves on the schedule helped with that! Now… what is going to keep me going through July?! Chirp, chirp… 
  • Did you see this article (pdf here) on the NY Times Well blog about how your pronation style doesn’t really affect your running? Super interesting. What is your pronation style? I severely supinate. Or, as the article calls it, severely underpronate. Or as the ACE manual sometimes calls it, inversion. 


  • I’ve mentioned before that I feel like I never know what to say when people ask “What’s new?” But! I recently came up with something! I could talk about my sister’s upcoming 6/14/14 wedding! You guys aren’t getting sick of hearing about that, right? Good, because our latest racerback tan line talk cracked me up. Christina found a bridesmaid dress she likes, and I claimed that it would cover my crazy tan, and here is her response:


  • This thought deserves a post of its own, but I have been thinking about the different personalities I have depending on who I am around. I mean, they are all mostly some version of goofy Kim, but I was thinking about this because Anne and I are SUPER sarcastic with one another.  And I am not really like that with anyone else, except maybe my brother-in-law. 


Random Thoughts Thursday XXXIV

By , February 28, 2013 6:50 am
  • I’m proud of myself. In the past week I have met two unaccomplished 2012 running goals – a 5K PR and a 200 mile month (a new monthly distance record for me!). Do you keep going for a goal you set even if you don’t meet the “deadline”? I wasn’t expecting to meet these goals so it was a nice surprise!


  • I am an awesome snister. NOT. My snister is having her FIRST wedding dress search this Saturday in Kansas City, and I have to miss it (flights were too $$$). My mom and two grandmas are going to be there and everything! Don’t worry, Christina! I will be there for the important stuff – cake testing!


Hey, that kind of rhymed!

  • Do you think running outside helps build your sense of cardinal direction? I sure think it does! I like to go on a lot of “exploratory” runs, so I make a point of paying attention to which direction I am going, so I know where I am (Okay, I also pay attention so I know when the wind will be at my back. If ever!).  I’ve noticed it just comes naturally now, to note this when I am running, or whenever I am outside.
  • Thanks for your sincere and thoughtful comments on my post yesterday. I am very hesitant to talk (or read) about weight loss. Your comments reassured me it’s okay to, from time to time. And it felt better to know some people could relate. And just writing about it made it better! I was warm enough last night and slept until my alarm went off!


That movie meme everyone is doing and now I am too

By , March 18, 2008 5:52 am

Alright, everyone’s doing it, and it seems to be fun. So here goes:

* Pick 15 of your favorite movies
* Go to IMDB and find a quote from each movie
* Post them on your blog for everyone to guess
* Fill in the film title once it’s been guessed

These are your rules:
* No Googling or using IMDB search functions (Don’t cheat!)
* Leave your answer(s) in the comments

  1. “Wow, he just made the international sign of the doughnut.”
    (Mars Attacks! – guessed by Dave2)
  2. “My theory on Feds is that they’re like mushrooms, feed ’em shit and keep ’em in the dark.”
    (The Departed – guessed by Quinn)
  3. “But I’d like the pie heated and I don’t want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side, and I’d like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it, if not then no ice cream just whipped cream but only if it’s real; if it’s out of the can then nothing.”
    “Not even the pie? ”
    “No, I want the pie, but then not heated.”
    (When Harry Met Sally – guessed by kapgar)
  4. “I love you. ”
    “I know.”
    (The Empire Strikes Back – guessed by kapgar AND Return of the Jedi. Originally, I wasn’t going to give it to kapgar, because I was being tricky and using Return of the Jedi and I was still upset at myself for missing HIS Empire quote on his site. But then I got over it.)
  5. “Jesus, this is a nice limo. ”
    “Yes, it is. Now suck my cock.”
    (Team America World Police – guessed by E)
  6. “We need a witness to our lives. There’s a billion people on the planet… I mean, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you’re promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things… all of it, all of the time, every day. You’re saying ‘Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed because I will be your witness’.”
    (Shall We Dance? – guessed by Gina (Mannyed))
  7. “If you ever loved me, don’t rob me of my hate. It’s all I have.”
    (The Count of Monte Cristo – guessed by Hilly)
  8. “Jeez, why do I always have to be the one to tell the kids there is no Santa Claus?”
    (The Island – guessed by SJ)
  9. “What do you mean he don’t eat no meat? ”
    “Oh, that’s okay. I make lamb.”
    (My Big Fat Greek Wedding – guessed by Odie)
  10. “Blew it. Didn’t I? Why didn’t I concur?”
    (Catch Me If You Can – guessed by suze)
  11. “Would ya just watch the hair. Ya know, I work on my hair a long time and you hit it. He hits my hair.”
    (Saturday Night Fever – guessed by diane)
  12. “The only thing that you and I have in common, Mr. Creedy, is we’re both about to die.”
    (V for Vendetta – guessed by Megan)
  13. “I’d like to make an offer on the house. This is what I can pay, minus the work on the place, and a rental car to drive off a cliff when this all turns out to have been a terrible mistake.”
    (Under the Tuscan Sun – guessed by sizzle)
  14. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an after-funeral party to attend.”
    (Zoolander – guessed by SJ)
  15. “This is my family. I found it, all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good.”
    (Lilo & Stitch – guessed by Christina)

I apologize if I used any quotes that have already been used – there have just been so many!

Things I’m excited about in October!

By , September 29, 2018 8:15 am

How is Monday October 1?!

Our October is going to be nutso, but in a good way. I’m excited for all our fun plans! Here’s what I’m looking forward to (in mostly chronological order):

  • Putting all my fall decorations out
  • Hanging up Data’s custom water color portrait
  • Gina and family visiting (and doing fall and running activities!)
  • Seeing A Star is Born
  • The crazy hobby-horse half marathon (no, I haven’t practiced running with one!)
  • Seeing my family at a wedding
  • Anne and Terry visiting (and maybe going to the Dungeon of Doom?! AHH!!!)
  • Christina and family visiting (and doing Halloween/fall activities and house projects!)
  • Comfortable running temps
  • Playing with the kittens and (most of) our guests meeting them for the first time!

What’s on YOUR list?!


By , June 14, 2016 1:56 pm

I hit 1000 (well, 1003) miles run for the year, today!


Um, apparently, on the EXACT same day as last year. That was NOT planned. Ha.


I don’t have a goal for total miles run for the year, so consistency is fine with me!

What else happens on June 14th? My snister’s wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary, snis! Pretty soon we’ll have another June anniversary in the family… my older brother’s wedding is coming up!

Alyssa’s Bridal Shower

By , May 31, 2016 5:39 am

We were in Iowa this weekend for my future sister-in-law Alyssa’s bridal shower!


Alyssa by the “DIY cupcakes” station

I have Alyssa to thank for our upcoming trip to Alaska! She is from there, and she and my older brother decided to have the wedding near her hometown. I was really hoping that is where they would have it! I am so looking forward to visiting Alaska, and meeting more of Alyssa’s family!


Alyssa moved to Iowa two years ago to live with my brother, and she immediately fit in with our family. We love having her here with us!

My sister and mom did all of the decorations, food, and prizes for the party and I was in charge of games. You probably remember me asking you guys for suggestions?

I wanted to make the games as least painful as possible (no wrapping the bride in toilet paper, ha ha), so they were mostly written – a “how well do you know the bride” quiz,


a favorite memory with the bride, and a memory game. We had Alyssa walk around in this apron with kitchen stuff pinned to it, then had her leave the room and asked the guests questions about it. Only, the questions didn’t focus too much on the apron (“what color is Alyssa’s dress?,” “are her nails painted?”). Ha ha.


We had a good time! We spent a lot of time talking about the wedding and all of our travel plans there and I am stoked to spend more time with everyone in Alaska!


Party guests


My snister and our nephew James


Sisters – Amber, Christina, me and Alyssa

After the party, my mom, snister, Alyssa and I drove by a house that my brother and Alyssa put an offer in on. It’s outside off town, on a dead end road, on several acres! I totally get the appeal of that! I hope it all works out!

There was a bit of goofing around when we got back to clean up the party space. Christina and I were operating on little sleep, and Alyssa and I were operating on spiked punch, so, fun times! Ha ha!

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Then we hung at my dad’s mom’s house, which is our usual get-together spot!


It was great to spend time together before our next gathering – in Alaska. EEEEEEEK!


Summer Enders, Fall Beginners!

By , September 21, 2015 6:23 am

Tomorrow is the last day of summer! Hurrah!

It seems like everyone has a different date that feels like the last day of summer for them – when school starts up, the last day of August, Labor Day, etc (is it the actual start of autumn for anyone?!). For me, it’s whenever my last trip to the Mississippi River in Guttenberg, Iowa is. I go there for fun in the sun (and on the sand and in the water) and when I feel like that is no longer an option because the weather will be too cool, I am ready for summer to be over*.

This year, it was Labor Day weekend, again. And it felt odd that Labor Day was so late in the month this year (September 7), but we had really great hot beach weather!

And… we had the same “summer enders” as last year! Yay!


I can’t put in to words how happy the relationship we and our families have with Gina, Steve, and Luca makes me feel. We clicked immediately with Gina and Steve when we first met them (in person**) in August of 2010. We enjoyed our time together so much that we started seeing each other a few times a year – traveling to their place in New York City, or them coming to ours in Chicagoland. We met a lot of their family in NYC. They met my sister and her husband, and Steven’s brother, on trips we took to NYC. They met my mom by chance in the Dallas airport. They met a lot of my family at Christina’s wedding. And more when they came to the river last year. We hung out with their family for the Dallas Marathon. We’ve met a lot of each other’s friends. And the KC trip was so much fun last year, we did it again this year, with our families. And that brings us up to this year’s river trip!

And now… you have a condensed history of our time together, ha ha.

I feel so much joy seeing them fit in seamlessly, with my family, and us, with theirs. I love that we all WANT to spend time with each other, and make sure it happens. And I am blown away that Gina and Steve and Luca drive all the way from Texas to Iowa (900 miles one way!) to hang out with all of us at the river!

Hee, hee, so, the KC trip itinerary was so successful in June, that we made another one for this trip, including activities and meals. We had several beach visits, another golf cart parade, a funicular visit, a half marathon, and lots of goofing around.

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Continue reading 'Summer Enders, Fall Beginners!'»

RAGBRAI Day 5 2015 – Ride Report

By , July 29, 2015 5:07 am

My dad never intended to ride RAGBRAI with me in 2014. I actually signed up to ride it with my snister’s husband, Will, but after we signed up, he found out he was going to be in a wedding that same day. We contemplated him trying to make both work for awhile (ha ha) then finally succumbed to reality – that no make sense. Luckily though, you can transfer your registration, so Dad took Will’s spot (and then Dad was hooked on RAGBRAI, HOOKED!!! <— slight sarcasm).

So this year, Will was really hoping he could ride, and was just as excited as me to see the course went through Cedar Falls (the town he went to college in, and where he and my sister lived for awhile). He decided to do Day 5, from Cedar Falls to Hiawatha. Later, when his sister, Julie, found out he was riding a day of RAGBRAI, she decided to sign up too. Schweet! The more, the merrier! (Plus, Will’s siblings are a lot of fun and I was looking forward to spending more time with Julie!)

We started at my dad’s mom’s house in Cedar Falls just before 8:00 am and cycled a few miles and joined up with the rest of the riders. It was 60°F with no cloud coverage when we started.


It seems like the starting points of the ride tend to be somewhat crowded, which is fine, because everyone communicates about what they are doing. I gave Will and Julie a little bit of a heads up about the different ways that riders signal what they are doing, and the warnings they give one another, but I mostly knew they’d figure it out from hearing/seeing it!


Rider signaling to her left that she is going to move to that spot


Dad and I noticed though, that Thursday’s ride seemed to be much more crowded, in general, than Wednesday’s. Not in a bad way, just many more riders out. Or maybe, we started at the same time as more people? Either way, there was always someone else on the road, near us!

We had seven pass-through towns on Thursday.


Image from here

I was excited to go through the first one, Hudson, because my uncle owns a bar there, and I thought maybe we’d see him! My dad actually saw my aunt there, and went over to say hi. Which apparently, I got a photo of, ha ha:


Many of the pass-through towns seem to have themes. On Wednesday, one town’s theme was about beavers, because they are along beaver highway (or something) and along a river with beaver in the name. Hence the beaver picture from Wednesday.

Hudson had a pirate theme – pirates are their high school’s logo. Right away when we got in to town, there was a place you could make a $1 donation and get a temporary pirate tattoo. Why not, right?

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You can’t quite make it out in the photo, but it says in small print on the sign that the money is for the AMVETS. It was nice to be supporting a local group. You hear a lot about the money that RAGBRAI brings to these small towns, but even riding on the Wednesday, I could see signs for vendors that I saw last year (and since it’s new towns each year, you wouldn’t think there’d be repeat vendors). And on Thursday, we saw many of the same vendors that we did on Wednesday. Obviously, people want to come in and make money off of this event. And it’s nice to have lots of options in these towns (for example, a group called “Carbo Hut” is usually in the midway pass-through town and is the only vendor I’ve seen with fake meats options – I got something from them both days), but… I hope these bigger companies that come in for the event don’t completely overshadow the local ones.


Hudson selfie

So, before the ride, I didn’t pay attention to the distance between stops. When we were leaving Hudson though, I heard someone say it was 20 miles to the next stop. Um… what?! I confirmed this with someone who was riding with the course map visible on his bike – “Yep! 19.9 miles!” Eek, that was a bit long for me. Even with stops in between, ha ha.

On Wednesday, I passed by a free post card booth too quickly to stop and send one. When I saw signs for it the next day, after the Hudson stop, I pulled over to send a postcard to Luca. And he actually already received it!



The postcard station was also next to a water and banana station. It’s so great that people set these stops up to support the riders!

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And actually, all the pass-through towns have water stations set up so you can get free water (usually by the fire station). You can also buy bottled, too. I did a mix of both.


The cell network was overloaded and I could no longer receive or send texts. Which was a bummer because I had enjoyed sending updates to a few people (especially Steven, since he couldn’t come) the day before as dad and I rode. I was luckily able to see an old message that Christina and Mom were near LaPorte City, so I called her to let her know we’d be there awhile.

Yay, they found us!

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By the time we got to LaPorte City, it was near midday and I was SUPER hungry. I was still eating and drinking on the ride, but man, was my body oh so confused when I was in Iowa last week – the entire five days. I’d have moments each day where I felt like I was starving. So odd. (Or not really – my schedule was all off and I was burning a ton of calories.)

I got a sandwich called a buca – which was a hollowed out end of a long bread bun stuffed with whatever you wanted – I got peanut butter and a banana. Not truly what I was craving, but I needed the calories! And I liked how easy it was to hold.


Dad and Will got breakfast pizza and Julie got a sandwich, fruit and cookies (a package lunch from a local church).

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This is how we’d stack our bikes when we stopped – Dad had a kickstand, which he’d put down, then we’d lean all our bikes on his. Thanks, Dad!

We hung out with Mom and Christina for a bit then faced the reality that we better get back on our bikes!

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We decided we’d see them again in Vinton – two stops away. And this is where I have to consult the GoPro pics to see what we did between LaPorte City and Vinton (beyond stop in Mt Auburn). I kind of forgot how people assume you are making a video when you wear a GoPro. Someone rode by me and said “Hi! Am I in your video?!” and waved. Ha. Nah, you aren’t. And it didn’t get a photo of you either.

I had it set to take a photo every minute. Which is A LOT of photos to go through, but I may set it for every 30 seconds next time. There are a few things I am wishing it would have taken photos of, like the time a plane flew really low over all the cyclists, or the funny fake crocodile and bike that someone put in a marshy area we passed.

Anyway, what did the GoPro say I did? Got my pickle!

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And rode a bit with everyone:

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We’d tend to ride in pairs throughout the day, me usually with Dad, and Will and Julie together, but sometimes, we’d end up switching it around. And we’d almost always get separated a bit, and simply pull off for awhile to wait for the rest of the crew.

Dad and I were both feeling a bit meh going in to Mt Auburn. I started to take my feet out of my shoes and ride with my feet (my left, more than my right) on top of my shoes, which actually really helped. And I’d put my hands on the top of the handlebar, closest to me, rather than further away, which helped with shoulder soreness.

But I have to say, I was really looking forward to getting to Vinton and having a bit longer of a stop!


Right away we stacked our bikes and split up to look for food. I got in line at the Carbo Hut for a bowl of rice, veggies and tofu. Christina found me waiting in line and gave me a Vitamin Water XXX! AHH! That was EXACTLY what I was craving! Love my snis.

I had just eaten that PB&B buca and pickle, but again, my stomach was asking me for real food. The dish was too hot (temperature not spiciness level), but hit the spot!

We hung out in the shade a bit, and watched people go over by our stack of bikes, to admire Will’s. Hee hee, he does have a really schweet bike!


A friend of Mom’s lives in Vinton and very kindly offered for us to come over and sit in her AC and use a real toilet, but I knew if I did that, I would never want to leave! We tried not to stand around too much (although I must have waited 15 minutes in the hot sun to get my food), but I bet we were there for 30-45 minutes.


After Vinton we had two more pass-through towns. I was starting to rally back and feel really energetic and chatty. But I definitely did say, in Shellsburg, that I would rather ride my bike through than get off and walk! Luckily, we were able to do just that, in Palo, our last pass-through town!

And after that, we were on our way to Hiawatha, which I had never been to before. I kind of enjoyed the ride more on Wednesday, and last year, knowing the town I was going to – that made it exciting, to watch out for when I would see familiar streets. But it was definitely still fun to FINALLY BE DONE! Even thought I felt really good at the end, I was spent!

But we still had to find Mom and Christina. And figure out where the thing actually ended. Ha ha, after we passed under the “Welcome to Hiawatha” banner, we still rode a mile or two to get to all the finish booths (where I wanted to buy an official RAGBRAI pin). And somehow we lost Dad. Oops. But we found him!



We called Mom and Christina to ask them to please try to get a little closer to the finish to pick us up. We finished with over 70 miles ridden (76 miles in 6:25, much longer elapsed time but don’t have the data) and riding a few more to get to the car seemed ludicrous. Ha ha!

It was 80°F when we finished around 4:00 pm and like I said, I was spent! We all rode back in my dad’s truck, and I was half out of it/half goofy.

When we got back to Cedar Falls, we made sure to take photos of our ombre tan lines:


And to compare skin shades, ha ha:


We all decided we had fun and would like to do it again, but that we were definitely worn out. It was a lot hotter on Thursday, than Wednesday. Most headwind on the bike was actually appreciated, to keep us cooler.


I did tell Dad I think we should do the final day again next year! He said he’ll train more this time. To prepare for this, I rode my bike every week this year (sometimes twice) to get my butt used to sitting on the seat. What got to me during the ride was my left toes going numb and my shoulders getting tight. Maybe I should try some aero bars? Hmm… we shall see!

A few random comments:

  • I was so frustrated when my watch died a few miles from the finish. And when my phone wouldn’t work. And I felt stupid for letting technology frustrate me. Sigh. I am not out there to be connected to people I am not with… but it does help when my phone works (I couldn’t even make calls, at points).
  • We didn’t see anyone wearing a pie on their helmet like last year! Nor, did any of us stop for pie.
  • We saw a jersey similar to the one we wore last year.
  • We saw a few interesting bike set-ups – one guy on a unicycle Wednesday, many recumbents and tandems. And we saw quite a few kids cycling as well, some on tandems and some on their own bikes!

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  • Christina and I liked this photo because Will’s shadow looks like a turtle and Julie’s looks like a squirrel. Ha ha.


  • I actually burned my lip so bad that I woke up Friday am with painful Kylie Jenner lips. They finally stopped being sensitive yesterday. Ouch!

You know it was a good trip when…

By , June 15, 2015 6:23 am

… numerous inside jokes are created


I don’t have a snake burrito photo, so this will have to do. Telestrations is SUCH a fun game. Get it. Play it. Laugh hard. 

… you survive the elevator drop


running is involved




… plenty of delicious food and drinks are consumed


Blue Koi!



Cookout at Christina and Will’s place!


… there’s a train ride involved



… and numerous drum solos!


… you stay up way past your bedtime and don’t care


… you get to see big cats!



… and little cats!


… and a mama deer and her baby


… the home team wins


… you get to catch up with hometown friends


… you get complimented on your new suit at the pool (no pic, unfortunately)

… there’s a best beard contest




The post gathering survey has Luca in the lead… but four people still need to vote!

… you laugh so hard you cry


… you cry because you have to leave (Gina sent me the cutest photo of poor Luca crying in his car seat when they left to drive back to Texas)

… you get to spend time with your favorite people that you don’t see that often!

150607groupatRoyals 150608groupatTom

… everyone follows the itinerary, heh

… it takes you almost a week to write a post about the trip because you are in post-trip recovery

After Christina and Will’s wedding last year (yesterday was their anniversary, awww!), Steven and I stayed in Kansas City for a few days to hang out with Gina and her family, Steven’s dad and brother, and my parents. We had such a great time, we all decided to get together in June this year as well, but this time, with Christina and Will there!

In order to maximize our time together, Christina, Gina and I made an itinerary for the trip and I distributed it to everyone (my mom even printed it out and had a copy in her purse, ha ha!). I know, I know, that sounds crazy, but we had a few set things on our schedule that made it so we could only do other things we wanted to do on certain days and times… and have you ever organized meals for 11 people on the fly? Yeah, we wanted to avoid that. Saturday was our busiest day, Sunday was less busy, and Monday and Tuesday were even less so. I think it worked out really well, and the post-gathering survey respondents (so far, anyway) have agreed. Muah ha ha.

Next time though, the itinerary needs to have MORE days together! Friday evening, all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and Tuesday through lunch just didn’t feel like enough time. Since we don’t see Gina and family that often, our time together feels so intense! In a good way, of course. I lose sense of time, completely forget about work and life back in Illinois, and feel completely relaxed and in the moment. But the recovery from that is SO hard. You miss your people. You wish you could see them more often. And that’s why it’s important to have your next trip planned. And to text a lot. And FaceTime. Ha.

Panorama Theme by Themocracy

45 ‘queries’.